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Everything posted by anteridy

  1. Dear all, My biggest problem with DayZ is independent spawn of weapon and corresponding mags/ammo. With numerous types of ammo most of the time I have a backpack full of ammo, mags and weapons and none of them match. Problem especially bad with rifles as I cant place them to backpack and thus had to make tough choice between shit rifle in hand with ammo and good rifle on the ground without one. What's your opininon?
  2. anteridy

    Should guns spawn loaded?

    50/50 at the moment in votes. If representative, poll indicates that 50% of players sort of unhappy about current system of weapon spawn. In my opinion ratio should be 80/20 in favor of old system. My guess is that those who didn't like the current system went to B4 or similar in despair of finding a weapon to shoot. This in turn increased the ratio of superhardcore lovers willing to spend hours getting macarov pistol to work to nearly half of population. Well done dev team.
  3. anteridy

    Should guns spawn loaded?

    Let's not get out of topic. The question is not which rifle to use or how to fight. The question is - should guns spawn with mags/ammo? Sporters, carabines, assault rifles, all guns - they all need ammo and mags. At the moment you have to stick to blaze/shotgun unless you are willing to run for hours looking for mags and ammo and then do a second run for corresponding rifles. Without proper tents, with constant lags during item pickup it's a nightmare. I understand that rarity is crucial in this game - fine make weapons rare. But having 100% of guns without mags and ammo - what kind of reality is that?
  4. anteridy

    Should guns spawn loaded?

    Actually you kinda prove my point. The reason everyone killed far more people with shotguns and blaze is because they don't need mag and ammo is readily available. If other guns would spawn with mags this ratio would change dramatically.
  5. anteridy

    Should guns spawn loaded?

    Shit rifles - two barrel shotgun and blaze (both have just two god damn shots per load) Good rifles - assault rifles (AK etc), carabines etc. Those allow you to take down any target with much higher chance of success. I guess as far as you not deer hunting choice is rather straightforward. But have to agree that third options might the best - spawn random "brew" for each weapon (random mag, random amount of ammo, random attachments etc) + separate parts individually.
  6. So what is going on with shaking of the iron sights? Last night I was testing new mode and turned out that my scope is shaking all the same if I stay, kneel or prone. It is tolerable with iron sights but with scope is just beyond crap. I've tried to lay down for few min assuming shaking is due to running, but it never stopped (~1 hr in game time). Is that yet another bag or it follows some weird logic of "realistic" gaming? What is your way to snipe now?
  7. Tried splint and extra key for holding breath - all works. Thanks mates!
  8. I do have message that my leg is in pain - did not think that it may affect the sway. I'll try splint/morphine for sure. Thanks for the tip with breath holding - with LR scope the right click just zooms but doesn't affect sway. Will try that too. Thanks!