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Everything posted by MatchSticks

  1. MatchSticks

    Wow a friendly!

    This is just a story, it's not important so if you are wanting news etc feel free to go back to the forums. I just wanted to share with everyone, this big shoutout of thanks to a friendly player I encountered. It's rare to find friendlies in the servers I been joining, and this bloke takes the cake for being the first ever friendly I've ever met online. He comes just as I was beginning to think I would never EVER find a friendly like I have heard and seen many others do and I am quite taken at the rewarding feeling of being able to interact with someone in Dayz. I was a new spawn travelling in Cherno going towards Balota. I had an SKS but no ammo, a backpack and shovel. I'm friendly and more often I've just snuck around other players instead of shooting (or being shot at) but I have a history of being KOS'd many times before and having those items on me I was sure to get another KOS; a gun threatens anyone, drawn or not, and the shovel is a threat also. Looting Cherno wasn't an option with all the zeds at the time so I wanted to reach the military base in Balota as I had more chance to find ammo and/or better weapon and fend off the zombies there. I was passing by Town Hall in Cherno when I heard someone shouting,"friendly! friendly!". I stopped and looked around and I see this guy running towards me. He had an SKS in his hand and I thought to myself, "oh shit" and proceeded to pull out my ammoless SKS thinking this will leverage the threat and if I died this time i would at least have gone down fighting. Or so it would seem. Anyway he got close enough for me to think that I'm going to get KOS'd again. But as soon as he did, he immediately asked me if I needed anything, where I came from where am I going and if I was a new spawn. I think he meant new spawn as in newbie, but I answered yes anyway because i was a new spawn. I was taken back a little by this time, surprised, because I had never been able to meet anyone without a bullet in my face. He also made the effort to be less threatening by putting his gun away, and seemed to not care if he got KOS'd. That's a real friendly in my books. Knowing I had no ammo by this stage as he asked me, he dropped 10 bullets for my SKS which I promptly pickup up and loaded my gun. He had put his own gun away beforehand and I see no reason to shoot him; I was thankful so I dare not hurt people who helped me. Most probably would for his items because he was well equipped but I bare no intentions. We talked for a while and parted ways soon after. I continued towards Balota and was tempted to look in a fire station for extra loot I can get since it was on the way. Inside, a zombie was standing looking directly at me so I ran out just to find another just outside. Trying to grab my shovel to use at first but with the other zombie I pulled out then put away my SKS many times before suddenly going prone. I was frustrated at the time, the two zombies clawing at me whilst I'm doing stupid maneuvres because of the gluggy controls and I wasn't expecting to be able to stand this much longer. I finally got to stand up and tried to get up on the stairs but rubberbanding broke my legs and there I was, a sitting duck with zombies eating me with much hate and angriness, as if I flipped a bird at their moms or I must've farted on their balls or something. I remember thinking to myself, "well I guess I can only just watch them as I die" because pulling out any weapons is gonne be futile as it takes time and I might just end up putting it away anyway. Suddenly I heard gunshots and the zeds dropped. In the background was this guy I just met, putting those zeds away and keeping any others getting close. I scramble to see if I could see anything I could use to help my broken leg and was lucky to find a morphine injector closeby. I quickly used it but I was also bleeding profusely. I had no bandages and was about to take my shirt off to get rags when I heard a familiar sound of bandages being applied. The guy had rush towards me and patched me up! What a champ! Just to cut the story a little short, I thanked him and we again parted ways but I will never forget what he did for me that day. No its not the help he had given even though that is a really big plus. It's the big heart of a hero, the compassion of a survivor and the first ever person I ever chatted with online. Thank you BlackCOCO. Hope to meet you next time.
  2. MatchSticks

    Wow a friendly!

    thanks bro, yeah I forgot about paragraphs lol
  3. MatchSticks

    Morailty in gaming poll

    In a game where you have to choose a side, I may sometimes choose to be evil. In Dayz and games where there isn't a goal to achieve including RL, I would like the credits to say: Joe - as Brennigan (example only) MatchSticks - as himself
  4. MatchSticks

    Your most frustrating moments.

