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  1. If you go to their profile in steam you can report a violation "suspected cheater" there along with whatever evidence you have. It sounds like you have pretty strong (but not conclusive) evidence. I'd give it a shot.

    I did a report I explained what happened and gave a link to the video to Steam Report Violation. However I have done this before for another person with 2 VAC BANS, I checked his profile (2 weeks later tonight) and 3rd VAC BAN is not present on the profile.

  2. My question overall here will be "Am I wasting my time to report hackers even if I provide evidence of them?"

    I have around 500 hours of Dayz, and although I don't get hack killed that often it has steadily been increasing in the past month. I record my game play for almost every game I play because its nice to go back and review things, and catch funny moments etc. Also catching Hackers is 100% thing for me as I am always recording. I am curious if my efforts to upload any information about the encounter will go to waste.

    My procedure priority's when I know someone is cheating are as follows.

    1 ) I record the incident, as I am always recording.
    2 )The moment I know someone is hacking I take a SS of all player names in game at that moment with (P).
    3 ) I go to my steam menu, click VIEW PLAYERS>CURRENT GAME and I SS all the players in the CURRENT game.
    4 ) I record all of their steam ID's and I look for the person with a prior VAC BAN offense. (There is ALWAYS ONE and never has been more then one at a time, Coincidence?) 
    5 )  I get the server name and IP
    6 ) I record the time as accurately as possible.
    7 ) I upload video.
    8 ) I hope I have not wasted my personal time.

    Here is an example of a video. I have info just like this on about 5 other players but I have not uploaded a video yet. I am sure there is some discrete policy that protect these people and I am probably breaking some rules or something. I will know if my post gets deleted, in which case I will just have to take it else where.

    I cannot guarantee anyone specifically is the hacker, but every time this happens theres always a single VAC BAN on the server, so next time you get hacked open your in game steam menu, click CURRENT PLAYERS and find  the VAC BAN. for me its 100% success rate 6 times rolling.

    So in closing, does this information help anyone here at DAYZ catch these people? I also like I mentioned have a full list of Steam ID's that were in the game  the moment I encountered the hacker, and a SS of in game names.

    If I will be wasting my personal time, this will not be looked into for various reason I am fine with not taking down the info and spending 45mins to edit a video upload it and track and post this info, if any of this info breaks forums policy I will be happy to post els where. 

    • Like 4

  3. In this clip watch me attempt to use a shotgun with buckshot at close range and fail! LEL XD I MISSED!

    In this second episode I pump a completely oblivious person full of lead with 12 rounds watching the animation penetrate his body cavity he turns around and shows me whos boss LOL OOPS! SILLY ME!


    if anyone els wants to share their fun times with me go ahead, I openly support this game, but the shenanigans are to much lels some times LOL *tips fedora*

  4. I'm hijacking this thread, for lag associated bugs/glitches >: )




    can you guess who i'm looking at?


    nope, I'm looking at my own character.


    this is in the experimental build; the server must have some serious lag to allow my body to multiply and allow me to punch myself

    Been there done that.

  5. Maybe you should do a little reading on how the hacks themselves work before "dismissing them out of hand". A simple google search will reveal all. It was desync, but it was intentional desync. ARMA hacks force server desync to achieve teleportation, etc. If the hacker in question wasn't blatantly running at walls in spots where it makes no sense whatsoever, like in the pub, I might believe it wasn't hacks. Or if the person recording the video had obvious desync/lag on his screen while interacting with the zombie and his environment in general, I might believe it wasn't hacks. Every time he attempted to open a door, it opened instantly. If he was desyncing, that wouldn't happen.


    If you try the angle of the other guy lagging, then explain to me how he was able to track the guy recording the video with precision movements. When you're desyncing, you can't open doors. They appear as open for other players, but you yourself don't see them as such until your client synchronizes with the server. Have you ever lagged in this game? When you lag, you literally can't do anything but run away. You can't see other people running around, and if you do, they're running aimlessly in a straight line until your client catches up. No way in hell are you following a guy who's doing the old slip 'n' hide, bobbing and weaving through houses, walls, etc.


