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About DedicateDdos

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. DedicateDdos

    Daisy or Dayz

    So how do pronounce it?Ever since I've seen some british guys insistently kept on calling it "day-zed" I've been wondering. edit: internet ate some text.
  2. DedicateDdos

    There should be a physical need to sleep...

    Yeah the sleeping mechanics in rust have their appeal though the game and scope of it are quite different. So this would be a long term thing only for private hives. And that's assuming they manage to implement base-building, not simply barricading
  3. DedicateDdos

    SSD smashing the fps in cities

    Aside from what's been mentioned there's no loss, 32bit programs run just as fine on a 64bit system as they would on a 32 one, I remember bumping into a few very old programs complaining about my system being 64bit but those tend to be extremely rare. There are also whispers going on about performance increase in certain application but I haven't seen anything tangible. the only thing you get is if you have more then 4gb of ram you'll be able to use it, especially handy for photoshop and rendering etc... for gaming or your everyday applications not so much.
  4. DedicateDdos

    New items spawn locations?

    crossbow was also found inside the trains at svetlo, I found like 5 binoculars in garages, and piano buildings as well and in those civilian appartment buildings, they seem common enough
  5. DedicateDdos

    Loot respawning

    I've seen some items getting re spawned on exp, though the rubber banding accompanied with it is horrible.
  6. DedicateDdos

    Anyone hungry for a can of tuna or sardines?

    Nothing tastes better then invisible tuna.
  7. DedicateDdos

    stable patch Stable Patch 0.44.123800 - joke ?

    Oh so now this is about who's been playing the longest and has made the most comments. you're amusing, if you've actually kept an eye on the devtracker you'd see that the stuff you're complaining about has actually been answered.
  8. DedicateDdos

    stable patch Stable Patch 0.44.123800 - joke ?

    Just because they cared enough to do it back then doesn't mean they have to keep on doing it. Don't get me wrong I'd love to see more information about the development, and I too hate they actually are so tight lipped about it most of the time, I just don't feel entitled enough to demand it.
  9. DedicateDdos

    stable patch Stable Patch 0.44.123800 - joke ?

    Experimental isn't really about testing for the "players" it's about seeing wheter the servers and hive hold up, and no strange things are happening in the backlog, creeating a changelog for something that's tentative to change isn't just productive. But exp servers have always been about gathering statistical data on server/hive/client performance it's not the actual testing field that's what stable is for, that's also why stable still contains bugs and isn't just "the playable version" both are for testing purposes but they both serve different uses. Though it's an understandable misconception due to naming. I haven't seen snarky comments from the mods, I did see a few threads being closed/removed but that's simply due to the fact that honestly these were more often then not just misinformed hate spewing threads such as "hur dur axe doesn't do damages devs fix please" while things like that are actually properly explained in the patch notes, they just need to read. but again exp -> metric gathering on server, client and hive performance, not for bug hunting although it doesn't exclude such things. as an example 100 pop servers isn't what the devs want to see as an end-product yet they were enabled on experimental to see whether it was technically possible, afterwards they can simply limit the number of people per server as a -design- choice rather then a technical limitation. Of course they need people to fill these 100pop servers.
  10. DedicateDdos

    stable patch Stable Patch 0.44.123800 - joke ?

    Nope, haven't seen them, but I'm going to quote what's on the store page in very large bold letters: "WARNING: THIS GAME IS EARLY ACCESS ALPHA. PLEASE DO NOT PURCHASE IT UNLESS YOU WANT TO ACTIVELY SUPPORT DEVELOPMENT OF THE GAME AND ARE PREPARED TO HANDLE WITH SERIOUS ISSUES AND POSSIBLE INTERRUPTIONS OF GAME FUNCTIONING." And that's just how it is. The alternative was that they kept this game hidden in development for another year or so and released it as a beta. It's not what you think this game is, or should be it's what it's being sold as. You don't buy a car without an engine and complain that it doesn't drive.
  11. Even if there was nothing to be gained from killing another player there'd still be people who would kos, so you put the man pulling the trigger in a more dangerous position -> more zeds attracted to gunshots. But even then it's not going to stop, best thing to do is to always be wary, never trust other players aside from your own wolfpack (even then had my friend shoot at me thinking I was some other guy trying to sneak up on him). This game isn't cod, or bf4 where you respawn and shrug of your death like it's nothing, this is a game where you have to be cautious, and the most dangerous element of all are other players. I've seen many people walk around in the middle of the road or carelessly searching through buildings/organizing their inventory on dangerous hotspots, that's just asking for trouble.
  12. DedicateDdos

    stable patch Stable Patch 0.44.123800 - joke ?

    patience young padawan, patience is key here, it is after all an alpha and we're only testers, not gamers. That's at least what the disclaimer says every time youlaunch the game but of course for many people that doesn't seem enough of an explanation. not sure about your fps though mine has gotten a lot better in cities, especially svetlo has seen decent improvements on my part, the new city on the other end hasn't been optimized yet it seems so that one is still a performance drain.
  13. DedicateDdos

    SSD smashing the fps in cities

    I believe he just misread that, it's kind-off a dubious statement :p has anyone tested this with ramdisk? I have a ssd but I also have a lot of ram so I'm curious about this. even a few fps could make a difference in those lagtowns.
  14. DedicateDdos

    Soooo about Hardcore

    If they're going to remove the dot at least make things easier to point at and click on, finding that sweetspot just to close a gate, or trying to get that item that's placed in an almost unreachable place can already be frustrating enough not knowing where your "pick-up-point" is, so that isn't going to help. Also, what prevents people from putting a small dot on their screen, like a small piece of paper and translucent tape? hence making it even more pointless (no pun intended) I get the more immersion is better thing and I'm all for it but I never felt my little dot was that much of an immersion breaker :( .
  15. DedicateDdos

    Morphone Auto Injector - Specify target when using

    I hope they add that option, as English isn't my native language I managed to confuse both options and applied sticks to my unbroken bones, ever since then if it's possible I simply drop it and let the person fix themselves while I provide "cover".