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About 806dan

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    On the Coast
  1. 806dan

    character stuck

    Hi, I'm playing on experimental servers and I got my char stuck in some rocks in the lake near the new town west of Svetlojarsk. I tried everything to get out but I can't. I cant look left/right I can't vault, I can't make any steps. I can't suicide I just sit there.. unable to do anything... do anyone knows some tricks or something that might help?
  2. So, I'm gonna quit playing / testing this game... that I both .. it seems that the dev team thinks that is more important to put a profanity filter that a proper anti hack system. just one minute ago I was killed by a teleporting hacker on top of a building.. I saw him once.. I tough It was just my imagination... and 4 seconds later.. bam.. dead.. I instantly start cursing that piece of shit and... I got kicked out for the server...because of my language... oh yea... fucking great! this is the last game that I'll buy/support before lunching day. Good luck to you all.. hope you wont get killed like me, almost each time by a hacker. see you all back in 6 months when MAYBE this game will be better, now I see that the dev team is taking a nap ...
  3. And again I have to post on this section, I think I have hackers magnet or something. Last night, I had some gear on me.. worked on it for a day and I was on Berezino, I just saw two guys on a big building, they didn't. I was like.. oh some action, I hid in a burned house, usually no one check them as they have no loot and waited for the guys to come out. I saw one of them at a window and before I can zoom in to take a shot.. boom he is dead, confused, I waited 5 sec. and them.. boom.. I'm also dead.. by a fireaxe I heard the hits and like.. 10 hits per second. OK quit that full server and joined another one also full. I got a spawn in Electro. There lucky me I've found a dead guy (probably killed by a hacker as his body wasn't hid) I took the gun and get on a 2 lvl building and I was looking in 3rd person view outside the window, and OMG.. beside the funny pvp action in that town.. in less than 15 minutes, I saw at least 3 new spawns running like jets on the streets. It was no desync or anything like that, in 2 sec they entered the town and exit on the other side. Maybe the development can figure out some way so that the players can report a hacker by his steam id, as the name can be easily changed it the game.
  4. 806dan

    Patch 42.116181

    Do any of you remember the good old days when playing GTA SA? Driving on a free highway, you take a quick look back and bang.. you hit a car in front of you that randomly spawned there when you didn't look?? Eh now I see the same thing in DayZ with the zombies, go in a middle of a field and try to logout.. you can't.. after you kill all the zombies running for you,, you will see another one.. running for you.. after that one.. another, you take a 360 look, nothing.. wait 5 seconds.. you hear one next to you... seems like they randomly spawn near you .. with no logic at all. I like the idea of respawn but it should be more zombies at the time, like 15+ and a respawn cooldown of 15 minutes.
  5. That makes me happy indeed. hopefully this will happen soon.
  6. I totally understand that is in alpha and I do know what that means, and I do know that this will be fixed, as it is an alpha and the community helps the development team, I think I din't do anything wrong posting about hacks, I'm not one of those that request content features etc... I've posted about the fact that I get to meet more and more hackers and this is an issue, right? why do you all get so jumpy and " oh... it's an alpha, why did you both the game?" As I said before I don't mind any kind of other issue in the game, at this point is normal to have issues even with hacking, but the problem I've told you about is that the number of hackers is increasing and it seems to be very easy to hack the game at this point. Very appreciated! Many thanks for the info. and keep up the good work! . love the game!
  7. I know, and yes you are 100% right, the thing is that in those games if you get killed by a stupid hacker you have nothing to lose, but here...... here you lose everything... you can lose hours of gameplay in a second and because of this type of gameplay hacking is a big issue. And it's ok with me if BE will ban the idiots in waves, if I think about it, I think is even better, let the idiots try their hacks and then ban all of them, it would have been nice if the steam account was blocked also ... oh.. that would be wonderful.
  8. Sure there are other posts, I've searched some of them, and they all where like" I think I was hacked" people arguing about desync. I just had to say this, as I gave my money and time to support the development for this game, everyone's opinion should count, does it matters if I say my opinion in general discussion? I'm not spamming in bug report or anything like that. Hacking is a big issue and it should be a top priority issue to fix.
  9. Well I should start by saying that I like this game, I like it a lot, and I don't mind all the issues in it. I understand it's an alpha and I do understand all the bugs, glitches, sync problems, lag etc etc... died a lot of times because of that and I don't mind it. BUT I hate hackers and the fact that it so damn easy to hack the game now, I see more and more hackers every day. And NO there was no lag/desync ... it was pure hack, as they are teleporting shooting through walls and putting stupid songs at the same time. This is an online game, hacking should not be a problem as you can always check the game client and scan it for scripts. Also detecting the speed of each player in game is an easy thing to get and ban them as soon as they use the hack. Nothing makes you stop playing a game more than hackers. and NO, I wasn't playing on private server etc, always on servers like DayZ UK 1-10 Hosted by ...... and with high population 30+ Please guys don't rush it on putting cars and more guns, just focus on the important things of the game, like this one(easy hacking), physics, desyncs, server stability, fps optimisations and then you can add content in the game. And I'm saying that is easy because I see more and more hackers and also some of them are some damn kids no more than 12 yeas old.. what the hell???