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Everything posted by zacty

  1. zacty

    "Waiting for Character to create" - Read this!

    well, look on the bright side, the time it takes to wait you can have some quality time with your fellow DayZers in the group chat :D
  2. this is honestly a terrible idea, not because of the excessive coding it would take, not the server lag it could cause, but because of the zombies. not everybody has a chance to log off in a safe spot where they will survive for 2 mins with no prob from the zombies. D/C in town? YOUR FUCKED! cat catch fire and needs to be put out while your crossing a street in elektro? YOUR FUCKED! its not even the players that are the problem here. to be honest here, its rather unfair. there are a lot of disconnects that cant be controlled and you want those people to suck it up? you suck it up when someone disconnects, you dont lose anything except a few bullets, if they lose power/internet/someothershit then they lose everything. ill be honest with you, ill D/C myself too, but not to other players, if im being chased by a zombie horse that i just dont want to deal with (or cant) ill log, it only effects me, however if im in a firefight, fuck logging that shits unfair - however, when other people do, just deal with it instead of demanding new mechanics to fuck everyone that isnt you. /rant