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Everything posted by umberfive

  1. umberfive

    Someone just killed me in Vybor

    Or with a friend.
  2. umberfive

    is stable 0.51 coming out today?

    Nobody knows anything for sure or doesn't want to say anything. You might want to check up the experimental branch discussion. It is full of things discovered in 0.51. The OP didn't ask why the server are down.
  3. umberfive

    [Video] How to gear up fast in DayZ

    Just "lol".
  4. umberfive

    Medic here. Everyone is starving to death

    I have so far no problem with starvation, but I tend to get hot very easily on stable. In Experimental it took me some tries to overcome starvation, but then I found more food than I could carry. Apple trees are very helpful. They can't fill your belly, but give you enough time to leave the coast. When the V3S comes with the next update, many people will automatically walk land inwards, because they only spawn there.
  5. umberfive

    Fuel Source Depletion And Alternative Fuel Sources (Server Uptime)

    Those rotten apples might have a use then. But the idea of resource depletion is good. Of course blown up gas stations should be unusable and the gas should be subtracted from the servers total gas amount. I still would blow up every gas station.
  6. umberfive

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    I am in Komarovo. I could help you. Has anybody noticed the invisible infected yesterday evening? I lost my gas can because I had to run.
  7. Hello! First of all, I wasn't banned and this is not a complaining thread about bans. I think they are necessary. I just noticed yesterday, that there are also bans issued on experimental now. Anyone seen that too? Also I noticed yesterday, while I talked to another player, that there came up some mysterious messages after using the text chat, which warned me about using the text chat. 8 warnings left and so on. The voice communication was really choppy at that time, because the server was nearly full. Has anyone else noticed that? Why is that? Does anybody know?
  8. umberfive

    Operation V3S

    "Diese Video ist nicht verfügbar." lol Country restriction? Copyrighted music used? :P But I had the chance to drive that thing too yesterday. Had much fun. I even found a gas can. Although driving in first person is hard and very choppy.
  9. umberfive

    Global bans in exp. and text chat restriction

    Yes, that could be it. Maybe I confused it. But why do people try it, if they are already banned?
  10. umberfive

    Global bans in exp. and text chat restriction

    No, because the voice chat was bad, I just asked him, where he wants to go. I picked him up on green mountain with my V3S, that I found before.
  11. umberfive

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    As I heard, server performance impacts on the clients fps. I suspect, with the addition of cars, the processing power required, is much higher, which could result in fps drops. I have them too and many other also will. It is experimental and subject to change.
  12. umberfive

    103% canned food

    Maybe some bugs got into the can while it was open.
  13. umberfive

    Newbs, ask a vet.

    So this is the same as in the SA. Thanks for the answer. I wondered, because everything else seems fine and lag is significantly lower than in the SA.
  14. umberfive

    No Active Servers/Players?

    I started to laugh at the third post. Zanbato answered the question already and yet the same question pops up again and again. Sorry for the rage, internet is down, so I have nothing to do at work. :)
  15. umberfive

    Next Vehicle

    Considering those wrecks everywhere, something like that. Those small offroads, transporters, maybe buses and those civilian/police cars from the seventies. And of course motor bikes for those many bike helmets.
  16. umberfive

    Newbs, ask a vet.

    Sounds plausible. I almost ran over them more than 20 times. :)
  17. umberfive

    Newbs, ask a vet.

    When I read the title, I thought, why I should ask a veterinarian. Why can't I kill bandits in the Mod, when I roll over them with a truck?
  18. umberfive

    Some DayZ Facts About You...

    I have never shot a M4.
  19. umberfive

    Broken legs?

    That is the single player haunting. To make up for any missing challenge due to no other players, the game adjusts the difficulty and breaks your legs.
  20. umberfive

    I can't play any Bohemia games on my new compute

    AMDs raptr is one for example, but there are many other out there. I'd check for any autostart program.
  21. umberfive

    Where'd the hopper go?

    In 0.49 he was still in the game. He is missing since 0.50.
  22. umberfive

    Public/veteran hosted by Gameservers.com.

    Were you wiped when you logged in? Did you suddenly see the message "You are dead"? This could be a haiku thread.
  23. umberfive

    I can't play any Bohemia games on my new compute

    Since it is a "gaming" laptop, check your programs for any game experience enhancing programs. Sounds like something is interfering with your controls.
  24. umberfive

    I can't play any Bohemia games on my new compute

    I use Windows 8 too, but do not have any problems with the gameplay so far. You mentioned the action menu under the Return key. I do not know if it is also bound to that one, but have you tried using the mouse wheel in DayZ? Also the interaction like opening doors or picking up items is on "f". I did not change the key bindings except for fast running. So they should be the same for you.