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dodoman (DayZ)

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About dodoman (DayZ)

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    On the Coast
  1. dodoman (DayZ)

    Cooking & Campfire

    The game is now at alpha 0.42 is out. So i tried Cooking and Fireplaces again but run into some problemes wich i couldn't solve. If we make this together this thread will always up to date about cooking and fireplaces. I'm this far atm. What do you need for cooking? You need a Gas Canister, a Stove and a Cooking Pot or Pan. Put the Stove on the Gas Canister. Put the Item on the ground. Now you can turn the stove on. If you place the pan or the pot on the new Item, it's getting warm. If the color is "burning" red you have >10 Minutes while the pan is heated. Now you can add the ingedients.Which ingedients can i use? I don't know this yet. My problem is, that i cannot add anything to the cooking pot. - I tried water from bottle and canteen - each type of can, opened or closed - Each type of fresh fruit and vegetables like potatoes and peppers. I did not find a signle kitchen knife so i couln't try to cut the fruits before i try to cook. I don't know how to get meat. Killing a rabbit didnt work. Tried to kill him with Fists, Axe , M4, Mosin, Sportster ... missing the Shotgun ... How to make a campfire / fireplace ...? I don't know this yet. But here is the list what doesn't work: I read something about 3 stones and a wooden pile. So i looted 3 Stones, 4 Wooden Piles and some Sticks and Matches. I couln't combine anything of that. Maybe the problem was that the server was full and I had to try it in a house. So if someone got any idea post it to the thread. I will add it here. Thx fo helping
  2. dodoman (DayZ)


    I think this will get fixed when the hotfix 0.43 is out. The trick for surviving and not bleed each time a zombie attacks you is easy. Eat till healthy state and press X before you attack. So they dont hit your chest and you do not blood each time. I think the Zombies are not strong enough. So the survival part is getting more important and maybe to kill on sight isnt that often anymore.
  3. dodoman (DayZ)

    Glitching & Fixes

    Hi survivors, everyone knows, glitching people are annoying. I put this into General Discussion because i don't think it belongs to the bugtracker. So i think it would be fair if everyone knows, how to glitch in the wall of the glitcher, to kill and banish him. Please don't use this ever to get any advantage. Afaic the server isn't doing any collision check's. On a multiplayergame you do alot of interpolation what people are doing and where they are moving. So how do you get into a wall? 1. The ingame colliders have incorrect settings, so they mare maybe to small, or to flat. This mostly happens at stairs or doors which you should not be able to open. So you can jump over the wall collider in balota jail doors f.e. 2.You can get everywhere, really, everywhere by using the interpolation bug. When you are running and task out of the game, the client miss to send new information. When you log back in the server tells you where you are. This often works with pulling a weapon or jumping too. Or if the client just lag. Everyone knwos that. Walking .... Lag ... Broken legs or dead. I don't own a server and never saw some source so i just get some ideas: Idea's of quick n dirty fixing: -If you miss more than a package, then stop moving. -Dont pull an update of the server before you made the ingame collision checks. Long time fixing: -This wont work in a longtime perspective if there are no real collision checks at the server. But please never use this for purpose if there is noone and you want to hunt! Why did i write this article? I hope the coders get some ideas by this to fix this bug, Some more reasons? I get killed by alot of glitchers, so I tried to find out how to catch them if they are doing this at purpose. And do you really think this works? So nomore glitchers? No, i think their will be a 50/50 chance. More glitchers or more honorable survivers. But the honorable survivers now have a chance to revenge.