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Everything posted by Cpanther

  1. Cpanther

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    I just have that problem too... also.. something about battleye querying for an updated version..? Sorry if i can't be more specific...didn't have time to see the full message..
  2. Cpanther

    Covering yourself in zombie guts.

    I still think that is more to it.... -Lets call it DayZ, that way we can say that is a Zombies game AND also call it Day Zero for the Arma fans. Don't get me wrong.. is genius... but you aren't fooling me. :P
  3. Cpanther

    Covering yourself in zombie guts.

    I always found the "Zero" thing a bit to convenience ...if that is what it truly means.. why not just call the game "Day 0" or First Day... or Zero Hour... or....etc. I think that Z can go either way, is not accidental ... they decided to call it Day Z for a reason.
  4. Well.. Script Kiddies are the "real" problem, but....this MAC address thing have been suggested before, and i believe is a tricky one to do, from a "legal" perspective.
  5. Well.. they could use the MAC Address.. which is unique for every computer, but that is a tricky one... i really want to see which company is going to be that brave.
  6. Well, not the PC.. but your network hub does.
  7. Cpanther

    Covering yourself in zombie guts.

    Well, that is a shame...considering that is what most people want....Lets makes a Space simulator without spaceships next !! we can call it..... StarsZ.
  8. Cpanther

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    Should i move my screen away from my desktop ?....right now is a bit close to my... you know.. "private parts".
  9. You know... i have this argument so many times, that i don't even know what to say next....hopefully better Zombies and more survival features will balance things a bit. Time will tell.
  10. Role playing is as important as KoSing... both things needs to be balanced. If KoSing is stopping people from role playing, then something is wrong.
  11. I know that... but i am the other side of the coin, someone needs to say what everyone is thinking.. but no one wants to say it.
  12. Cpanther

    4gb download new patch for exp?

    6GB ?... that is practically the full game... :huh:
  13. BE is a "service" contracted by Bohemia Interactive....is not "their" game.
  14. Cpanther

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    No,no... no hurry, we are testing their stuff, i rather "test" what needs to be tested..you can always play Stable for a good gaming season.
  15. Cpanther

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    I watching The Walking Dead all over again, the new season is coming out soon, and that always puts me in the mood for some DayZ. :D Sadly.. isn't exactly a long series, doesn't takes that long to watch the full thing. :(
  16. How long you have ? I give you the short version...a group of people is having fun role playing, going together around the map doing their "thing", then a "prick" koS most of them with an M4 for fun, and all that people that "was" having a good time, now are in different places in the map, and they rage quit the game.
  17. Cpanther

    Why do i have such low fps?

    I mean.. dude... my English isn't even that good... and i know that words can have different meanings when put into context.
  18. Cpanther

    Why do i have such low fps?

    I hope you trolling....if i was talking about FPS and Slow SSD's.. in "Context" noticeable can only mean one thing... " Noticeably bad".
  19. Cpanther

    Why do i have such low fps?

    I am not getting paid for English lessons ...and you "noticeably" need some....
  20. Cpanther

    [Be nice] How do you torture people in days?

    But in the end of the day, you still are what "you" choose to be....Maybe the internet is just the place where you "true colors" shows more.
  21. Cpanther

    [Be nice] How do you torture people in days?

    I guess the point is...DayZ isn't a social experiment, is a "fancy dress party" experiment.
  22. Cpanther

    [Be nice] How do you torture people in days?

    I see DayZ as putting a mask on and going to party...with the Mask you can "act" differently and be whatever you want, but beneath the mask still is YOU.
  23. Cpanther

    Why do i have such low fps?

    Noticeable as... "bad"...you know... because "Noticeable" doesn't have only have one meaning.... :rolleyes:
  24. Cpanther

    DayZ PS4 Discussion

    So... why all MMO's fails miserably in Consoles ? When i said i talking by "personal" experience.. i meant that...Consoles and multi-player games don't mix well.
  25. Cpanther

    Why do i have such low fps?

    Actually, it does...but not so much this days, SSD's are fast enough now. But years ago a slow SSD's was very noticeable in game performance.