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Muspel (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Muspel (DayZ)

  1. Muspel (DayZ)


    Ok, with the new update we have some new things in-game and some bugs fixed. There're more important things to fix before anything and are still there. For example: - Zombie bug (sound). - Drink bug (sound). - Bullets bug (sound). - Gate bug (sound) (a gete is open even in woods where there is no gates) Is so annoying, some times you don't even know if is real or is the bug. This should be fixed at least in the next update, affects gameplay and is annoying. The Zombie bug is the most annoying. And then, weapon silencers. Fix this is more important than 70% of the last update, silencers still not working and I have to do a lot of noise everywhere. The suggestion is this, try to fix the more important things that affect gameplay, better priority. Please fix this bugs.
  2. Muspel (DayZ)


    I'm not complaing about the sounds. I'm just complaing about the sound-bugs, it is just a bug, not sound problem. In other words is code problem.
  3. Muspel (DayZ)

    New path , rebirth after session lost

    Permament freez(lag) and sesion lost. That's the new version update, nothing more. Welcome to the club.
  4. Muspel (DayZ)

    Dayz is working fine?

    With the last update the game is working really bad. Infinite "wait for host" screen, too slow to enter in-game, servers not responding, sesion lost, kicked cause battleeye problems, etc. New version is stable or what?, since the last update Dayz turns unplayable for me.
  5. Muspel (DayZ)

    Dayz is working fine?

    I don't know why, but my game is unplayable. Permanent lag-freez 2-3 minutes, then 12000 sounds at the same time and I can play 5 minutes and again, 2-3 minutes lag-freez I can't do anything, can't open doors, can't do anything ..... IS ANNOYING. EDIT: I Tried to play again now ..... the same shit. Played about 5 minutes everything goes "FINE" and BOOM ...... permament freez-lag for 3-4 minutes, can't open doors, can't change weapon, can't move items, can't do SHIT. Then the games is back and I heard the zombie's rap and I can play for 5 minutes waiting the next permanent freez-lag for 3-4 minutes. It happen 3 times, at the 4 time -> sesion lost. The game is unplayable, unstable, is not working at all. I want the old version right now.
  6. Muspel (DayZ)

    Dayz is working fine?

    Well, something is not good. I played 30 minutes today: - First server -> kicked by battleeye. - Second server -> LAG, LAG, LAG, SESION LOST. - Third server -> CRASH - Four server-> LAG, LAG, LAG, SESION LOST. This is fucking annoying, I can't play. Sesion lost, lag, crash, error, lag, sesion lost, lag, kicked, lag, sesion lost. This is a nightmare, I want 188 back, this version is just crap.
  7. Muspel (DayZ)

    Dayz is working fine?

    I still have the problems, the new version is bad, really bad. Isn't stable at all. I don't know why this version isn't on test ......... when you change the version, the new version need to be STABLE.
  8. Muspel (DayZ)


    Other priorities? ....... read the description of the new update. More than 50% are bullshit, and this bug is more important than a lot of things. Is really annoying heard this sounds every 5 seconds, 10 seconds, all time. And if you get some "LAG" you'll heard the famous ZOMBIE'S RAP, 100 zombie sounds in 3 seconds.
  9. Muspel (DayZ)

    Dayz is working fine?

    I didn't check my settings but all seems to be same than before. I don't know why change or update if the version is not stable at all.
  10. Muspel (DayZ)

    Stuck in a wall.

    Look, I've the solution for you or maybe 2 solutions. a) Try everything, W, W+jump, W+W+jump, with some luck you can scape (I did this some times, but maybe works quickly or maybe you can be doing this for 2 hours and nothing). b ) Best solution for me, worked a lot of times. Loggout near the wall (the wall that you think is better for example wall next to street -> no more walls or things that can fuck you again), log in and when you're entering the server start running with W even after the game starts (wait for host screen or please wait screen), and you can pass through the wall. Maybe don't work at the first time, but works for me at least 90% of the times. Fuck the school, I get stuck there like 2 or 3 times.
  11. Muspel (DayZ)

    In game lag after update?

    I just get killed 3 or 4 times for this. Infinite lag, and zombies take advantage. Now I've nothing. Zombies killing FULL characters, fuck.
  12. Muspel (DayZ)

    Dayz is working fine?

    Yeah, 100% true. Infinite please wait screen or wait for host screen. Infinite lag and probably KILLED by zombies. Sesion lost. Kicked from BattleEye. 3hs to change weapon (after you respawn) Respawn isnt working some times and you're dead screen turns infinite too.
  13. Muspel (DayZ)

    Dayz is working fine?

    I can't play. I've HUGE lag too, don't know why. Isn't my problem, is Dayz problem. When I join a server, I can't jump, I can't throw anything, I can't change the weapon, its like freezing, and then two options: a) sesion lost. b) lag is gone but for a while, and maybe game will crash. Before the update this never happen to me, specially the lag problem, only with the last update this lag appears to me. It's really annoying I get killed 3 times for that and I loss everything for zombies, not players ..... zombies. Its like freezing, I can't see other players moves, I can't see zombies, and then PUM lag is gone and I'm bleeding, or dead, or 10 zombies arround me :S.
  14. Muspel (DayZ)

    20-30 FPS?

