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Everything posted by Reklaw

  1. Basically asper post title. Been playing on the following epoch server - PVE SERVER AI MISSIONS Lots of mods( DayZEpoch Chernaru for a while, went to log on tonight and it's gone. The ip brings up a Vanilla Mod server. Anyone know if they've moved. Any help would be appreciated.
  2. I'm in the UK so unsure how that will fit in with players on the server and their time zones. i'll look out for further details of the event once posted.
  3. Reklaw

    Very curious about choice of gender.

    I also play as a women sometimes, because who else going to keep survivor camps tidy and in shape :huh: (cheap, i know but couldn't help myself)
  4. Reklaw

    Very curious about choice of gender.

    I like to think my female avatar is a mid op transexual who's managed to keep a steady supply of HRT into the fall of cherno. Imagine a survivalist babs (oh my nipples are like bullets) from league of gentlemen. Or it could be I haven't changed it so it doesn't randomise.
  5. i'd like to get involved in some capacity. I cant guarantee I'll be able to commit to all three weeks due to work. but this sounds like fun