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Everything posted by cptavpr0metheus

  1. cptavpr0metheus

    Stable - 0.48 Discussion

    where can I find the smersh vest and bag?
  2. cptavpr0metheus

    DayZ Standalone - New MP5-K With Attachments (Showcase)

    Still the MP5 is the cooler variant :/ But more and more games choose the MP5K, for the logical reasons you stated.
  3. cptavpr0metheus

    Stable - 0.46 Discussion

    when will they add some usefull stuff? Black and grey backpacks (the division will have cool ones), trousers that are inside the boots (just because it looks cooler), belts, more and different gloves etc?
  4. cptavpr0metheus

    DayZ Standalone - New MP5-K With Attachments (Showcase)

    Why MP5k and not MP5 =( I hate them for that. Good video though
  5. cptavpr0metheus

    Stable - 0.46 Discussion

    Really, REALLY? MP5k???? WHY THE HECK? MP5 is such a great weapon with great variants (hk 53) and you add this bullshit variant? I hate you -.-
  6. cptavpr0metheus

    Stable Branch: 0.44 Discussion

    "Stable branch" is a joke. I lost all my gear while swapping backpacks because I suddenly couldn't take any item etc anymore. No desync, nothing. 6 prodcases full of stuff (this new special 1911, full ammo box, full medic box etc) all lost. That makes me really angry.
  7. cptavpr0metheus

    Stable Branch: 0.44 Discussion

    Makes no sense to join the same server you got kicked off. There are many admins who kick you because they want to be alone with their friends and they don't seem to be able to simply set a password.
  8. cptavpr0metheus

    Stable Branch: 0.44 Discussion

    The new timer is a joke. You get kicked by server admin for no reason --> 600 sek timer. Bad joke
  9. cptavpr0metheus

    Stable Branch: 0.44 Discussion

    Can I have a screenshot of this one? And where does it spawn?
  10. cptavpr0metheus

    New SMG Announced... Any guesses?

    When they add mp5 they hopefully don't make it mp5k, I hate that model version.
  11. cptavpr0metheus

    New SMG Announced... Any guesses?

    MP5 or AK-74U would both be aweeeesome :)
  12. cptavpr0metheus

    handgun flashlight hold?

    I would love that!
  13. but zombies can sprint up hills...
  14. First, zombies shouldn't respawn instantly but around half an hour later second, they are too fast now third, they still glitch thru everything fourth, they should have different attacks (for example biting)
  15. cptavpr0metheus

    Balota no longer spawns tac vests/certain gear?

    Stable or test? Proof?
  16. cptavpr0metheus

    Black Tactical vests

    picture? I would be crazy about finding one. And is there als a "balistic vest"?
  17. cptavpr0metheus

    Tactical vest?

    "here and there" could you maybe specify that?