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Everything posted by tomtom123

  1. tomtom123

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    Thank you all for the interesting information in this thread. I love this update and the new experience this game actually gives me. Awesome work by the devs till now, if it keeps developed in this direction I think this is going to be one of my favorite games of all times. Very nice Map and a reason to go a few hours on a hunting trip. ;) I'm also interested in the answer for the question from Lorax. He asked if "the red dots are actual spawn locations and the large circles represent an area of operation, meaning (n) number of animals will be present in a giving circle." I really don't have this problem. As a lonly wolf I hardly came across anyone if I don't want to. Sometimes I follow people for 20 minutes just to decide that they are more harm than good. But I have way more contacts with friendly people now. Even freshspawns are so thankfully if you just give them a few more hours to live. :beans: As a tip I would recommend to hang around parking lots where a lot loot spawns for instance in the east of Cernaya Polana.
  2. tomtom123

    Suicide Option?

    Since sticks are everywhere there is no need for suicide. Even though it should be possible if you are in posession of a gun or something with a blade. As mentioned above with blades it should take around 1 to 2 minutes to bleed out... Sounds cruel but eaten by a zombie or jumping down a building isn't less cruel.
  3. tomtom123


    Reality is by far more detailed than DayZ ever will. The lack of perception has to be replaced. I am pro a friend/foe identification system. I would like: Only through direct interaction with a group member I can add me to the group(s)Both (all group?) players must acceptThere should be no icons or names floating around. If you look around ~3 seconds at someone a status should appear left with something like "You look at PlayerX"...
  4. tomtom123

    Removing the 'Hide body' option

    Yes, IMO the "Hide body" option should be removed. Or so to say it should (as suggested above) be replaced with "Burn body" (with alcohol or something similar -> stuff get ruined over time) and "Drag body" (so you can throw him somewhere and 'biological decomposition' can take place -> stuff get ruined over time).
  5. tomtom123

    experimental taken offline allready?

    My need for experimental loot is beyond my patience. :rolleyes: I hope the servers will soon be on again that I can stop to do work and stuff. ;)
  6. tomtom123

    Would you like a black backpack?

    I would love a black and/or green and/or dark brown burlap sack models! That would spice true survivors up. :)
  7. Hi, some suggestions for the feedbacktracker: Search: There should be a much bigger searchbox and it should be always available in the header! The tracker gets stuffed with duplicated tickets...Reporting bugs: Make the gamversion a dropdown with current stable version as default. This will enforce users to use a valid gameversion and will start to bring some use to the filter.View filter: Maybe you could hide the most of the options in an advanced section (but still available) because they are not in use or make only sense to few. For instance "Target version" or "Fixed in Version"...Vote options: Maybe you should think about a "Not a bug" and a "More information needed" vote. With this you could make the community separate the wheat from the chaff without interfering in the ticket status which is (and should be) reserved for the mods.In my opinion these changes would be a good help. Greetings Tom