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Meek Mill

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About Meek Mill

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  1. Meek Mill

    What is the speed of the player?

    so glad you aren't on the dev team.
  2. Meek Mill

    Remove Zombies until they're fixed.

    i agree that zombie ignoring obstacles should be prioritized than spray cans
  3. Seems like hitting people with guns would be harder if it wasnt server determined?
  4. Meek Mill

    To the man I killed in Balota Airfield barracks

    I'm furiously beating off to this unique and original thread.
  5. Meek Mill

    Dayz - Zombie headshots

    I don't really think this is a great idea, and I'd rather not even put the idea in the dev's head until we can discuss -zombies clipping through walls -zombies clipping through floors -swinging axes indoors and hitting everything but the zombie
  6. Meek Mill

    Finding Mosin Snipers

    Alright guys I appreciate the tips, I wasnt sure if it was just my low graphic settings or what, but what yall said make sense.
  7. Meek Mill

    Finding Mosin Snipers

    I'm looking for a way to fight back against these guys, but I don't get it. Before I approach somewhere like the airstrip, I'll carefully scan the surrounding hills and bushes, seems clear enough but seems like it never is. When dealing with long range snipers, are you pretty much at their mercy or is there some way to fight back.