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About BlessedHeretic

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. Can't find the servers :(
  2. BlessedHeretic

    Out of curiousity

    This is the exact reason I am skeptical. I havn't heard any news besides the removal of them due to some reasons. If helicopters are in the game and repairable legit I'd wait out finding out if it's a hacker, but without knowing at all it's just safer and wiser to assume the later.
  3. BlessedHeretic

    Out of curiousity

    I just recently Disconnected out of a server after hearing a chopper flying about, are the ones in the game repairable now or was in the clear to assume it was a hacker?
  4. Problem is still presisting, even though we can confirm you are running the most recent verison of beta.
  5. BlessedHeretic

    Does anyone know of a "Seperate" Characters server?

    I'd join said server in a heart beat to enjoy a server void of server hoppers.
  6. BlessedHeretic

    Really? - PvP and possibility of recourse.

    This is why I love my .50 cal. One hit on any part of a player's body is nearly always instant death. But Me and my partner have encountered these Dc buggers, we've begun to report them in the cheating session. As a golden rule, if the guy instantly reconnects without moving position, we don't report him, as he has accepted his fate willingly OR honestly lost connection while we were shooting. I hope the mods keep a good view on the cheating forum for posts like this, I'd assume so since rocket himself said DCing to avoid death is an exploit he didn't want to occur.
  7. BlessedHeretic

    Catched cheater "Jenek" on video

    I just noticed, my bad. But I honestly hope some good retribution comes to this bastard. If I notice any of you guys in a server I play on i'll try to leave some supplies in the form of minor armaments if possible, no one's game should be ruined quite as horribly as that.
  8. BlessedHeretic

    Catched cheater "Jenek" on video

    Pretty sure the guy dc'd before he died. The disconnect animation feigns a death followed by a sink into the ground, unless you see "HAS BEEN KILLED" right after shooting, it's highly unlikely that you killed them But the other things seem legit and good on ya for catching it during the video.
  9. BlessedHeretic

    plz help to find sniper rifle(

    any deer hut, the airfields, fire depts, crash site and of course, barracks. The question is, why do you want a sniper rifle? they are very loud and pull mobs easy.
  10. BlessedHeretic

    Dumbest ways you've lost a vehicle

    dumbest way i've lost a car is by having a clan in the server i regular in basicly camp them all and hide them. I've yet to hear one other regular claim to own a car on Canada 1 :|
  11. BlessedHeretic

    Crossbow as secondary weapon

    take washable marker, put dot on screen after zeroing it from a decent distance, shoot spot twice, you now have a sighted crossbow.
  12. BlessedHeretic

    No competent player should die

    The downfall of the game right now is that with no other objective other then looting, once you become geared you have no where to move that weight too. With lack of objective or a true end game it becomes a player vs player game as that's the only thing that can offer a buzz anymore. I say this out of experience, since all the cars in the server i play seem to be hoarded I just stick to using my .50 cal sniper to ruin people's days. especially other snipers. There is simply nothing better to do. Sure teaching my friends new to DayZ how to play is there, but otherwise nothing. That being said, no competent player should die regularly, I assume constantly i'm in a sniper's crosshair and zig zag and keep off high elevations without shrubs to avoid detection until i can sight enemies back. I also tend to only go to high value targets at night due to the rarity of NVG and the superior detection cover.
  13. BlessedHeretic

    No vehicles on map?

    Me and a buddy have scrounged all the spots for cars to spawn in Canada 1. All the cars are gone, like seriously. We found a bus once (it died) and that was a week and a while ago. Other then that we havn't seen a single spawn, and we have only ever seen 1 car on the road (never seen it again.) It's feels like they don't even exist anymore.
  14. BlessedHeretic

    Canada 1 - DCer

    i was witness to the event, i saw the player run into the building, pie run up to the window and unload atleast 25 bullets into said player, followed instantly by a disconnect (player shot at was gone). He was firing a large caliber weapon, sounded like a m14. he pulled a hoard of zeds ontop of himself.