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Everything posted by kingbritain

  1. They're almost perfect, just fix the aggro problem.
  2. kingbritain

    Wich vehicles do you want to see in the SA?

    I think add a few generic civ vehicles and make them fully upgradable so they are mil-grade. And Rocket, I swear to God, if you leave out my helicopters I'll personally murder you.
  3. kingbritain

    Kill on Sight rules

    KOS is a part of the game. It's your choice wether you do it or not, but you can't stop other people doing it. Another tip, if they shoot at you, they have established themselves as not friendly. Shoot that idjit.
  4. 1] Nickname: KingBritain 2] Region(Country): United States 3] Are you willing to be active: Yes 4] Do you have Teamspeak 3 Including a Michrophone: Yes 5] Steam name: gakslovestraw/KingBritain 6] How long have you been playing DayZ: Five months 7] How many Clans have you been In: One 8] Previous experience: None 9] How many bandits have you killed: Seven 10] Are you willing to help other players: Always
  5. kingbritain


  6. kingbritain

    My rare hero gameplay video

  7. kingbritain

    Surviving is a Living

    My character spawned in a town on the coast, somewhere close to Berezino, I think. The first building I saw was a barn, so I walked inside. Seeing nothing, I left. As I looked down the road, I saw the outskirts of a town and moved in. In the center of town there was a jail, so I went inside. Opening doors and searching rooms, the first floor was empty. On the second floor, however, in the final room I searched, I found a sawn-off shotgun with no ammo and an SKS with all of twenty 7.62x39 millimeter bullets. As I left the town, a bandit opened fire on me from a hill to my right. Having no scope, I was stuck with the default iron sights. As Mosin rounds hit the ground around me, I found a PU scope and affixed it to my SKS. The magnification was enough to let me see him, at least. Three rounds later, the bandit was dead. I unfortunately ruined his ballistic helmet, but his Mosin was pristine, with a long-range scope and about thirty rounds, plus the five in the Mosin. A FNX45 completed my weapons, and of course I stole his tac gear. I went to sleep last night knowing I was geared and ready to go the next day.
  8. kingbritain

    Surviving is a Living

    Oh, yes. Preparation is not gonna happen. I had loads of fun. Easily my greatest life yet.
  9. kingbritain

    Gun additions? Degradation? SA/Mod

    Yeah, I didn't say anything because I think it's already being added. Is it?
  10. Ethan Age 15 KingBritain Been playing for four months I play any position, but prefer sniper. Prefer hero, but flexible. GMT+5 aka Eastern seaboard
  11. kingbritain


    I think that being a bandit is a respectable approach, but only if you aren't killing on sight like a jerk. Hero play is definitely more challenging fare, but bandits aren't necessarily doing it wrong. It's a dog-eat-dog world, man. You choose your path.
  12. kingbritain

    Surviving is a Living

    Update: I'm dead. What a surprise.
  13. kingbritain

    Gun additions? Degradation? SA/Mod

    Anything's possible. Don't judge the Chernarussians, man! Haha
  14. kingbritain

    Gun additions? Degradation? SA/Mod

    Well, remember, characters start on the coast, therefore are probably not residents of Chernarus to begin with. Also, I was going on the assumption that they were indeed left over from Harvest Red. They would benefit the game by giving it a wider range of weapons, more guns in the hands of players, giving more variation to each individual encounter.
  15. kingbritain

    Blood on Your hands

    I think that it's a great idea. I don't think it's so much that the zeds see you as they would just automatically run to any spilt blood, so looting just makes it worse for you. It would have to be like a 20 percent chance, enough to be a threat but not to be a hindrance to looting.