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Everything posted by Vomish

  1. Hello All I have been playing about a week, with only 3 days on high pop servers (gearing up on low/no pop servers got boring real fast). I have read all the posts about the KoS policy going on so I was fully expecting most encounters to go south quick. My first encounter, however, was fantastic. We both saw each other at a distance and both of us had melee weapons in hand. After a bit of conversation, we decided to team up. This didn't last very long (the server went down) but I was so happy that the encounter was a positive one that I couldn't wait for the next one. Encounter #2 was not as positive but it was amazing all the same. I was running around and ended up in the south west end of Berezino with the intention of raiding the hospital and the store. At this point I had had nothing to drink for a long while so it was critical I find anything to quench my thirst. Knowing that this city would definitely have survivors in it (and bandits), I was very cautious about my approach. I was very surprised at not seeing a soul and was able to enter the hospital without incident. I made my way floor by floor to the top. I then proceeded to climb to the highest point on the building to see if there was anything on top to loot. Upon getting on top I see 3 guys in FULL military gear walk out on the first roof level. I quickly ducked and backed away from the edge so they wouldn't see me and I might get the drop on them coming up the ladder with my fire axe. Unfortunately, I was spotted and they yelled for me to come down. I decided rather than fight them (axe vs 2 M4's and shotgun) I would take my chances and see what happens. Hustling me inside the building, they made me strip at gunpoint so they could rummage through my things. I kept weighing the option of darting out the door to attempt an escape but the double-barrelled shotgun pointed at my head brought me to my senses. This made me feel angry and violated and I loved it!! After a few minutes, they let me have my stuff back (minus most of my canned food and 2 full 30 round clips) and told me to go and never return to the hospital. I suited up and got the hell out of there. At this point I was very close to dying from dehydration and I knew I would never be able to make the journey to another town. I decided to hell with the bandits, I need water or I'm a goner and made my way to the store in the middle of Berezino. Once again I was surprised at not seeing anyone on the way but was disappointed to see the store had already been raided. Desperate for a drink, I started searching every building near me. This is when I had encounter #3. Similar to the first one, we were both armed with melee weapons and after a brief conversation (to clear up trust issues), we decided to team up. After a short battle with a new spawn sneaking up and punching us as we made our way to a group of buildings to look for a drink (my new partner had no water as well). Opening the door of a large building, I saw a zombie at the end of the hall. I readied my axe and BOOM, my screen went black and I fell unconscious. My partner dispatched the zombie and then stayed with me. We talked about how best to save me, but I knew my time was coming to an end. I told my new friend take all my stuff, he would need it. He protested, saying he couldn't do that to me and that he would stay and protect me here. I told him the only things that could possibly restore conciousness would be at the hospital being held by armed bandits. Finally he agreed and after good bye and nice to meet you he left to survive on his own. Again, I was blown away by this encounter and was pleasantly surprised at meeting such compassionate survivors rather than what seems to be the typical bandit goons (though I did enjoy being robbed the first time). I can't wait to meet the next survivor(s)!!! Thanks for reading, Vom
  2. Vomish

    Surprising First Encounters

    I knew about the wells and ponds. I just made a poor choice and paid for it with my life. Oh well, live and learn (or is it die and learn?).