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Everything posted by IReadTheAgreement

  1. IReadTheAgreement

    I tried everything but its still corrupt

    Here: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/forum/7-dayz-mod-general-discussion/ Surprised a mod hasn't moved this topic yet. Usually they're pretty on the ball.
  2. IReadTheAgreement

    Is the AUG worth finding?

    Too bad it's not made of wood. Until that scope is removable it's better suited for kindling. I'd take an SKS over an AUG as it is now.
  3. IReadTheAgreement

    I feel like an asshole

    I wouldn't call you a pussy in my language. It just struck me as something I thought was unavoidable in DayZ.
  4. IReadTheAgreement

    I feel like an asshole

    You've been playing DayZ for 4 years now and you haven't killed anybody until today? Not even defensively? How is that possible? I'm honestly curious.
  5. IReadTheAgreement

    Any plans for 3PP immersion?

    Meant no offense, friend. Unfortunately your post devolved from your original question to a 1PP vs 3PP thread. Tends to happen on these forums. I disagree with 3PP being an exploit, but to each there own.
  6. IReadTheAgreement

    Any plans for 3PP immersion?

    These threads are always the same. 1PP is the loudly outspoken minority of DayZ players. Just look at all the full 3PP servers to confirm it. I enjoy 1PP regularly, but 3PP will always have its place in my playing time. The thought of getting rid of it, or even changing it from its current form, is just delusional. There are two separate public hives. Play on the one you prefer and leave others preferences out of it.
  7. IReadTheAgreement

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    Got stuck in an unfortunate location. Good opportunity for a screenshot though.
  8. IReadTheAgreement

    What to expect from Prison Island?

    I've been running around with a shotgun playing "Come And Get Your Love" over in game mic. It's gone pretty well so far. See you there!
  9. IReadTheAgreement

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    Guy came in asking my friend and I to kill him. We don't like to do that, so we handed him a can opener...
  10. IReadTheAgreement

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    We were lucky enough to have a convoy the other day.
  11. IReadTheAgreement

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    Thanks Steak. My bad for not looking closer. I'm sure I'll be posting quite a bit in this thread!
  12. IReadTheAgreement

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    Judging by how much time the majority of the posters here play DayZ I've got to imagine that you guys have some pretty good screen shots. Why not share? The first one is from today, and the second one was just creepy to come across. What've you got? (please use the spoiler tag to post pictures) http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc/38613965281998229/37C2D96769759328B6E8211B61E7BD2465E2E2BB/ http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc/38613513721528252/E068CB061DC51244837DC894AA77DC3086B468A1/ EDIT: Images aren't showing up. Just follow the links I suppose.
  13. IReadTheAgreement

    Teenagers who play

    This is how I envision OP in game from now on.
  14. IReadTheAgreement

    Im soo sickk of this....<eating flesh>

    Cooking the meat cuts down your chances of going crazy but not by much. I remember seeing that uncooked meat gives a 75% chance of contacting Prion disease, while cooked meat has a 50% chance, and burnt meat has a 25% chance. Maybe someone else can shed more light on those numbers. Either way OP you need to die before the crazy laughter ends.
  15. IReadTheAgreement

    how much gorka does it take. ...

    Recently whenever I find a Gorka jacket I get wet. That's why I need the pants too.
  16. IReadTheAgreement

    What gun was your first shooting kill with?

    The FNX or M4 when the game was first released. I honestly don't remember.
  17. IReadTheAgreement

    Think I found worst person to play Dayz

    You silently turned your back to a person when he was talking to you? Maybe he just thought you were rude.
  18. By now I've probably watched more DayZ videos than hours I work in a standard week. I've noticed that there are many different ways players set up their hotbar. Main weapon in the first slot seems to be the average but I haven't noticed much continuity after that. So how do you set yours up and what are the advantages to your method? Here's mine: 1st slot: Melee weapon 2nd slot: Secondary weapon (This can be a pistol, mp5k, sawn off, or aks-74u) 3rd slot: Primary weapon 4th slot: Canteen/water bottle 5th slot: Morphine/splint 6th slot: Handcuffs 7th slot: Knife/machete/crafted stone The first 3 slots make sense to me in that order. Press 1 for zombies, 2 for indoors, and 3 when I'm entering a city or in the street. I keep the canteen and water bottle at 4 in case I need to refill at a well or lake. The 5th slot should be obvious to everyone. Never store either of them in your pants. The handcuffs one... I just like handcuffing people. 7th slot is for skinning animals. So how about you guys?
  19. IReadTheAgreement

    Ghillie suit discussion.

    I fire because the only reason to wear the ghillie suit is to hide. Philosophically we could boil that down to fear of death I suppose. Either way I have enough trust issues with this game as it is.
  20. IReadTheAgreement

    Ghillie suit discussion.

    Stories and experiences: If I see a player in a ghillie suit I shoot them. Paint glitch: I know you can paint the ghillie over a gun but I'm not sure about the entire suit. I have heard you need to spray paint it green before you can spray paint it black though.
  21. IReadTheAgreement

    Food spawn rates too high as of recent?

    Loots spawns aren't finished. Just like the game. I'm sure at release food spawns will be moderate if not low.
  22. IReadTheAgreement

    Meet & Greet hosted by [FOG] (Jan. 18th, Sun.)

    This is happening on the day I'm returning from a trip. I'd love to attend, but won't be able to unless it's in the evening here which would be rather late for our European brethren. I'll be there if I can be. I'm going to join the FOG servers tonight and check them out.
  23. IReadTheAgreement

    FNX Tactical

    So a guy with the forum name "pissedoff88" is now walking around with a loaded high capacity handgun. That's just fantastic...
  24. IReadTheAgreement

    Character dont load ?

    That's strange. I never carry vests inside vests, backpacks inside backpacks, etc... and it still happens to me occasionally. Good to know though.
  25. IReadTheAgreement

    Is it too late for night time servers?

    The original night time servers were pretty bad. Sit in a dark room with hardly any light and you can see further than what you could on night time servers. Add the moon and stars to the equation and it makes no sense why it was so dark. On top of that light sources still currently clip right through walls. That's something that the new engine is suppose to fix I've heard. I'd love to play more night time servers once those two issues are ironed out. That's a pretty negative viewpoint you have there, friend.