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Everything posted by Buffaloe

  1. Buffaloe

    Trouble with racist names

    I do. There should be no room for racists, nowhere!
  2. Buffaloe

    The TANK Thread

    I really like the idea of the improvised armored cars. Actual tanks don't feel right to me though, although it'd probably make at least just as much sense as helis.
  3. Buffaloe

    Vegetarian Survivors

    Well, considering that mankind lived mainly of vegetal food for the longest time many people will probably be forced into vegetarianism. However, missing the chance of gaining nutritional meat may be dentrimental. Especially if you have a rifle making the hunt way easier. In the end I don't really think anyone would care about moral if (s)he was starving. Many people would probably even resort to cannibalism if it is necessary.
  4. Buffaloe

    Will the new AKM suck ?

    The random dispersion might pose a strong threat to the assasins sanity however.
  5. Buffaloe

    Will the new AKM suck ?

    Innacuracy because of recoil and dispersion are two different things though.
  6. Buffaloe

    Will the new AKM suck ?

    I hope the current dispersion is just a placeholder for the gun sway they will (hopefully) add in the future.
  7. Well, that explains why some people say it's fine and some say it's totally broken. Those who say it's fine probably had the better of luck while those who complain about the shotty to be broken didn't. Was he moving or standing still when you shot him? I wonder what causes the randomness, and lag as well as the weapon/ammo beeing bugged are pretty much the only reasons i can think of.
  8. Buffaloe

    You are fully geared, would you shoot these people?

    When I am fully geared I am usually looking for trouble and the end to my now rather boring character. It might come down to the details of the situation and my personal mood, but there is a high chance i would shoot at any of them.
  9. Buffaloe

    I'm worried!

    I appreciate rocket's attitude and agree with his reddit post. The hideous double standard and cencorship in video games is extremely annoying. Especially since every country uses completely different criteria. In germany violence is bad. In the US drugs and sex are bad. And in australia everything is a no go :facepalm:
  10. Yea, the seemingly random damage people are experiencing even at extremely short ranges is the core problem. I simply pointed out what should be a reasonable effective range for a shotgun since there seemed to be some confusion.
  11. Well, there wouldn't be much point in prasing everything that works well. Pointing out problems is way more important than giving praise. Well, of course the shotgun is meant for short ranges and should be limited to these in it's effectiveness.But everything under 100 meters can be considered short range. Rifles, like the ones you managed are accurate up to several houndred meters (not taking into account the random dispersion we got atm). So even if buckshot was effective up to 60-100 m it would still be radically different from regular rifles.
  12. @MarchmelloMan The shotgun should not only be effective at 1-5 meters. It should be very deadly up to 60 meters. And even beyond this range it should still be able to kill or wound people. But there have also ben a lot of reports by people who where shot or did shoot others on very close ranges like <10 meters and survived or failed to kill their target. This is pretty odd and given the amounts of reports they might have a point.
  13. If people state their experiences even when they go against your point that is a good thing. It enhances the discussion and feedback. There really is no reason to be upset about it. I would have given you a vote yet, but I don't have a feedback tracker account yet.
  14. A shotgun should definitely be pretty lethal under 60m with buckshot ammo. I haven't had much experience with the shotgun since it's damage got nerfed, but I have been shot at once from ~1-2m and i survived with a fracture and medium "damage". Could have been just dumb luck with only very few pellets hitting me, but together with the other reports of "useless shotgun" it starts to form a bigger picture. edit: a little off topic question: do i need an extra account for the feedback tracker? my forum account does not seem to work there.
  15. Buffaloe

    Two million units sold

    He's not really making emtpy assumptions. You heavily implied the possibility of beeing conned. Which is a pretty pointless assumption lacking any foundation. Also: You are really proving your simple-mindedness here. I don't really feel like participating in a discussion here or defend the game in fanboy mannerism. But the blind accusations based on nothing but impatience and naive conceptions are annoying me too much.
  16. Buffaloe

    Would Be Cool To See These Weapons Eventually

    I don't care much for a tommy gun but a ppsh would be a wish come true.
  17. Buffaloe

    Two million units sold

    Impressive. Not only are people beeing rude and childish. No they also are fanatic homophobes. Just because this is a forum where noone knows your name or is connected to you in the real world it does not mean you can act in such disgraceful and malicious ways. I highly suggest you grow up or spend your time on something more meaningful.
  18. Buffaloe

    Two million units sold

    Congratulations on the sales! I've been having lots of fun playing Dayz even in it's current state, your succes is well deserved. It's a pitty we got so many immature complainers, flamers and haters here. The developement progress might not be flawless, but that's no reason to start angry rants, or spew childish insults.
  19. Buffaloe

    Daisy or Dayz

    DayZed. I don't know why, but the "dayzee" pronounciation irritates me.
  20. Buffaloe

    Do you want pooping in this game?

    Please tell me, what is gross about that? Calling a normal bodily function that has been transformed into a very conservative animation gross seems rather strange to me. I also doubt that all women share your fussy attitude, and those who do... well they don't have to play the game. (Your argument sounds rather sexist in my ears to be honest, since you are implying that all (/most) women posses a squeamish attitude and follow a double standard.)
  21. Buffaloe

    Would You Support A Gun Shop Loot Location?

    I like the idea of gun shops. But there should not be too many. Maybe three around the map and to be found in major citys. This way not only the (re)spawning mechanism but also the scavenging players will balance the loot. It would also make for an interesting and wide loot selection. The gun shop may only spawn a lousy shotgun and some ammo for a different gun one day. But another time it might prove to be a true gold mine with several guns and plenty ammo... Rarer and more exotic weapons could also be found there without hurting anyones immersion. Maybe there could be a more fancy gun shop, for example in cherno, that deals in luxury, high end and "tacticool" guns.
  22. Buffaloe

    Do you want pooping in this game?

    But i like poop and dick jokes as well. Just as I like more sophisticated ones. Judging people like that is pretty ignorant, and if I were ill intentioned I could draw conclusions about your mind too.
  23. Buffaloe

    Do you want pooping in this game?

    Instead of instantly accusing me of lacking reading comprehension which i find rather offensive you should probably consider what made me write this and look at it from more than one angle. Your argument of "pooping is so silly, might as well just add rape for more realism" directly connects the two and therefore compares them in a certain fashion. This is not only overdramatizing the issue, but is also respectless towards the many victims of rape. I am not even standing up for that poop thing, I just find the way you find taking a crap so objectionable and all the conclusions and comparisons you draw from it extremely questionable. (poop is harmful to minors...)
  24. Buffaloe

    Do you want pooping in this game?

    It's still weird to compare the need for defacation to rape.... It's quite a disturbing comparison acually.
  25. Buffaloe

    Better Inventory Interaction Since Patch?

    The guaranteed messages really are a godsent. I was amazed when I played on the 100 player servers and they ran smoother than the 40 player servers without GNM. It's a huge step forward in my opinion.