    Sorry guys I know that there're some threads about this, but most of them don't help me. I've a good pc i5 2500k 8GB ram HD 7850, 2GB etc I tried some changes on video option in-game, all disabled-low and all high but FPS are always the same, 20-30. In-houses or some place like that I've 20 fps and thats kinda annoying when you're playing with 30-60 all time. I've better fps outside than inside, that's strange. This is normal? or it is my problem? I know that the game isn't optimized and maybe that's why but when I'm looking gameplays on youtube some gameplays seems to be really smooth, more than me.
  15. Muspel (DayZ)

    Some suggestions to improve gameplay

    Hello!, I've been playing for weeks and I want to share some suggestions I have. I know that Dayz is on alpha stage and I know too about searching on this forum. This thread is about gameplay and not only 1 suggestion. If you like some suggestions please share your opinion about it to improve gameplay and find real solutions. Shall we start? Important: Know who are our friends in combat.​ - Green name on the top (like every MMO out there). - Green circle on the ground. // This is really important, we keep asking "is that you?" all day to everyone. If we know who are our friends in combat, gameplay will be more effective. HP bar or Health bar.​ - At the bottom of the screen where the fast-shortcuts are. // We need to know how is our health all time, will be helpful to survive. Be able to choose where to respawn. - Visible map to choose where we want to respawn (maybe not for cities, but near spots or cities too). // This will be a huge change, the world is bigger than Elektro and Balota. If we can choose where to respawn the enviorment will be more balanced and not only 1 city. Be able to add friends to steam.​ - Right-click on players screen -> view steam profile. - Add one option to action-menu where hide-body is -> view steam profile. // Will be great to improve gameplay and network, making new friends or enemies. Time in-game (server time).​ - Bottom-right on the edge or near the hp bar or even on the top-left. // Great to know the respawn time. Not "THAT" important: Different climates.​ - Hot high temperature: Thirsty more often, exhausted, run slower. Visual effects as well like no clouds and "water illusion far away". Wailing sound on our character. - Hot normal temperature: All normal. - Cold low temperature: Hungry more often, numb, run slower. Visual effects as well like snow or snow storm. Breathing animation with "smoke" - Cold normal temperature: All normal. - Wet heavy rain: Sick more often, hypothermia, run slower. Visual effects as well like heavy rain, poor vision and water drops with some blur on the character, real rain. Sneezing. - Wet normal rain: All normal. // This will improve gameplay and the enviorment to survive. Wet stage could appear together with hot-high or cold-low or alone if there're normal climates. // We need to know the temperature, maybe with new gear or maybe on our interface in-game. // Wailing, breathing and sneezing will do noise and other players can hear it, great for inmersion, gameplay and enviorment. Traps, all kind of traps.​ - Bear trap: Broken leg. - Landmines: Dead. - Baits: For players or even wild-animals. - Rope traps: Restrict movement. - Wokitoki: Voice trap (I know that there're wokitokis in-game but not really sure if they're working). - More. // Traps are really good for inmersion and improve gameplay, even the enviorment. New strategies for survival. Doors lock. - Maybe a global key for some buildings or special item to lock some doors and unlock as well. // Will be awesome to lock and unlock some doors, great for inmersion and gameplay. Binoculars.​ - Low-range: Not big deal. - Medium-range: Normal loot. - High-range: High loot // Gameplay will be more smooth, great for inmersion. More tools to fix ruined/badly damaged/damaged gear like scopes.​ - Special tool or even new individual parts to fix it. // Not easy to find it but easier than finding new gear. New clothes, weapons, gear.​ // This probably will be added soon, but is not good only 3-4 weapons in-game. New food/drink/etc.​ // Same here. Trains working.​ - Maybe a way to fix it and use it or maybe all time working (only with a player "drive"). // Great for travel long distances for now (new vehicles will be added soon). Better nights. // We always avoid night, and is frustrating. Where is the moon?, the real moon do some reflect from the sun but here is no vision at all 100% black. // Would be awesome to have some "electric building" and can turn it ON/OFF at night to have at least some public light at the streets or not. Gear stats.​ - Boots: Add +5 to movement speed - (high-end loot). - Gloves: Add +5 to accuracy to any weapon - (high-end loot). - Glasses: Add +5 to vision - (high-end loot). - Kevlar vest: Resist 5 shots - (not on the head / high-end loot). - Helmet: Resist 5 shots on the head - (high-end loot). // Some examples of what I say, stats on high-end loot will be great. Also stats will change depending on gear condition. // Pristine = 5 stats, worn = 4 stats, damaged = 3 stats, badly damaged = 2 stats, ruined = 1 stat. Molotovs.​ // Be able to turn on fire a building would be extremely awesome (server respawn will fix the building). Thermal sensor and night vision. // Great for survive. Red name on bandits.​ // Red name with 1 hour cooldown per kill. Achievements.​ - Survive X hours. - Kill X players. - Loot X gear. - Locations. // All kind of achievements like other game out there with A LOT of achivements, small, big, easy, hard.
  16. Muspel (DayZ)

    Some suggestions to improve gameplay

    Sencha I can say what I want. This are suggestions, you're not the developer and is not your game, never say never. bobotype3334 if you run with a poor pair of shoes you have no problem at all?. Now, when you run with new and sport shoe you run faster and better, right? Gloves +5 accuracy, if there're some low temperature a good pair of gloves will help you to aim. Worm hands -> better aim, numb hands -> poor aim. Real life.
  17. Muspel (DayZ)

    Some suggestions to improve gameplay

    Respawn location isn't RPG thing. Add friends isn't RPG thing. Time server isnt RPG thing. HP bar, not everyone. Just our character, and watch our health "healing" by "healthy buff". Know our friends is important. In other games, there are "no friendly-fire" clans, factions, etc. Here we have friendly fire, and isn't good killing friends. Other solution would be the chance to add some unique cloth or even a flag to "groups".