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Everything posted by kingbritain

  1. kingbritain

    Just saw Rocket again.

  2. kingbritain

    your choice in weapons?

    Hard to choose. I think the SKS for closer-up and the Mosin (duh) for longer range. The M4 is too inaccurate, and the Blaze, while awesome, is not for long range with only iron sights avalible.
  3. kingbritain

    Tools tools are cool

    I think he means break into the car and hijack it, or something like that.
  4. kingbritain

    Clothing sizes

    If, in the real world, an apocalypse occurred, clothing would be much less common due to size difference. For example, if I tried to put on a pair of size ten boots, it would hurt my feet. If I tried a size sixteen, I'd get blisters. I propose a simple clothing-size system for DayZ Standalone that limits the clothes you can effectively use. If you character gets a blister or chafes, s/he walks slower. If your shoes are too large or too small, your ankles will break easier. Thanks for the consideration! -KB
  5. kingbritain

    Cant loot body?

    Look down your sights at the body. I know this works in the mod, try the standalone and let me know. (Note: look at the feet, chest, or head. These are the sweet spots).
  6. kingbritain

    Infinite Mosin Ammo

    They are everywhere. Don't blink. Don't turn your back. They are fast, faster than you can imagine.Good luck. (#shameless doctor who quote)
  7. kingbritain

    Almost 6 months in Alpha stage

    nobody said you had to.
  8. Awesome! Been looking for a Taviana server, I'm going to check it out!
  9. kingbritain

    Almost 6 months in Alpha stage

    Uhh... Yeah.
  10. kingbritain

    Clothing sizes

    Still not receiving any CONSTRUCTIVE criticism...
  11. kingbritain

    Almost 6 months in Alpha stage

    Honestly, you'd think people would've learned the forums are not a place for rant spam by now.
  12. kingbritain

    Ragdoll / Rigid Bodys upon player death

    Already suggested.
  13. kingbritain

    Clothing sizes

    I agree with that. Perhaps if you go shoeless you start bleeding (lose one unit of blood per second, making you bleed out in about an hour or so. It would be a way to keep hostages in a certain area, keep them from running away, etc.
  14. kingbritain

    An "around neck" slot

    Excellent idea!
  15. kingbritain

    Looking for someone who can mod my server

    There are several guides on YouTube. I think it would be worth your time to check out. Hint: has to do with the .sqf files. :D good luck!
  16. kingbritain

    Can the Standalone not be persuaded by EPOCH's bad features?

    Good compilation. I agree with you, I hope the standalone incorporates only SOME of the things Epoch has. Saying this, I LOVE Epoch.
  17. kingbritain

    What would you KoS?

    Two words, the only reason I marked other: clown and wolf.
  18. kingbritain

    Story: Night in all it's glory

    And then they turn around and shoot you. Lol I'm glad you found a friendly (for now... Dun dun dunnn!)
  19. kingbritain

    Gorka-E? What's that?

    Looks awesome!
  20. kingbritain

    Shitting confirmed.

    Oh, come on. Son of a crapnugget.
  21. kingbritain

    New Spawn Locations

    By bandits I meant KOS kiddies lol, they appear to have taken on the same meaning in popular DayZ culture :D
  22. kingbritain

    So why was the axe nerfed?

    Yeah, change logs are ALWAYS worth a read.
  23. kingbritain

    New Spawn Locations

    Basically the whole coast is a bloodbath, but it's especially bad in Berezino, Svetlo, NEAF, and to an extent, classic places like Cherno, Elektro, and Balota. Basically, just go to Stary and the surrounding areas, and you'll be a lot more likely to avoid bandits.
  24. kingbritain

    Carry, Push and Throw Players.

    I like it. I REALLY like it.