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Everything posted by Buffaloe

  1. @Jexter I really like your idea considering the night/day cycle. If we had like 5h day (including dawn periods) and 2h night, coupled with playable nights people might be more willing to play at night. Especially to prevent beeing shot at. Considering "gamma-cheating" there was some talk about a system from Arma 3 that can circumvent that, so nights can become just a little brighter without people beeing able to make day out of it via gamma-regulation. (When i talk about more playable nights, i refer to several complaints about them beeing too dark. I never played at night so far, since pretty much all servers are day-only atm.) I gotta add that I also doubt whether the addition of night vision goggles would be a good idea. It might be too much of an advantage and turn the night into a even larger slaughter than the day. If they decide to implement them however, they should be rare and hard to maintain.
  2. Buffaloe

    things are looking good

    I'm really looking forward to this :)
  3. Buffaloe

    Where are the updates? **crickets chirping**

    @Window Licker You just put my feelings in words. It's bloody frustrating reading people's posts that contain nothing but idle ranting, while they seem to absolutely refuse to think about the issue or to try understanding it. Well, i guess logorrhea is contageious...
  4. Constructive criticism and suggestions during the making of the film can lead to a better product though.
  5. I don't really think you can call using TS or any other external means of communication "cheating". When you develop a multiplayer game (/mod) you should and most likely will always assume that people use those to play with their friends. People not doing that is close to unthinkable. Yea, the map makes looting easyer, especially for someone like me who does not know the map. You can't say that the game is hard enough, we just have to stop using ts/dayzdb map or other tools like the wiki. That's pretty close to saying: "Hey the game is hard enough if you just stop using your right hand" What can't be circumvented has to be accepted and compensated for in another way.
  6. While I haven't played the mod, I do agree completely with the OP. While some people may say "You can't criticise an alpha" , actually the opposite is true. In this phase constructive criticism and suggestions like this can help to steer the game in the right direction. Oh, and i definately agree on the necessity of making survival a hard, and central point of the game. I witnessed first hand how one transforms from a survivor to a "bandit" through sheer boredom, which is okay in the current state since it is an alpha, but should definately change in the future. I started my character with the goal of survival and trying to be friendly, but ended up shooting a bambi for sports , since i was fully geared and had nothing to do.
  7. Buffaloe

    Where are the updates? **crickets chirping**

    The price you pay is the price for the finished product, which is gonna be available soonest in one year, probably more. You getting acces to the alpha is just a bonus. It seems like they can put up as many disclaimers and "do not buys" as they want, people won't get what they bought and when they will get what they actually paid for. The hype seems to make it even worse though... And I do think 30$ (in my case 23 euro) Is very cheap considering the complex graphics of this game and the fact that the finished version will have WAY more content and polishing than this early framework of a game. Edit: I have to say though, that selling this game in such an early stage and giving alpha acces to people was kind of asking for this. Especially when i think of the hype around this game and the impatient, oftenly childish and melodramatic nature of the gaming community.
  8. Buffaloe

    Where are the updates? **crickets chirping**

    Oh hell... I didn't want my first post to be in a tear filled whine thread like this, but so be it... I can't believe how many people don't get what they paid for and what an alpha is. You guys paid for the FINISHED product while you also get the chance to follow the developement of the game, and even play it throughout it's developement. Now this here is a very early alpha stage, if this game was marketed the "normal" way you would probably not be able to buy it before mid 2015. But no, instead of beeing happy about getting a game for little money and beeing able to closely follow it's developement, people seem to expect it to be playable like a beta or even a release version (considering how unfinished many releases are nowadays). That's like complainig at a construction company that a building's heating isn't working yet when they just barely finished the framing.