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About Sedstr

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    Woodland Warrior

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  1. Sedstr

    DayZ map development

    if we can drown, why not have scuba gear and have underwater wrecks - collect the bells... a capsized ship with air pockets, sunk submarines, ancient shipwrecks with pottery and cannons that can be lifted (bags+rope+scuba tank air, floats to surface, need to be in boat to take into hands) and fitted to your base, improvised cannon balls and powder would be cool.
  2. Sedstr

    Singleplayer / offline mode?

    Sorry to necropost, but where the hell is my LAN server option. Back in the beginning it was promised. I'll give you some reasons why I want to play offline. 1. I want to try things out without having to worry about some dick wasting my time by killing me just as I've finished collecting what I need to do something like cook. 2. Finding ammo and shooting zombies and wildlife can be fun in itself - if I want to play battlefield, I'll load up battlefield. 5. To save me some bandwidth, try being in Australia - with a 50GB quota, move to another city? I live 2k from the center of the biggest city in Australia, am I expected to move to another country? 6. There are no empty hardcore servers - its Tuesday night and every experimental server has players on it (while there up) even the US ones when they should be quiet) So tell me why there is a LAN tab in the connections window if an offline mode was never meant to be part of the game?
  3. Sedstr

    Admins kick to kill you

    Either way, there is a problem. PlayerA logs into server and gets kicked, admin/admins mate, kills and loots PlayerA during their 'logoff timer' Players A,B and C log into server and admin/admins mate are having fun, but then stop having fun, blocked in/trapped, admin combat logs themselves by kicking, preventing playersABC from getting their loot. It seems the power is in the hands of the admins. I generally tend to avoid 'clan' servers.
  4. Sedstr

    Admins kick to kill you

    So, I can run my own server, wait for people to join, then just kick, kill and loot them? sweet!
  5. Sedstr

    Know Your Server Session History

    in case you missed it....
  6. "In the end we decided it would be easier to develop a new approach from scratch." About time they realized this!
  7. Sedstr

    Know Your Server Session History

    when they finish playing with ragdoll physics...
  8. Sedstr

    How to know which servers to avoid?

    I've had this happen to me, at least three times. The way I've experienced the problem, is when logging into servers and the servers failing to complete the login process, it just hanging on the logging in window, after about two minutes, you give up and dc from the server, log into another one, and your characters reset. It happened to me twice on the same server. having said that, I think they fixed the problem, because now, when I connect to a server that fails to complete login, I get disconnected from the server rather than me having to dc with the button
  9. Sedstr

    Castles no more?

    I found nothing but zombies, lots of zombies, more than I find at airfields. Thankfully all I have to do is run down hill and they kill themselves leaping after me.
  10. Sedstr

    Know Your Server Session History

    glad its helped a few people
  11. Sedstr

    Know Your Server Session History

    I tried using code brackets, it indents it nice, but adds horible syntax highlighting. It also removed any whitespace/cr and added code:auto=0 to it after editing it again. I tried code:dos, didn't fix the broken highlighting though.
  12. Sedstr

    Know Your Server Session History

    Fixed, thanks kichilron.
  13. Sedstr

    Know Your Server Session History

    If it were in ksh, which I originally wrote it in, its a simple 'sleep 5' but in dos, I dont know of any other way to sleep the loop.there is probably a better way in Power Shell, I just thought it would be easier to do in a vanilla DOS, in case people didn't have powershell installed. Having said that, you could change the number of seconds between tests to whatever you think appropriate, pick a number below the wait time between connecting to a new server, 120 seconds could work fine I guess.
  14. Simple batch file/script I wrote to present session history in order. Copy to a text file, save as DayZHistory.bat or whatever.bat and run it. While playing, it will present your server session connection history in order. You can change the TIMEOUT value to anything you like, 120 seconds may be more appropriate.Hope this helps...