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About Boogiewoogie

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Boogiewoogie

    Trading Post

    What's up guys, pretty new on trading and hoping to get some trades going! I'm currently in possession of a Sporter with 2 mags and over 220 ammo. Also looking to trade my pristine long range and 8 burlap strips. Mainly looking for an AUG or M4 (p) and maybe a mag!
  2. I can confirm that server restars reset your character. I've been playing with a mate a couple of times after 5.1 on stable, and after every server crash we get reset. We've tried all the steps above (waiting some time, logging into another server, logging back to the same server, not moving and just exit the game) but nothing works. It would be awesome if the devs could get on this pretty fast.
  3. Boogiewoogie

    Heli crash sites

    I've found two blackhawks in .49 and I've been searching for about 2 days. My findings have been around Zelenogorsk and today I decided to check the entire area around the city, and later proceed down to Balota and end my journey in Cherno. The first copter encounter gave me pretty sweet loot (three pristine red-dot sights and a flashbang) while my second finding almost only had damaged clothes and one 60-mag for the M4. The helis seems to be extremely rare at the moment and imo there is really no point in farming them until the spawn is increased/vehicles are released! The odds of finding a heli are just that low. But I wish everyone searching for the helis good luck! ;)
  4. Hello everyone! So I got a quick question, what is the best place to find press and anti-stab vests? I have been switching atleast 20 empty servers at the boat (yes I switch server for gear,so sue me.) and I've also been switching atleast 10 times at the train station in Svetloyarsk and I have still not encountered these item. Could anyone tell me where or how to find these vests? Thanks!
  5. Boogiewoogie


    So I was exploring this empty non-looted server all by myself when I ran across this shotgun. I decided to saw it off and had to find a hacksaw, which turned out not to be that easy. I'm 100% serious when I tell you that I searched every house, every flat, every hospital / fire station and every shed in the entire city of Elektro, AND i later ran down to Kamyshovo with no success. The server was empty and unlooted. In my search I ran across over 6 weapons, a couple of bipods and a scope, but not a single hacksaw. So my question is, WHERE THE HECK DID ALL THE HACKSAWS GO? Has anyone else experienced the lack of hacksaws around? /A very upset shotgun-less man.