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Everything posted by AnarchyTM

  1. 1] Nickname: ANARCHYX http://steamcommunity.com/id/AnarchyTM/. 2] Region(Country): UK, England. 3] Are you willing to be active: Bought Dayz standalone a week ago and got 28 hours and extremely addicted, so yes I will be willing to be active. 4] Do you have Teamspeak 3 Including a Michrophone: Yes. 5] Steam name: http://steamcommunity.com/id/AnarchyTM/. 6] How long have you been playing DayZ: 28 hours standalone the mod just wouldn't run on my computer, so I just watched videos and taught myself quickly how to play and learnt the survival aspects of the game. 7] How many Clans have you been In: None 8] Previous experience: I only have 28 hours but have a lot of experience within the game 9] How many bandits have you killed: Wandered into electro saw 4 bandits chasing a player with a lot of loot and new spawn, stalk the 4 bandits picking them off one by one. That's all the bandits I've killed. 10] Are you willing to help other players: Yes, when I was playing on my own I had the KOS policy due to being unable to trust most people on my own as they could easily backstab me.