    This seems to happen to me all the time now, but with zeds. I usually try to use my axe as sometimes I can hit them on the head when they aren't looking but usually as soon as I creep up close and take that swing, more zeds seems to either get aggro'ed or just happen to be in strategically an eyesight away from the zed I killed. Theres usually more than one that comes because the one that saw me or got aggro'ed would, of course, run past all his friends and they all come running after me. In a frenzied panic of trying to reach for a gun or switch from axe to gun (any gun, you name it) whilst running, I would casually slow down to walk like nothing is happening, pulling it out and end up putting away my weapon everytime, including suddenly going prone like I needed to. And at no point did I press the prone button. By the time I could use it I'm nearing death, items ruined and bleeding profusely up to the point there's no colour. I died many times either from that slow walk or proning where the zeds would hit me like a bitch, or the blood loss after getting away from zeds trying to patch myself up only to find rags/bandages are ruined. And thats after finding a nice spot to patch myself instead of in plain sight. Makes me angry. Rubberbanding is another, and now i refuse to even climb up onto anything unless it has stairs. But then I refuse to stay too close to walls or edges of rooms as they tend to put me outside the wall and .... You are dead. I don't know if it's a glitch or what, but going from prone to crouch or crouch to stand sometimes puts me about a meter to my rightand sometime a meter in front. I can be in a single storey house doing some looting doing that prone/crouch thing when suddenly I find myself outside and for the most part, appearing magically in front or close to a zed that I was prone/crouching trying not to be seen by said zed. This goes with the rubberbanding too, when this happens I am instantly dead if I'm on a second floor close to walls and stairs. Oh another thing that frustrates me is things going missing when I put them on the floor. I applaud the devs for fixing the issue with ammo going missing but now even my backpack could dissapear just because I spotted a better one to swap with. Its not often, I know, but how often is your backpack not ever full of goodies? I find that this happens with anything really nowadays in houses although its not often, but it does happen. Once or twice I could find it outside of the house, and its hard to find it because you would think that it is more likely just outside the walls but its not the case. More often it just dissapears.
  5. Hello all, No offense to the OP but I wanted to give my 2 cents on 'Are you happy with CURRENT zombie implementation?'. I apologize in advance if a lot of what I'm saying is considered ramblings, as I do sometimes. I started DayZ SA in early February after falling in love with the idea of a survival game from bloody YouTube videos lol. I have never tried the mod. Sure, I have played 'survival' games before but DSA is very unique IMO. I'm quite happy with the current zombie implementation, knowing that this may change (polished) for the actual release. Before the patch, once an area is clear and looted, it becomes boring and I noticed how quickly I let my guard down compared to now and this always ends up with me being KOS'ed upon being seen or stumbling upon another player. I learnt to be fearful of players but not zombies. I KOS any zombies using my guns as my primary weapon not having a care in the world. After the patch however, I'm much more careful of both zombies AND players. After a many, many deaths trying to learn the mechanics of the new zombie implementation I now started playing DSA the way I actually did when I started. Being very careful. My guns are now just a status threat for other players; I feel safer if I met another player as they too will be choosing between firing off a round or surviving even if it is a false sense of security. And if I do get killed, I don't feel so bad as before the patch, knowing a horde of zombies will actually hear the shot and come get him/her making it a little harder to loot from my dead body. Of course this might not happen with melee weapons but they'd have to come close to get me, and there's more chance for me to defend myself as I am now always looking over my shoulder and stuff. DSA world also has become a bit more interesting to me because even though the place had been looted, I still have zombies to look out for even if I know they are no players around. No longer can I just run around knowing a player had been there and he/she had cleared the zombies making it way easy to peruse the area at my leisure. This was what made it boring before the patch, and seems unrealistic to me as I'd let my guard down. I'd have to go elsewhere for my fix of killing zombies. Zombies after the patch aren't as hard as some players have stated, because the more I play the easier I find to fend them off either by sidestepping and melee'ing or just running out of town where after a certain radius/distance they would actually just fall and die. They are however, annoying. But this makes me become much much more careful and aware of my surroundings as many of them suddenly appear behind me to say g'day. They kinda have a upped sense since the patch to sniff me out, but in saying that I have also been able to keep stealth 20-30 feet in plain sight of them just by crouching along. I still do sneak up on them and give them a 'howsit going' whilst my axe goes through their cranial. However, with the current zombies find it hard to lose them once I accidentally fire a shot. I'd expect to be able to sneak off behind a building via ladders or alternate exit but they seem to 'see' me through the building so an escape becomes very difficult, leaving just the options of getting higher in the building, climbing up ladders or running through them out of town until they just drop and die from the chase. As a last resort without doing any of that, knowing this will change when they fix clipping, I just get into a building with a higher foundation and wait till they get stuck in the walls or floor where I can then axe them lol. But when I run out of town, I get to do the whole stealth thing again as if I was there IRL. Can never clear an area and expect it to be zombie free :) Yes, I've seen them spawn out of thin air but IMO its no problem to me as long as I do as I stated previously. Their biggest giveaway even with spawning like that is the aggro call/sound they make and its helped me survive now. They almost always make that sound first before coming for me but as I mentioned earlier, have them sneaking up upon me without sound. As for PVP'ing, I've never done so and cannot dislike or discard opinions for those who likes to PVP. I can only say that, maybe zombies should be a factor in any PVP that's organized or not. The zombies could potentially get in the way or annoying to PVP in, but as I said, maybe zombies should factor in any PVP IMO being it happening in DSA world. Anyways thanks for taking the time to read this, I know its long and a liitle bit more than 2 cents probably more like 10 cents.
  6. I've noticed someone else with this problem and I thought I'd post a new topic as I am also having the same problem. It doesn't matter which server I go to, but all the servers I switched to and joined does not allow me to access my inventory. The stats and inventory items are available, but equipping an item is not possible and to inspect them (right click menu to inspect) leaves a prolonged 'receiving' status that seems to be stuck doing something. I've tried other servers, as I mentioned above, but even after 30 mins the inventory is not responsive. I am unable to do anything at the time or go anywhere as I am vulnerable. Luckily I'm somewhere safe but is this a normal thing?