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About rosebud

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. rosebud

    Shoot hits not showing

    I shoot at walls windows metal roofs roads dirt water rocks trees...nothing.
  2. rosebud

    Shoot hits not showing

    I was attempting to range my scope the other day but every shot I made was not showing. I changed range, fired at different objects and land areas; I fired into the water but still could not see my round land anywhere. If I fired at a close tree then it would show a hit but anything past 100 or so yds did not show. I have no idea where any of these rounds landed and I fired quite a few. Any suggestions?
  3. rosebud

    More sniper rifles

    No, no, no, oh my god no more sniper rifles. Why? Why more sniper rifles? So you can sit on a hill and pick off fellow players? The world has gone to poo, its overrun by undead and what do I want to do? Oh Ii know...kill my fellow man from a mile away. You want a shoot-em-up play ARMA. The only thing scopes are used for in this game id killing a fellow player from a safe distance. Everyone has a sniper rifle, everyone. If you don't you search till you get one. The game has deteriorated into happy land for psychopaths. All you do is arm yourself to the teeth because everyone else is armed to the teeth who you kill on sight.
  4. At this point this game is a P vs P game with zombies. I am hoping that this is not a harbinger of the final product. Personally I would like to see ten times the zombies that the game currently renders and far, far fewer firearms. The jumping that occurs between servers is mostly the product of players trying to equip themselves to fight other players…not zombies. Once you clear the spawn zone with an axe you don’t really worry about the zombies anymore, you worry about the other players. Why wouldn’t a smart player seek a low population server to outfit? More zombies, more zombies, more zombies will fix this and many other problems. The creators of this game are doing themselves a disservice by forcing players to only play in a P vs P manner. The team and survival aspects have taken a back seat to shoot them up tactics. As it is currently once I’ve outfitted myself with food water and weapons what is left for me to do? I’ll tell you…snipe fellow players. I can’t trust any of them and they can’t trust me, such is the nature of the system we currently play under. But what if the act of firing a weapon brought 30 zombies to your position? Well then the scenario of I shoot him or he shoots me becomes less palatable for the victor. Less ammo, far fewer pistols, way fewer rifles, almost no military equipment and finding a scope should be like catching your shadow. I know you have all this stuff from ARMA and it’s cool but it limits the scope of the game to a shoot-em-up. If this situation was real I guarantee you would not snipe another person just for giggles. If your trying to create a real to life (at least as close as you can) game then the pile of guns needs to be culled. I hate to disappoint the eight year olds but this game will require a deeper meaning then to just “blow anybody you meet away,” to survive as a game.
  5. New games breathing down their necks and they come up with a stick you can't find and a rope that makes a bow that won't shoot. LOL Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't and don't they already have a fully functional game that was working? These guys better get hopping or they will lose a lot of money.
  6. rosebud

    Connecting failed? Anyone else get this?

    AAAAAAaaaaaaaa....sorry...happens all the time no matter which server I try. Full, empty, half full, fully empty, regular, hardcore.
  7. rosebud

    Connecting failed? Anyone else get this?

    Anyone else get this? Yes...a lot...far to often...
  8. rosebud

    What is the best food? Answer here.

    Rice takes up too much space, Sardines and any other can (except tuna) must be opened. For these reasons I pick tuna. With its easy open flip top, loss due to opening is eliminated. Yes if you have a can opener you will lose nothing with the other cans, but how often do we have a can opener? My second choice is powdered milk.
  9. rosebud

    Log in...lol

    Do it all the time well below done done
  10. rosebud

    Log in...lol

    Yes ammo box and the yellow container. But this happens when I do not. I am operating through windows 8 but my other computer is windows 7 and it has the same problems. Both are top notch (tower and laptop) Ping is fine and well within playable limits.
  11. rosebud

    Log in...lol

    What is it with this game? I log on to Steam and then DAYZ. I look for a server and get on no problem. Then I get kicked an hour into the session. Ok…fine…I look for a new server and the screen doesn’t populate. I wait, how long should I wait? A minute? Ten? Two hours? So I log off and re-log on…same problem. So I log off and restart my computer. Now the screen populates but every server I try kicks me out and asks me to restart. So I log off and try again, same story, then I restart windows again, ahhh now I’m back and playing. The hoops that I must jump through to play this game are insane and counter to customer satisfaction. No other game that I play has these problems. Don’t begin to defend this with “It’s alfa” that is BS, people logging on to your game is square 1. This server set up is not an asset; it is a detriment and needs to change. I should have no problem logging on 19 out of 20 times anything else is not acceptable to me and should not be acceptable the players or most importantly to the makers of this game. FIX IT. I know I should post it in bugs and I know its already there. It needs to be stated again and again until it is fixed.
  12. rosebud

    Spontaneously breaking leg

    Just had a bizarre death. Was in a barracks on the top floor room. The one with the three racks. I was between the window and the bed and I went prone to look under. Next thing I know I am dead. Turns out the act of going prone spit me out of the room and sent me plummeting to my death.
  13. If you could carry only four items what would the be? Here's my list... 1) Firemen's axe 2) Rags 3) Compass 4) Sticks My defense for each 1) Used far more often then a gun and is a one shot kill, opens cans, quiet. 2) Hate to bleed to death also can be used with sticks to make splint. 3) Love knowing where I'm at and what direction I'm heading. 4) Hate do die from a broken arm or leg,
  14. rosebud

    How To Help A Stranger In DayZ Standalone

    despicable...pathetic...That the game doesn't allow you to exit an action once begun makes it even worse. You have my beans and hopefully that jackarse will get what he deserves. Morons like that make helping people in the game too dangerous.
  15. rosebud

    Personial portage

    I believe the portage system should be reworked. Currently items fill blocks without regard to weight or size. A pen or syringe takes as much space up as a can of beans and weighs the same. With a mountain backpack I could carry 20 cans of food an axe a rifle a pistol, ammo boxes, storage containers, sawed off shotgun, 3 canteens of water, bags of rice, bandanas, bananas, bandages, clips, wood, peanuts, popcorn, cracker jacks, shoelaces and still run like a gazelle. A weight system would be more realistic, with each item conspiring to slow down the speed of a healthy character. Short of this, break one of the jacket boxes down into four small item holders, one box that would hold a pen, paper, syringe and a can opener. The pen and paper would be used a whole lot more if the space they took up was less. This note leaving and note finding part of the game is underused and could be quite fun. I like to leave a last will and testament on my person bequeathing all my worldly good to the guy who killed me.