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About Ayakito

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Welcome back! Things are moving pretty fast lately indeed,they are even giving name to things! We are all very much excited for it! Wow,this is like super rude man. I hope you are the one getting permabanned to the depths of the internet.
  2. ignore the horde of people who come to this thread,read that you enjoy pvp,skip the rest of the post and start trolling around with zeds being awesome the way they are now and that you should fuck yourself for camping and shit, not worth your time replying. I have to agree with you, I really want zombies to be a big part of this game and to be an actual threat but new respawning system is just ridicolous. You cant plan beforehand the number of zeds in one place, the safe you will be on that hill or any kind of shit,they just respawn 5 meters from you only to aggro you instantly and start hitting you. Even that wouldnt be a problem to me if fighting zeds were on a polished state but right now they are laggy as fuck,you have to get your melee which is atm also a crappy mechanic,guess where the zombie will be next sec and kill, only to find that he respawns right at you. You dont even risk getting hit since you can always strafe around 2-3 zombies and they are just unable to scratch you. IMO the problem shouldnt be made worse by making more zombies,but by making the fight with zeds as a whole more polished, better animations for switching weapons, more accurate aim for zombies that can maybe grab you, smooth pathing etc. etc. That would increase threat of zombies and make them less an annoyance and more a fight with a fucking walking corpse whos trying to eat your guts.
  3. Ayakito

    My first unfair death.

    Lol,last time i played i killed two geared guys around a house almost exactly as you described. I saw them both from far away up on hill and as one of em entered a house i used the opportunity and rushed inside. I had nothing to lose since was almost fresh spawn and had only melee weapon. As soon as i saw the guy i started swinging my crowbar while screaming inside of my head like a wildling. The guy panicked and started to run,turned around and shot me,but we were inside the house and i chased him to death. While i was looting his body his friend appeared at the door and shot me with a shotgun. I dont know ehat miracle made him miss but after the shot i heard the marvellous sound *click* *click* of an empty magazine. I picked the axe of the corpse and chased him down the stairs to the outside and started the massacre again with the poor guy who got chopped down. Dont know if it were u both as you say he came with a chainsaw but it felt like a real psycopath of an apocaliptic world. Best experience in dayz so far,i was laughing my ass out with it. Nothing personal to those guys but its a harsh world out there.
  4. Ayakito

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    Amen bro,just a temporary fix for alpha to move faster,i dont care if its just a black square that travels at high speed,but something
  5. Ran all the way from balota to elektro without giving a fuck about zombies. They are still crap, who cares if they make you bleed with 1-2 hits if they cant hit you at all. Just moving in circles around makes them unable to and easy to take them out. I kinda agree with op about fixing some chore mechanics before increasing number, they are just making them more annoying but still not a threat at all. Hope it gets fixed soon enough though
  6. Ayakito

    First Impressions and Hopes

    i also started last week in dayz and didnt play the mod, allthough i followed its development closely. I noticed most of the features you explain and i have to agree with most of them. I alredy switched sprint to shift to avoid overlapping,which happens quite a lot. Also the thing about 3 buttons to crouch prone and get up its just stupid,but u get used to it. loved the part about looking with your head instead of moving your whole body, if you havent tried its really a fresh feature for those who like me come from other fps. UI needs some tweaks but it does its work for now
  7. Ayakito

    Where are the updates? **crickets chirping**

    Its incredible the amount of people in this forum who really believe they are making us a favor by letting us play the alpha stage before the released product.
  8. Ayakito

    the zombie thing

    amen to that,would love to attract hordes of zombies to hot spots or enemies camps and watch the uncoming massacre. This is a ruthless world after all