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About Frozen_byte

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    On the Coast
  1. Frozen_byte

    Session lost.

    Same problem for me. It appeared with the newest update. I've done some research: You can join server without problems. You are able to run around! Other player can see what you are doing (running around, shooting, open doors, etc.)! You can not see your actions with the World (If you try to open a door it does not happen for you but others) If you rejoin the server you are able to see the Door is open now! Same behaviour with Items: If you drag an Item into your Inventory and relog (damn 300 secs!) it is in you inventory. My guess: I am able to SEND packets to the server but you will not receive any! I will make some more research if the bug stays the next few days to see if the packets arrive my PC and rejected by my gameclient. On the other hand it's possible that the server does not send any packages to my gameclient and we need to wait for the Devs to fix this.
  2. I Like the new Fast Zombies! May add some more variants (crouching, walking, running, sprinting) but please not "specials" like in Left for Dead. Also add some "stupidity" into the KI, to enable features like: Zombie runs at a wall and it get knocked back (stunned for a ~second) Fast Zombies will get you after some time (even sprinting will not work for long). But their Line of Sight should easier to break compared to slower ones. Fast Zombies should get a huge disadvantage inside buildings. The Most noticeable problem with the fast Zombies is: they run to your last known position and change the direction after they noticed you are not there anymore -> funny run-in-circles games with zombies^^ To sum up: - Let them run against (not through) walls and may add stun after knocking back - Calculate the running-path more frequently of faster zombies - add a FEW slower Zeds with better senses