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Posts posted by Buffaloe

  1.   I quit playing SA after the 10th or so time that I went from the coast to NWAF and hung out for over an hour on a 40/40 server and didn't see a damn person either at the airfield or any of the interesting towns on the way.


    That's exactly the way i feel about dayz at the moment. Playing the game currently feels not like playing but more like collecting loot by yourself, which is pretty damn boring.

    What makes this game shine are the player interactions, however now that there are large towns everywhere you can run around for ages not meeting anybody. It's a horribly depressing experience when you realize that after running around for 2 hours hoping to get actual gameplay and fun you ended up doing absolutely nothing but running.


    That said, I don't think enterable buildings are the main problem. On the contrary, I think those are great, and shouldn't be missed in a modern day game. The actual culprit is the extreme increase in effective map size. Sure, the map may be as large as before in square kilometers, but the amount of areas that are actually worthwile to visit has drastically increased.

    The only way I can see things change is by a massive increase in player numbers per server and maybe new means of transportation. However, I am unsure whether high player numbers will be possible given the current server performance, and even then there'd still be a need for actual players to fill these servers.

  2. Ok i UNDERSTAND the iconic significance of the spiked wooden baseball bat but that is a BAD idea. There have been test to show how well a spiked bat will hold up after ONE fight. You would have to straighten all the nails after every fight. And if your fighting infected wouldn't touching there tainted blood be a BAD idea? I mean think about it guys before you install it. I know you want the game to be fun but didn't you guys say you want to add some realism to it? Here is a good idea of how GOOD the a spiked baseball bat can be on a simulation test.


    It would be very bad anyways all you'd have to do is stab yourself in the back in the heat of a fight.


    I mean i dont mind if you guys put it in. But play into fact the realism and the nails should degrade much faster after one fight.


    If you don't kill the zombie that is trying to eat you right now, you won't have to worry about the future anyway. So that is not THAT much of an issue.

    It's pefectly possible to put nails in a baseball bat or thick stick and many people would come up with that in a setting like this even if it's not as effective as they think.


    Also rule of cool.

  3. The melee system feels drastically improved.


    Maybe I am just imagining it, but for the first time the hit regristration on my side feels in synch with the actual blow.

    Also swinging a melee weapon feels much more fluent and responsive now.


    On the other hand I only had 2 undead test subjects so far... so maybe my brain is just playing games with me ^^

  4. I have not played dayz for a while, and something about melee feels off now. Not that it was very good before, bot now i frequently hit zombies in the face (or am hit in the face myself) without it actually registering a hit. I think i saw quite a lot of other people complain about that as well.


    Anyone got similiar experiences?

  5. Dayz could take the same approach to LMGS in order to balance them while also not limiting them. Making them force the player to deploy in order to provide accurate long range fire while making them pretty useless undeployed would be an awesome game mechanic.


    If they were deployable on all flat surfaces like in RO that would be sweet indeed.

    However, as long as the weapon can only be rested by going prone and using the bipod this is not a very good idea since it puts the weapon in rather silly limits.

  6. Well, i guess the order in which they release new guns is not necessarily determined by what is best for the current gameplay since this is only a testing version.


    I think once they got their loot system sorted out and pistol mags become common they might become widespread basic weapons. After all pistols should probably be the most common firearm.


    However currently they indeed are rather worthless...

    • Like 1

  7. Was that a ninja change that didn't make it on the changelog or are you talking experimental? Can more people confirm it or is it just bad luck/imagination of a few?


    Also, didn't they remove the feature where clothing reduces damage? It seems awfully silly, at least when it comes to bullets.

  8. I think what I'd welcome the most is a completely overhauled character movement system.

    The current one is so clunky it makes me wanna cry. Especially urban/indoor combat is turned into a nightmare by this, but the rest is not much better.


    Manual bolting? Sure. Personally I don't miss it but It'd be a neat feature that is hopefully not too much work to code.

    Vision beeing affected by masks and helmet? Yes please, that's immersion gold.

  9. -snip-


    I think you guys should cool it down a little.

    There is no point in personally attacking each other or proclaming to have a majority behind you. Forum goers themselfes are a only special fraction of the actual player population, so polls here have little significance when it comes to the the whole community.

    However I doubt anyone of us has reliable figures about the community as a whole.

    • Like 1

  10. -snip-


    They might not fit the same role right now, since the mosin also doubles as the current sniper rifle. But once we get more guns that will change. And there the problem starts. Once the amount of guns goes up, the interesting decision process you mention, can quickly grow into a tiresome, complicated mess.


    Also, once there are more guns this decision making will be there as well, not on the microscopic level of mosin vs. blaze, but for example shotgun vs mosin, or mosin vs. some hunting rifle which can now mount a scope while the mosin cant.

    It would still be rather realistic and promote decision-making, while also avoiding to overcomplicate the game. Keep in mind that there are other aspects to the game than just guns.





    And you know what they're job is? To make even more money. How old are you? Because I'm only 20 and even I understand that it all comes down to money in the end, business is business if more people want streamlined ammo that's the way it's going to be, they're not going to waste time catering to the minority it would be like if world leaders listened to the small percentage of people who think a rollercoaster should be built through their house.




    While I agree with most of your post, I hope that at least some game makers also have different goals than only making money.

    Artistic goals, like realizing your vision for the game, and I do think this is the case with the team behind dayz, they are not simply going to cater to a group they consider the economically most worthwhile one.

