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Everything posted by Cpanther

  1. Cpanther

    About game performance;

    You mean the days when you needed a new graphic card every year, more RAM every couple of years.. and a new computer every 3 years ? That was PC hell.. never again... please...I guess consoles are good for "something".... <_<
  2. Cpanther

    is it worth overclocking 4690k

    Overcloking if your BIOS allow it..i wont recommend forcing overclocking. If you force your CPU to overclock, you have to make sure that your have a good cooling system. Check your BIOS first.. and see if you computer have an overclocking option. Also...not a good idea to overclock in the summer....
  3. I understand the idea of playing the game how ever you want to played...but i am the only one that thinks that makes things look messy ? To many people trying to impose their game style into the game makes everything messy, and without order or direction. What you guys think ?
  4. That's ok... half of the times i don't understand what i mean... no worries.... I meant.. do you feel the game should have more "direction", or is ok to have messy game mechanics so people can play how ever they want. ?
  5. Cpanther

    The Lonely Hacker

    Right..i see... some times is hard to tell what is an exploit and what is a hack...
  6. Cpanther

    Starting to think I'm too nice of a player.

    Noob.... everyone knows that "friendly" means....." Kill me or die". :P
  7. Surely is takes a while to re-stock your tent after you die..you may gear up fast, but then you will need to replace the stuff you had in your tent. What we talking here... 3-4 hours to re-stock your tent every time you die ? it will take you about the same time to just gear up as a fresh spawn. In the long term using tents in that way will be unrealistic.
  8. Cpanther

    Pinned Down

    What a mess ... seriously... that is so messy, is like watching Unreal Tournament with half naked dudes and "realistic" mechanics.... :facepalm:
  9. Cpanther

    The Lonely Hacker

    Which hack you talking about ?...i trying to see one... but....i can only see that respawn bug exploit...
  10. Cpanther

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    Definitely bug or memory leak..the problem only happens leaving the game, not in the actual game..in fact my game runs perfectly when i playing. If it was the SSD you will also have problems in the game itself.
  11. Cpanther

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    The game runs perfectly ... but i still have that weird problem closing the game and going back to windows.. sometimes it takes up to 5 minutes..and also in the .49 build i have the same problem going back to the main menu ( Character Selection )...2 to 3 minutes after leaving the servers list. Memory leak... ?... maybe ?
  12. Cpanther

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    No crashes for me.. but it takes about 100 years to get back to the main menu.. and another 100 years to get back to windows....which means that i am already dead and you reading a post from a ghost.... Booooooooooo
  13. Cpanther

    DayZ goes bad

    At the moment the game is VERY CPU demanding ...try lowering everything that is related to processing.. like shadows for example.
  14. Yes..is mostly psychological, but our brain controls our body.. to the point that a glass of Vodka can make you sweat..or a cigarette can give you confidence and relax your muscles..Also... most drugs are also "psychological" like weed for example.
  15. Molotov cocktail with vodka bottles ?.....is only one thing Vodka is good for, to keep warm when is cold, and getting drunk in the process. I think Vodka is most likely connected to regulating your body temperature.
  16. Cpanther

    About Wallet Usage

    A trade centre will fix that.. policed by players, of course..but you will need to trade your stuff somewhere, and that area will most likely be guarded by players.
  17. Cpanther

    Kiddy Bandits

    Actually.. when ammo and weapons are more rare.. and food is harder to find.. and Zombies are a "real" threat...People will need to think more "smarter".
  18. Cpanther

    About Wallet Usage

    You will be shock the things you can put in a wallet.... - Pills - Hooks - Maps - Photos - Small pencil - Feathers - Precision tools - Compass - Watches - Screws - Nails - Small Scissors - Needles And many other things....
  19. Don't know about you... but i have a lot of crap in my wallet.. and is not always cash..... :blush:
  20. Vodka ?...cigarettes ?....Radio cassette player.. ?.... chemlights ?.........Lap dancers ? :D
  21. Cpanther

    September Rant Topic.

    Oh.. trust me..in Beta i will do a lot of complaining and ranting..which is when you do it. Until then i give the Devs the benefit of the doubt.. as you should also do.
  22. Exactly.. but, will you read a book where you have to write the story yourself ?..just lots of blank pages that you have to fill with your imagination ? Or...you enjoy reading what a writer have imagined ? An empty book with a " Make you own story" title won't sell in a book store...isn't any different with games.
  23. Books, movies, TV... and wait for it.... Games. In the end of the day why most of us plays PC games ? To stimulate our imagination ?.. is jut that grown ups needs "more" stimulation than kids.
  24. I guess is because the older you get..the more you realize that a box is just a "box". To be a kid again, huh ? :(
  25. Well... is only so much you can do with your "imagination" alone... is ok for kids that have plenty of imagination, but for grown ups we need "motivation". I'm to old to pretend that a carbon box is a spaceship... i want the "spaceship".