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Everything posted by mommo26

  1. mommo26

    WARNING: Do not kneel near Zombies.

    This one punch death happened to me also. I was fully geared (also full healt/blood) except headwear. I was running with the axe(when got punched by one zombie) so my head was in a lower position. maybe that was the problem.....
  2. mommo26

    Long Range Scope

    Im at 70hours and seen only 2 Lrs. One was badly damaged, other was pristine. In the Hangars and in the barracks. Also the quality of spawns are ridiculous, most of the time(80%) its all worthless stuff, but yesterday at Nwaf I've found 2supressors(m4), an Acog, an m68 optics, an Irv1(or smthing), a compensator, bipod.....all of them pristine....