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About TheLast-StaR

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. TheLast-StaR

    Why is Bohema so bad when it comes to AMD?

    I have a FX 8350 Oc at 4.5 Watercooled and a Msi 7950 twin Frzr and my game runs fine for graphics ,video ,rendering and etc... its the server crashing no loot respawing,bugs that almost makes me go back to console FFS. I dont think any one Intel/AMD can say that they have had a sensational expirience with dayZ .Severs Crashing 24/7 regardless of what you run. I watch alot of Dayz sreams and it does not matter what your name is or what you run because the dsync is awful and the servers crash more than Drunk drivers.
  2. TheLast-StaR

    Does anyone dislike the "no military stuff" agrument?

    WarZ had a similar problem with too many Snipers and OP ARs spawning too often . So they decided to remove snipers all together and give us shit instead. In turn over half the community left. There are planty of servers with no KoS . Go survive there no worries I won't hate you for playing the game how you like , Stop cockblocking on the Rest of the community That does like to have fun. I agree that weapons can't be everywhere . If I'm going forced to run around with a stupid Sporter trying to survive. Then this game is fucked
  3. TheLast-StaR

    Horrible FPS in cities after recent patches

    Well As far as the frames go right now Intel/amd doesn't matter . High Enders low Enders all have FPS issues in cities . I have a mid grade amd build . Msi 7950 , and Fx 8350 @4.2 and still notice significant drops by Cherno and Elektro mostly. Now as far as the Engine favoring DayZ I don't doubt it. Just like Battlefield 4 Sided with AMD works better with Mantle . Shit happens , that's the way she goes
  4. TheLast-StaR

    No more Towns

    I would not mind more towns if they expanded the map more. I would like to explore more of the Arma 2 Map Especially into the West and NW part of the map.
  5. TheLast-StaR

    question about the cz 527

    I have 3 cz Mags. But no Cz...yet
  6. TheLast-StaR

    Question About the 101

    No just a 30 but as the only AR that is fully automatic ,30 is good enough. But I'm not saying I wouldn't want to fine a 5.56 C mag
  7. TheLast-StaR

    Experimental Branch: 0.47 Discussion

    The Gpu. I had that same card and it would barely get 35 FPS on the Mod.
  8. TheLast-StaR

    AKM vs SKS

    The Concept that NATO weapons only spawn in helicopters limits the spawning of crucial (different) Weapons. The lack of back story to DayZ does not help us introduce NATO weapons into the Chernarus area. But throughout Arma 2 Campaign it's obvious that there was a major NATO presence. If we would assume that the "Outbreak" happened shortly after the Arma2 campaign (and ignore the fact Arma3 came out)then remnants on NATO peace keeping forces would have outpost throughout Chernarus also military checkpoints and Roadblocks. Helicopters atm spawn M4A1 because of lack of other weapons. Later if a As50 or M107 .50 Cal are introduced you can bet your ass it will replace the M4A1. Also who says there should only be US choppers ? I'd like the idea of finding higher end Russian Weapons in Crashed Russian Hinds. Weapons like Ak74m, AK-12, Saiga, VSS Vintorez, Svd Dragunov etc..(Domestic Russian weapon spawns for Ak47, Akm, SKS and Mp 443 would be fine in random homes spawns. Imo) List of some NATO(.556 )Assault Rifles Steyr Aug Famas HK 416 Imi Galil SigSauer 556 ACR (Masada) L85A1 TAR 21 Also there are Chinese QbZ Ars that fire 556. I'd like to know if there will ever be a significant increase to weapons introduced to the game. Or if we're doomed to getting a weapon or 2 every patch. There absolutely has to be someone in charge of weapon art,dispersion, reload animation and action programming, implementation etc.. I refuse to accept the concept where I am to be armed with domestic Russian weapons only because there is lack of a better way to add .556 round ARs into Game.
  9. You know you played yo much DayZ when you start looting your own neighborhood. Just sayin
  10. TheLast-StaR

    Being friendly finally paid off

    I saved a guy getting killed by zombies, he says " Thanks " then kills me. I like your story better
  11. TheLast-StaR

    Has the Mosin 9130 been nerfed?

    SKS is better now.
  12. TheLast-StaR

    Afraid to go on

    I had a character survive since the release of AlphaFully geared to the Max and I'll tell you how it ended. Was at Zelenogorsk saw a guy getting mauled by 2 zombies. I help him he says "Thanks" and then he kills me. GG
  13. TheLast-StaR

    What Do You Want to See When you die?

    I'll tell you what I don't want to see. When a person dies they should in no way be able to ghost, give directions, call outs . Nothing. I say it because in WarZ they have it to where you have a 3rd person camera on your corpse and it's game breaking
  14. TheLast-StaR

    Death and Grave signs

    You know that's a great DayZ idea... to craft graves with wood or stone and be able to put "killed by ME" can even put reason " killed for saying he was Friendly" lol . Just an exp. Crafting them is a good idea
  15. TheLast-StaR

    Death and Grave signs

    Anyone ever play WarZ ? Before You Post Lol , or stfu. I'd like to add that I did enjoy WarZ because of its arcade style mmo. One thing I liked about it was upon death a grave marker would appear at the precise spot of your death also includes "killed by .......". I don't know if I'm the only one who would like to know who REKT you and me. Players start building reputations. Maybe things like this can be added whenever they implement the Hero, Bandit reputations. I took a road trip last week and saw a handful of crosses( unfortunately) on the side roads. I thought to my self it would be a great addition to add crosses or grave markers through out the map .Grave markers could be removed every server reset. Also add the Flies to dead corpses already.