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Everything posted by MoZed

  1. MoZed

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    Quick feedback on experimental: -Head torchlights are working for me -Zombies are super agile, pathfinding feels improved. I like it. -Heavy rubberbanding, although the delay/desync with actions/commands is way more better for me Edit: Desync is still there, started out of nowhere.
  2. MoZed

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    I'm having following issues: -Session lost after various amounts of time. -Have to restart DayZ after that, because getting immediatly kicked when joining again for "Client not responding". And I'm not the only one. When I'm on a server there are constantly server side messages for people getting kicked for "Client not responding". I haven't had these issues on experimental this morning. -Random zombie/eating/drinking/reloading noices -Heavy desync after joining, gets better after 1 minute Edit: But overall performance like FPS ist better.
  3. No, yesterdays version is .116146
  4. DayZ experimental is upating, it's happening.
  5. I have issues with commands like drawing weapons, vaulting, opening doors and such. Sometimes it is just a delay between command and action, but sometimes my command simply has no effect, like I'm not hitting any button. Are these desync issues or do I have other problems. Playing on experimental btw.
  6. MoZed

    Worst DayZ players I've ever met?

    Fresh spawn on low pop server near electro. Went straigt to he powerplant and looked around. Climbed on the roof on the firestation. Only had an fireaxe. Suddenly I see three people running around the firestation. Say "Hello, I'm friendly". One of the three is looking at me, suddenly starts shooting, but misses. Ok, here we go. One of the three thought it was a good to climb on the roof to me. No it wasn't. Chopped him down. About one minute later, the second guy climbs up the ladder, just to get his head chopped by my axe. I mean, what where they thinking? The third guys was a bit smarter. Since he saw I head no firearm, he climb on that little roof on the powerplant to shoot me from there. Bad for him I looted the Magnum from one of his mates. I wasn't shooting him right away, waited to see what he's gonna do. He shot at me, hit me, but not killed me, I killed him with the Magnum. At this point I was low on blood, bandaged me and wanted to climb down. As soon as my foot touched the ground, I died. End of story: 3 well geard guys dead, one fresh spawn with an axe dead. tl;dr: Tyrone kept it real.