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About kendogalopigus

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  1. kendogalopigus

    Backpacks persistent, items in them are not!

    well i was going to try with items that you can't put items into, cause like someone said those disappear and then the rest gets shuffled and some will get deleted, but that server isn't showing up now so i can't test it yet (don't want to do it on another server cause i already have 3 mountain, 2 tallon, and a hunting backpack there lol). and yes i am sure the backpacks were full, the first night we stashed some stuff we came back the next day and it was all there and for the slots we couldn't fill we split ammo to fill it, and then after getting more stuff i we reorganized our backpacks and we had shirts and high cap vests with items that had disappeared along with other stuff i assume disappeared when the server restarted again and stuff got shuffled. and as for people that smoke something and can't remember what they did the day before, they were obviously too stupid to begin with and shouldn't be smoking anything lol. still haven't found a tent either but when i do im going to use it to store weapons like an extra mosin for me, an m4 for a buddy and probably a lot of ammo, another buddy told me about a place that seems to be ripe with tents but its on the other side of the map im usually on so i haven't went there yet.
  2. kendogalopigus

    Backpacks persistent, items in them are not!

    yea i know about the items not showing and swapping something gets them to show, but mine are just missing items, i was thinking it was them being moved around on restart but i thought that didn't happen if the backpack was full, but mine were and it happened anyways. and the things that were gone just didn't make sense to take over things like protector cases which im glad didn't delete and grenades and prestine m4 parts and grenades lol, but things like hats and raincoats and food were gone which you can walk into any town and find. hope this gets fixed soon my friends and i want to have a place set up off the beaten path which we found and it is extremely well hidden and unless your within 15 yards of the backpacks you can't see them and even then its hard to see (probably easier when we add tents but oh well), so we can gear up quickly if we need to and have stock piles of some needed items.
  3. so both tents and backpacks are supposed to be persistent, myself and 2 friends have set up a camp site on a server we like with about 4-5 backpacks each since we haven't been able to find tents yet, the only problem is when we come back to our camp site random stuff is missing from the backpacks. we are in a very well hidden area that see's virtually no foot traffic what so ever, and there is always important stuff left behind, for instance im sure if somebody saw a grenade and flash bang in mine they would have taken those over the kitchen knife lol so its pretty obvious things are just disappearing on there own. is this a bug being look into, also does the same thing happen with tents, does anyone know?
  4. kendogalopigus

    Cannot move, at all.

    i am having the same issue, any server i join in any way, none of the controls respond and i have to alt tab open task manager and close the game. some times it will take 10+ log ins before i can finally play. and it didn't start until 0.47