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About ChesterCheeto

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. ChesterCheeto

    The Wolf Pack [DayZ Overpoch]

    Name: Aidan IGN: Chester Cheeto Age:18 Location and Time Zone:PST L.A. Steam Account: [Add Abandonpuppy, and then message him that you signed up] Ch3sterCheeto What experience do you have with DayZ and with clans?:many clans in the past, been playing dayz since it came out march 2012 What can you bring to this clan?:A very good listener, kind of like being the mule :). can take orders and do them effectively What Squad do you want to join?:Gatherers What Role do you want to have?:Medic Will you listen to those of a higher rank than you and follow their orders?:Yes
  2. We have a very well educated group of players and want to recruit players that are relatively decent. We play on the FireCock Gaming servers, super smooth, great amount of missions, lots of guns, NAPF We are in U.S.A we play the entire damn day, (we've been in a Skype call for 16 hours now) no real age requirement if you're not annoying We have a war going on, we have kind of started a war with another clan right now and we already have a base and are set up. Message me on steam or a friend request if you're interested or have questions: ChesterCheeto, logo is of the cheeto mascot
  3. ChesterCheeto

    Looking for a crew

    Looking to join some mature non retarded players in dayz mod and SA, play alot of epoch. Id be interested in joining. steam:ChesterCheeto
  4. ChesterCheeto

    veteran dayz player looking for a group

    Hey, im looking for the exact same thing as you man. Epoch and Origins are pretty hard to play all by yourself. Im 18 people tell me i act and sound older though, been playing the mod since it came out as well, plenty of experience. Steam:ChesterCheeto
  5. Im 17, very mature and play alot of Epoch, I already have a server I play on, got gear helis a base everything, just not people, I know where raidable bases are but I need people. I like to play with older people cause alot of 16 year olds arent as mature as I am, but I still know how to have fun with the game if you are interested add me on steam: ChesterCheeto Im willing to play on another server if a clan picks me up but it would kind of suck to leave my stuff. the Ip of the server is: fills up almost every night.