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Everything posted by sloshtt

  1. first of all you should work for EA thats their tactic and 2ndly valve thru steam tend to slash prices around holidays. on the topic of hacking i dont think a price hike will stop hackers from playing considering i met a person who had been banned 10 times and forked over $300 AUD to buy the standalone over and over. A normal person would prefer not to get banned and have to buy the game again or lose thier entire steam account but hackers are not normal people, from what iv seen there are 2 types the first doenst care and has alot of surplus income the second rationalizes it like the dude in this forum "I got bored so i cheated for lols" or "im pretty sure that other guy was cheating also" either way just as bad as each other, if you have to cheat in a computer game for what ever reason you are bad at it in general you need to go do some outside stuff and leave the video games alone.
  2. So my friend and I had a Mexican stand off with a bandit in a building he ended up logging out but as i moved toward my friend he fell thru the floor - i guess i pushed him into a bug spot - and broke his leg. He had morphine so he fixed his leg and we tried to get him out. With no luck using alt f4 or trying to vault I decided to get in there with him, given we are RL good mates i figured one in all in. with out any problem i fell thru the floor from the 2nd story. After some time of trying to escape and freaking out people that ran past we decided to try running at the wall full sprint and hitting reset on our computer, not without its risks i know but it seemed like a good idea at the time. we logged back into the game and as it turns out we traveled thru the building we were stuck in and ended up in the electro church alive and well also free of out buggy prison. I know this is known issue, getting stuck in places like that but i thought i could share my story of escape to try and help others but be warned you could damage your computer by resetting it, its unlikely but i can happen. Hope this helps some....
  3. sloshtt

    Stuck inside house

    http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/183378-got-stuck-in-an-electro-3-story-apartment-building-this-is-how-i-got-out/ this might be helpful some other ppl added safer ways to escape hope this helps
  4. sloshtt

    that abuser...

    its a hack, if you see that stuff leave the server. those particular guys might not have used the hack for aimbot or stuff like that but they used it for unlim ammo and that sucks. well done for exchanging fire with them for 2 hours tho that takes patients and courage on your behalf alot have people may have looked to break contact and move on from the area have my beans
  5. sloshtt

    The dirtiest tactic i have ever seen so far

    Pricks like that make good mosin food.
  6. I don't care what frankly seen or didn't see I know what I was seeing on a daily basis. People dping hacker stuff killing fresh spaws who probs just bought the game and aren't pig headed enough to put up with it for the good of the game. I found a way to mitigate the problem was trying to share that with the community. The topic of hacking should never be taboo in any community, it should be out the in the face of the community and developers in order to keep everyone one step ahead of those who can't shoot straight without some aim assist n what not. I also understand secs would know how these hacks work and what they do and are doing thief utmost to prevent it. However the broader community does not thats why we get wild "zomg haxor" accusations knowledge people should educate them selfs about hacks so they can see the signs and look for ways around the problem on their end, for example i found a clip with 99 bullets in it thought well there is a hacker here new server time, where as others might think score and then get shot thru a wall quit the game and there is one less person helping the development of the game, which I thought was the point of an alpha. I love the game and will play it till the wheels fall off but I'll not be cencored on the topic of hacking. Love you all :-)
  7. 111 hours played encountered hackers teleporting and the rest in every high pop server so now I just join mid pop servers. Last hackers encountered yesterday. Australian servers. Very disappointing.
  8. will do that next time will be an awkward reach to the back of my PC but its safer do what this dude said lol, just thought i could help some people. Iv found out in DayZ that can get you shot in the face or trolled read above post... :D
  9. sloshtt

    Question relating Blood regen.

    i usuallly eat till i see stuffed let it wear off but another person mentioned you could push it abit further but if you go too far you will vomit and loose all the food/drink you have consumed so just be careful and patient. also if you have a friend who can give you a saline bag that will help with your low amount of blood also a blood transfusion but you need to test your blood and the donors blood before you do that cause you can die if the donor is incompatible. Hope this helps :D
  10. sloshtt

    Question relating Blood regen.

    get energized to light green then you should regen blood. you should see a healing notification in your inventory screen then when you have healed it should be healthy, what i do is get my self healthy asap after i spawn before i look for a fight.
  11. sloshtt

    Ammo Needs Value in Finished Game

    or it would just result in and electro axe murder gang bang
  12. sloshtt

    How to deal with bandits

    hunt them.... relentlessly
  13. sloshtt

    It has happened...

    want to trade mosin with LRS for fire axe
  14. sloshtt

    Zombie spawning

    Atleast you can play the game dude, i just lag, crash or desync when a zombie respawns I'm sure they will hotfix this soon... Atleast I hope so. ^ I like the cut of this guys jib!