  11. -snip-


    Nope, I don't consider myself a casual gamer. I spend way too much time on gaming to be one. I also enjoyed playing dwarf fortress, which certainly is not a casual game by any means ^^


    I can understand that you are all for more details in a part of the game that you are particularly interested in.

    I also have to agree that having more calibers makes the game harder and more realistic, which I approve of.


    However, there are cases where the streamlining makes sense. If i recall correctly one of the tweets stated, that for example blaze and mosin would use different kinds of ammo if the game was 100% realistic. I think in cases like this one, where ammo, as well as the gun are rather similiar and fill the same role streamlining makes perfect sense.

    Discriminating between the two wouldn't add much to the realistic feel of the game, while making it unnecessarily complicated.

    Ammo can still be very rare and diverse while streamlined in some cases.


    I'll repeat myself here and state that trying to be absolutely accurate and realistic in every department can be dentrimental to a game, even if it is realism centered.

    Sometimes trade-offs have to be made.

    • Like 1

  12. I think what many "gun enthusiasts" need to understand is, that a lot of people don't share their hobby and don't care too much whether a gun is chambered in 7.62x51 or 7.62x54 or whatever.


    Don't get me wrong, I am all for comprehensive and harsh gameplay that is as realistic as possible. And i assume most of the above mentioned people are as well.

    However they don't share your enthusiasm about rifles, pistols, cartridges etc....


    Streamlining a few calibers does not mean dumbing down the game. It means sacrificing some realism for other parts of the gameplay.

    While realism to a certain extent is very important to a game like this, it is still a game and a balance has to be found.


    If the game was as accurate in all other aspects as you want it to be in the gun department it would become very complicated and bloated. And now that would mean dumbing down the game.

    Just think about the aforementioned fishing, then carring items, the upcoming vehicles, sleeping and other bodily functions, damage and health system, melee combat.......

  13. I might have misunderstood something in your post, but it appears to me, that you are contradicting yourself.

    You do not want more calibers, you are for streamlining of it, yet you want sniper ammo to be more rare.


    Why not make 7.62x54 for common guns (Mosin for example) and keep 7.62x51 for those sniper rifles and higher tier loot?

    It would be both realistic in terms what gun uses what and also allow for rare weapon to have rare ammo.


    You can read what Katana67 wrote several times. He is far from fan of absolute realism, but he sees, that alteast from gameplay perspective, more calibers are good thing as they help to make usage or rare guns harder. 

    What is the point of making certain gun rare, when the ammo for it is everywhere?


    That is exactly my point. Streamline different calibers where it makes sense for the gameplay.

    You said it yourself, streamlined and therefore more common ammo for the common guns. But more specific, and as a result of that, rarer ammo for the rare high end guns.


    I don't mind having more ammo types in game either. More variety, (to a certain degree) is good for the game.

    However, having a very large amount of different, yet very similiar ammo types for guns that may even fill the same role in the game is more a burden than a treat.

  14. I haven't read the whole threat until this point, but it strikes me as weird that some people demand absolute realism when it comes to guns, while the game in other areas is way less realistic and sacrifices realism for gameplay.


    As many people said, there is no reason to have very large amounts of different and sometimes exotic ammo types in the game, when some of them are so similiar they could be grouped together as well.

    Just imagine the strain on the gameplay it would produce. They'd have to somehow manage the loot balance with all those calibers, while we have to fiddle around with lots of nearly identical stacks of ammo in our inventory.


    As it was already mentioned in this thread, ammo can very well be generalized groups, as long as it makes some sense (the ammo types  and/or the respective weapons beeing very similiar).


    Also ammo for more "high end" weapons should be rarer to further balance the game. A common "early game" rifle should better not share it's ammo with a very rare and powerful "end game" weapon.

  15. I still don't get why people like NEAF- the total loot is so much less than at NWAF or Balota. One run through of either of the latter two and you pretty much have everything you'll need. The only time I run NEAF is when I spawn near Svetlo.


    When i went there it was not that much about getting loot than getting action.


    Going west is perfectly fine, but sometimes you don't wanna make a trip over half the map, especially when you know that getting geared up will transform you into a murderous maniac.

    That beeing sad I think the changes to NEAF are really good. They only have to flesh it out a little.


    However, encouraging people to spread over the map is one thing, keeping the game interestings via encounters is another.

    Therefore max player numbers will have to increase, since 40 players are just not enough to populate the map.

  16. -snip-




    I consider it very questionable to condemn people that strife for a progressive society. Since when are values like equality and consideration something negative?

    Also, isn't broadly generalizing people into arbitrary categories and referring to them with equally arbitrary abbreviations quite arrogant as well?


    But let's stop the pointless personal attacks and get back to the topic.


    I think we should not concentrate on OPs experience alone but the community as a whole.

    I believe several people have already advised not to use VOIP, to keep a low profile or search for a group.


    I think this is another proof for the problem: Why should women avoid using VOIP, to prevent beeing discriminated? Why should women keep a lower profile than men to avoid getting into situations where they might be discriminated? Why should women be in need of a premade group when it's perfectly fine for men to play alone and find people to play with in game?


    Interestingly enough this is quite a widespread phenomena, it's even noted in some sociological studies. Many women refrain to use voice chat  or other functions that could reveal their sex.

    Now if women have to resort to special tactics to avoid beeing treated in a discriminitory way that is a problem, don't you agree?