    Anyway, think what you want. I'm not trying to be snide, I'm just amazed at the level of credibility people give desync. When you're desyncing, you're not able to do any of the shit this guy does in the video. Period.

    You say the hack abuses the desync issues already in the game and mimics them in ways because it is partially desync, so being rude to people who may not be as knowledgeable in that area doesnt really strengthen your argument or point of view in anyway. After all they can only be half wrong from your perspective. 

    Informative opinion none the less, suspiciously informative....

    Overall I concur with you.

  6. I have a theory and I'd like to ask this question:  When you've seen a cheater* have you been with a group, or solo?  I play mostly solo and in about 100 hours I haven't seen a cheater*.  Most of the videos of cheaters* that I've seen have involved groups.  So, do the cheaters* just go after groups to get bigger kicks?


    *I'm not going to throw fake statistics around, but I'm willing to bet that most of the people using hacks are not actual hackers.  Downloading someone else's script/code and using it to cheat doesn't make you a hacker, it makes you a cheater.  To deebz1234's point above, I don't know why we keep feeding their egos by calling them hackers.  I'll step off my soapbox for now.

    I was in your boots until the other day, this happened on Wednesday, Video of what I assume is the same hack in the thread. 


  7. It looks like a teleport hack at 2min 


    But obviously because it's from your perspective you cant really be certain... 

    You say you're not lagging.. But if he's lagging, that will still negatively effect you and your perception of him.



    Looks like the ol' lagswitch trick from quake days, although i'm quite certain that doesn't work on arma and thats why people use addon-hacks,  there are addon hacks that allow teleporting...w

    Yea its a bit intense, and consistent to be considered actual lag, thats how I feel anyway so your input does support what I considered odd about the encounter. 

  8. Lag, i was playing and this happened to me a few days back, given up on the game until they fix this shit.. Arma servers are horrible and i simply can't understand how DayZ SA servers can lag, i mean it may just be Arma 2's shitty coding but yea.. Needs to be fixed.. 

    You have given up on the game until they fix this shit? Did you read any of my post? or the link of the steam disclaimer i posted? http://imgur.com/TY22KFi

    I feel you have not, and also did not read the disclaimer.

  9. I am certain other people have experienced this before, and I have witnessed it once on someones stream of DayZ SA, however after playing for months now I have not had that many problems that I don't expect, this is not another one of the crying kiddies post about how hackers ruin the game and its so broken they refuse to play and demand the devs "DO SOMETHING NOW!".

    I am fully aware the game is in alpha, and there is bugs and problems consistently being addressed, I have lost characters randomly, died randomly (not sniped) from things I assume are invisible zombies and or my character actually being stuck outside a building when I see him inside, however personally the game is very playable if you accept its in development. Just like the disclaimer says http://imgur.com/TY22KFi and the disclaimer I click "I understand" everytime I play.

    As I mentioned I have witnessed this happen to someone els on a stream once, and at first I thought it might be hacking, then I considered it might be lag but overall I am uncertain even in my personal experience. I do have the server it happened on and screenshots of all the players names in game highlighted to see if there are any dysync or ping issues, and from what I could see nothing really stands out besides one ping around 260, if it is relevant to someone who knows what they are talking about I will upload the screenshots. 

    My in game name was Methylamfetamin and during the encounter I had no dysync and my ping was a steady 107, not ideal but I had no issues on that server with the previous 2 people I encountered.  If this has been addressed before and an explanation offered, a link would be great thanks.

  10. i noticed after trying experimental for the first time that it seems much faster in terms of moving around and less lag when free looking and stuff.  i also notice my frames werent taking as much of a hit in cities.  anyone else seeing that too?

    Well I have read only basic patch notes so I can't say for certain, but I can assure you thats a possibility, as optimization of frame rates and smoothness of gameplay are all in the direction of development. I think alot of people assume the experimental is unstable and broken more then the Alpha, and although that may be true in some circumstances, the most up to date fixes for all issues including what you speak of will be pushed to experimental first. 
