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About ladybrecky

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  1. ladybrecky

    Huey+almost all vehicles

    This is the DayZ community for you.
  2. ladybrecky

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Edit: Nvm figured out my problem
  3. ladybrecky

    Day Z is insulting to LGBT people

    Really? Sorry that I don't enjoy reading 29 pages of people calling people like me freaks of nature and disgusting, this is on a totally different level of disappointment with this community. Try and change this anyway you want more than half the people in this thread are fucked in the head about how they think about another human being.
  4. ladybrecky

    Day Z is insulting to LGBT people

    Hmm wow this thread shows the true light of how bad this crappy community is Screw all you fucking homophobes and transphobes, fucking assholes.
  5. ladybrecky

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    You mean the update that was due a week ago? pretty sure it was delay another 5-6 months. Oh sorry is the FREE mod development not going fast enough for you?
  6. I'm 15 so you may not want to group up with somebody so young (Won't be offended) but if you still do, add me on steam (Same name) and we can try and find more people to play with since I would like to be a group of 3 - 10
  7. That avoided the whole subject of loud ladders and went off topic to bandits.
  8. ladybrecky

    Mental Health

    1+ I love the idea of a psychotic break in Day Z. Far Cry 3 actually has a multiplayer streak where it drops bombs on your enemies and they see EVERYONE as evil looking demons so they end up teamkilling each other. I think something like that in Day Z would be awesome (Not the plane part obviously just the hallucination). Imagine being with a big group of people after a few days and you start hallucinating everyone as horrible monsters and them screaming/screeching at you, this would make for some VERY scary and paranoid gameplay.
  9. ladybrecky

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    I downloaded the beta patch fine.
  10. ladybrecky

    The community is poo poo

    The forums are full of elitist hardened jerk players honestly. I don't care if you have survived for a ton of time and I am a noob I just want to fucking play the game.
  11. ladybrecky

    Incredibly bad performance

    There isn't much to do they messed up the performance optimization really badly.
  12. ladybrecky

    Low fps after the 1.7.1 update?

    Same here normally get 60+ FPS constant @ 1080p on high/very high now I am struggling to keep it past 30 on normal and high specs below Intel i5 3570k @ 4.2 Ghz 2x Evga Superclocked GTX 460s in SLI 8Gb of RAM @ 1600Mhz Asrock Z77 Extreme4 1.5 TB Western Digital 160 GB 7200 RPM Seagate Raptor - For FRAPS/Dxtory Cooler Master Hyper 212 Plus Windows 7 64 Bit
  13. ladybrecky

    Do you like 1.7.1?

    No, I don't from a new players perspective (bought yesterday updated today) the no gun thing is fine but the zombies go fucking ultra speed while zig zagging and taking a million bullets due to crappy laggy servers. You need to fix the aggro distance and doors most definitely you have hurt the game pretty damn bad with this patch.
  14. ladybrecky

    Keep spawning with almost no gear at all.

    Clearly you have not read them if you thought it would not happen all the time :/ Screw off, show me where it said everytime? Oh wait it didn't. I was expecting to spawn with that only on the more hardcore servers not on regular, I can't do almost anything now because of this patch since all the hardened players just hunt you down.