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Everything posted by IReadTheAgreement

  1. IReadTheAgreement

    previously chopper loot + lootbombs

    There's a certain type of non-enterable building that spawns military and heli loot. One of the buildings I'm talking about is by the cranes in Svet.
  2. IReadTheAgreement

    75 round drum mag removed from game

    I haven't seen a banana since playing the newest update. I am declaring them gone until someone posts a pic. Sounds a little ridiculous, no?
  3. IReadTheAgreement

    Where is everybody?

    Following your link gave me a good laugh. Check out the first game that showed up! You'll be finding a lot more players inland than before OP.
  4. IReadTheAgreement

    Cooking in .55

    I wish there was an option to cook meat on hot coals. Right after the fire stops the coals are still red hot. Steaks can be cooked directly on top of coals in real life. It's actually a really cool way to make flank steak if you've never tried it. Cooking mechanics are still in their early stages I'm sure. It'll be interesting to see what the devs come up with in the future.
  5. IReadTheAgreement

    Tatanko's Monthly Social -- April 2015

    But they do! It's an EU server so your ping won't be great, but it's a good place to gather supplies for the party. It's part of the same hive too so everything from there carries over to the event server. While the event will most likely be 3PP you don't have to worry about people abusing 3PP so using your preferred 1PP shouldn't hinder you on that night.
  6. IReadTheAgreement


    Stab top of can with dull knife, rotate can 90 degrees, stab top of can with dull knife again, pry up the four corners, receive beans. Couldn't help myself ;)
  7. IReadTheAgreement

    Tatanko's Monthly Social -- April 2015

    I haven't heard anything about the stamina being implemented so I couldn't say, but drowning has been around for at least a few patches now. Even if stamina is thrown in I doubt the devs would set it so high that you can't swim to the neat new island they just added. Especially without boats yet. Doesn't matter, I voted for Black Lake anyway ;)
  8. IReadTheAgreement

    Impact of 3rd Party Comms (TS3, VENT, etc.)

    This would be worse for players than better for immersion. I have emergency vehicles making noise going down my street that can be heard through my mic, I talk to my fiance while I play sometimes, I take work phone calls, I yell at my cats for climbing up the god damn curtains, etc... Real life happens while I play and it makes noise.
  9. IReadTheAgreement

    Tatanko's Monthly Social -- April 2015

    With only a couple servers to hop between it'd be pretty hard to find enough landmines. Even in the unlikely event that it does happen just have a laugh about it and run on back!
  10. IReadTheAgreement

    What do yu want in DayZ servers these days?

    If I could have true persistence I'd be so happy. Other than the 500+ on a server and the stats I agree with the original points made. The map just isn't big enough to make 500+ enjoyable, and to me DayZ should never have stats.
  11. IReadTheAgreement

    Tatanko's Spring BBQ (& the Aftermath)

    That was me. I heard a gunshot and started to say "Mosin shots" but I only managed to read "You're Dead" on a black screen. I died trying to get more screen shots. Not the worst way to end that night though!
  12. IReadTheAgreement

    Tatanko's Spring BBQ

    Meant no offense and thank you for being lookout. All I meant was if you had comms with us in the party we may have had a better defense from the partygoers. Just an idea to strengthen us next time. You did a fantastic job and were a huge part in why the party went on for as long as it did. Again, I meant nothing negative by it :)
  13. IReadTheAgreement

    Tatanko's Spring BBQ

    I would have joined that TS in a heartbeat. Lesson learned for next time :) Maybe we could do something like a "gun permit" to the party. People from the forums could send a PM to you or others in charge of the party. Known forum members will be allowed to carry weapons, and others will be strip searched by GK!
  14. IReadTheAgreement

    Tatanko's Spring BBQ

    I agree with most of your post, but I'm not going to be dropping my weapon to be allowed to the party. Everyone there last night was armed, lightly of course, and no one shot at each other. If anything I wish everyone there would have been armed to the teeth. We may have beaten back the attackers. We should designate a TS for next time. If Capn would have been able to communicate with the group we could have downed the first intruder ourselves. Just a thought.
  15. IReadTheAgreement

    Tatanko's Spring BBQ

    Thanks for looking out. Could have turned ugly even earlier than it did. The BBQ was great.
  16. IReadTheAgreement

    Tatanko's Spring BBQ (& the Aftermath)

    Glad you guys liked the shots I got. Everything that happened tonight was pretty unique as far as playing DayZ goes. Hopefully this will help attract more to the next event!
  17. IReadTheAgreement

    Tatanko's Spring BBQ

    That was only the beginning of our pumpkin/zucchini horde.
  18. IReadTheAgreement

    Tatanko's Spring BBQ

    I'm not going to be back. Posted a few screenshots in the gallery though.
  19. IReadTheAgreement

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    From Tatanko's BBQ A lot of explosions from seedy characters. They were kicked from the server very quickly. The last guy just couldn't handle his pumpkins.
  20. IReadTheAgreement

    Tatanko's Spring BBQ

    Survived the hack attack and got picked off by a sniper. None of you jerks even tried to bandage me :lol: Was a great time. I'll post the screenshots I took to the gallery soon.
  21. IReadTheAgreement

    Tatanko's Spring BBQ

    I'm logging in on the island in 20 minutes or whenever I can get in after that time. I'm wearing all green, improvised backpack, trumpet on my back, and a shotgun in my hands. Logging in inside a bush at the SE corner of the island. See you guys there!
  22. IReadTheAgreement

    Third person being worked on

    I think you hit the nail on the head with that one. To add to it in 1PP you don't have the spatial awareness that you would have in real life. 3PP makes up for that. Meh, no matter what changes happen I'm going to be playing DayZ for a long time.
  23. IReadTheAgreement

    Tatanko's Spring BBQ

    Whoops I meant FN Trombone. No idea how I didn't notice that one. I even edited the post :lol: Now I'm wishing I did have a trumpet...
  24. IReadTheAgreement

    Tatanko's Spring BBQ

    Just logged out on Otmel with 4 cow steaks, pumpkin seeds, tomato seeds, and everything needed to make a ton of fires. Don't worry about security either. I managed to find a trumpet. Also have 3 flare guns. Two loaded.
  25. IReadTheAgreement

    Tatanko's Spring BBQ

    Not worried about safe travel. Just mentioning it. Chalked up two more kills in Elektro :) Found a flare gun too!