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Everything posted by Cpanther

  1. Cpanther

    Why does everyone kill me?!

    You see... people makes comments like this.. and then i get the ban.... whatever dude.
  2. Cpanther

    Why does everyone kill me?!

    Well, this is a social network service... you know.... a "forum". :P
  3. Cpanther

    kill stats,kill messages in game too

    Like Rags already said... the LAST thing this game needs is stats. It will just inflate the KoSers and Psychos egos to disproportional levels...
  4. Cpanther

    Why does everyone kill me?!

    Yeah, that is very much my experience too...
  5. LOL.... that is funny.... nothing to do with being Russian... is just funny as hell full stop. :lol:
  6. As far as they aren't Russian no one cares, say anything about Russia you will get a ban... but any other country... is fineeeeee!
  7. Cpanther

    Hardcore with a Shotgun, The Road to Elektro PVP!

    The problem is.... that when i watch a PVP video of "any" game, i expect to see more than one kill in a 10 minutes vid... other hows isn't really a PvP video... is just.. an exploration video that you just happens to kill someone at the end. But that is just my opinion.
  8. Cpanther

    Factory or Power plant ?

    Is a "Russian" facility :P .. but i think Bakermensch is right, is most likely a processing facility.
  9. Cpanther

    Factory or Power plant ?

    Honestly.. no sure why.. but you have a point .. ;)
  10. Cpanther

    Factory or Power plant ?

    I was in a hurry.... was few Zombies hanging around, and i could also heard a sniper somewhere, if i had more time i will done better screenshots, i will try again another time ;)
  11. Cpanther

    Factory or Power plant ?

    Sorry for all the pics... but is other places that looks similar, but nothing like that place.. and is also HUGE.. hint* all the pics.
  12. Cpanther

    Tatanko's Guide to Screenshots v4.0

    Nice guide... except for the Disclaimer... :huh: Since all that screenshots are from the game.. any disclaimers will be from BI.
  13. Cpanther

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    This is why we need Gore ;
  14. Cpanther

    I need a Tent

    I been in almost every single one of those...and i find EVERYTHING but tents.
  15. Cpanther

    cell phone system (similar to gta)

    To be honest.. the full game is a bit contradictory.. in one hand you feel like you are stuck in the 80's with the cars.. buildings.. clothing ... but in the other hand you have modern military gear and weapons... either we go all modern.. or we go all old..but this middle thing is weird.
  16. Cpanther

    cell phone system (similar to gta)

    You may want to read this ; http://ask.metafilter.com/66025/Would-the-internet-survive-Armageddon In fact.. the internet is more likely to survive an Apocalypse than humans.
  17. Cpanther

    cell phone system (similar to gta)

    Is nothing modern in Chernarus .. well.. except for weapons... somehow every single modern weapon ended up in there, i heard we having Laser rifles soon... probably from aliens ? PS; I like this idea by the way.
  18. Cpanther

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    Get GIMP 2 ; ( Free program ) http://www.gimp.org/ Open the image, and export it as .JPG....Done.
  19. Cpanther


    Sometimes i wish i have a nice camera when making screenshots..i know it already makes the clicking noise when you press F12, but it will be cool if you needed to have a camera in your hands before you can press the screenshot button ... also a nice one..something like this ;
  20. Cpanther

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    You trying to use Steam's cloud right ?.. it wont work..Use this one to upload you screenshots ; http://imgur.com/
  21. Cpanther


    Yeah, yeah.. i know... "convenience" realism, ONLY IF it fits with me..we seems to have a lot of that in this game. But whatever it works.. i just want a camera.
  22. Cpanther


    You have people in this forums asking for Laser point super modern weapons, HMG...grenades...explosive....cars.. helicopters and many other "cool" things ...but a camera is a problem ?
  23. Cpanther


    Well..you can always take pictures of the "fuckheads" in action.. a bit like sniping but without killing...I just think it will be a nice thing to have, it can only make the game better.