so i started dayz few days ago... and i absolutely loved it until now 1st time i spend good 4+ hours with my friend looting random houses and just getting used to the game. We went to military camp and both got smoked...ok lesson was learned here dont get carried away with looting gear on populated server. 2nd time i spend good 3+ hours on my own looting random houses getting gear. I bumped into some random player so i panic and shoot him, he ended up killing me. Ok not a problem another lesson learned here don't panic and engage random people. 3d and 4th time me and my friend went on friendly servers and kitted up to teeth on military bases so we can finally have a go at PvP , we spend good 4+ hours doing this then i decided to roll a hardcore character just incase if my softcore gets killed ill have something else to play with, so i spent another good 3 hours getting to military bases and gearing up guess what.... ? i log on and both of them are gone ! due to some lag or something im not sure... it said something something couldn't find file your character has been reset so i wasted good 15+ hours on nothing... i was rly looking forward to some combat... even if i got killed i wouldn't care... i just wanted to experience that awesome adrenalin rush in this game. now just even thinking about going through same process make me feel sick...