This would be a great way to give the books an actual use. For example if you find a doctors journal or a magazine maybe that would give you a permanent plus 10 to all medical rolls (depending on if that journal applies to a certain sub-branch or the whole skill itself), if you find a college text book on automobiles reading that would give you something like plus 20 to all rolls for mechanics. Of course if you re read the same book it would do anything, so if you find a book you've already read the only use for it would be to give it to someone else. If this idea for skill books is implemented then the current 150 in game books like the bible would still be useless except for RPing but I personally don't think that you should be able to read and understand a college text book. Maybe if reading comprehension was added it would be a skill in on it's own and it would determine your chance of successfully understanding text books. Obviously the current in game books like the bible (it's all I can recall at this moment) would be a 100% chance success because they are for the most part fictional literature but by reading these books you would increase your reading comprehension. I think magazines on skills should also be a 100% chance to read because it's just a magazine with dumbed down articles for the public, however these magazines would only give you like a plus 1-5 to your skill. Maybe even depending on your reading comprehension it would determine how much of the book your understand. So for example if your comprehension is maybe 25/100 you go to read a text book you only understand a quarter or half of it which only increases your skill by 10 instead of the full 20. There's a lot that could be done with this and it would add a lot of realism to the game. Hope the devs see this or at least someone makes a mod for it.