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About nexventor

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    Sadly watching the death of DayZ

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    Gaming, wakeboarding, motorsport, drinking and killing people.

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    Serious fun
  1. nexventor

    DayZ staff/devs/Bohemia show their love.

    Really showing your comprehension there buddy! In your own link it proves what I am saying. Peak players even though that stat still proves me right isn't worth shit. Its average players and that has plummeted. If you can't understand a basic premise like that, then our discussion is over. 1) When did I say that, stop assuming 2) Yes 3-6) Your opinion and irrelevant because they are biased 7) Yes 8) When did I say I had? Stop assuming 9) I will, when the mods come out. cause the devs have no idea the modding community will make it much better, as did Rocket with A2 I blame hicks cause he is lead developer, in all intense purposes he is the face and final decision maker. If it's not the case it doesn't make my opinion and less relevant just misdirected. I can live with that. I completely agree with the rest of your post and maybe I am little too passionate for my own good. But it frustrates me to no end watching a game I so dearly loved become one I can't even pay my mates to play again Hicks has watched too many youtube videos/twitch streams of the big story tellers and thinks "I want to make the game more like that". Well fucking excuse me, there is a valid niche for that sort of RP game but that's it, its a niche and the main game should not cater for anyone play style. Its a fucking sandbox and the players decide what is going to be on that particular server. I am glad you can still find enjoyment in it I wish I could.
  2. nexventor

    DayZ staff/devs/Bohemia show their love.

    They failed, simple as that and the absolutely abysmal player numbers don't lie. I freaking loved this game, putting in 0000's of hours of the mod and then SA but they systematically killed it with "hicks" poorly thought through vision of the game. Not realising the already established player base, the ones that made it popular, had already moulded the game into its category and defined it's place but no, hicks knew best. SA was suppose to be a less buggy, less clunky, smother adaptation of the mod; not some "hicks" inspired modification of the game cause he has no fucking idea. You should not have let rocket leave, we all know how your "creative" differences forced him out and now you are reaping what you sow, with a game that 3 million+ bought and no one wants to play. But hey keep listening to the new players that cry about KoS and all the other facets that made this game great. Way to ruin the most addictive thrilling game that I had the pleasure of playing. *slow clap*
  3. nexventor

    DayZ Battleye ban

    I love these threads. Well done OP, well done!
  4. nexventor

    Hot spots ?

    There are no hot spots any more with the way CLE works. 40+ pop servers you are extremely lucky to find a group, Less than that and good fucking luck
  5. nexventor

    My problem with DayZ Standalone

    The problem with releasing mods tools now is that they could be broken with every time a patch is released. Then there would be whinning about that. No your not but the vocal newbies have won, the devs catering to the vocal masses not the players and the play styles that made this game famous in the first place which in turn has drove the core PvP players away. Unless the devs finally wake up and swing the pendulum back in the other direction, mod tools will be the only saving face.
  6. nexventor

    DayZ Slowly dying ?

    Well you have failed miserably at comprehending what my issue even though it is pretty straight forward. I have absolutely NO problem with bugs, glitches, desync, etc etc. THAT IS TOO BE EXPECTED. I fucking love persistence, it's the number one thing I have had on my wish since day zero. I'll reiterate... tiadashi, on 01 Jun 2015 - 1:22 PM, said: The game has not "just" worn off on me and I am not sure why you keep bringing up desync/bugs into it, these are not my concerns. The fear is gone because the biggest and greatest threat was and always will be other players and that has been greatly nerfed. If no one has ammo/weapons to kill each other, human players are no longer a threat or at least a significant one, therefore your greatest fear becomes hunger (boring) and zombies (laughable). Even if zombies were an insane threat, killing an AI is far far less rewarding than killing a HP. The devs said they weren't going to cater to an particular play style and now they are.
  7. nexventor

    DayZ Slowly dying ?

    Nope still continue to play a lot of this genre of game, just not SA.
  8. nexventor

    DayZ Slowly dying ?

    The thrill of the hunt, being hunted, survival, intensity to name a few. Actually being scared of dying, it's gone. What to you is the 'single most important aspect' or the game? FEAR! From everything In my opinion the game was meant to be a survival game, that's why I got it and that is how I see it progressing. Survival and PvP go hand in hand. Zombies, food, the elements and OTHER PLAYERS should all be feared, like they use to. There are plenty of survival games that PvE only, they are usually boring and have a relatively small player base because wilderness survival will only be fun for a short amount of time. The saddest thing to me is the current issues with desynch in the game but I know it will get better as the engine and performance issues are worked on in time. Thats not sad, thats development, it comes with Alpha builds. It is to be expected.
  9. nexventor

    DayZ Slowly dying ?

    Yup, the dev's are killing it. I have been watching SA go from being in the top 10 steam games played, week in and week out, to 17th then 23rd then 28th, and now 33rd. Shit even H1Z1 is out ranking it. We had a group of 17 players and now only one person still plays, it's quite sad but completely understandable when the dev's have destroyed the single most important aspect of what made DayZ the most intense game out there.
  10. nexventor

    More advanced horticulture.

    This game is DayZ not DayH. Jesus christ this is getting stupider by the day :o
  11. nexventor

    DayZ is the greatest game ever made

    I can't stand H1Z1... I haven't purchased and don't ever plan too That's not what the stats say. You are right though the will retrun... when the modding tools are released.
  12. nexventor

    DayZ is the greatest game ever made

    Yeah that's why the player base is leaving in droves. Jesus even H1Z1 has more people playing. The dev's are taking the wrong path, it makes more and more sense why Dean left and said what he did about it. Thank god for the modding community is all I can say... but its going to be a long wait <_<
  13. nexventor

    Final Thoughts from an Early MOD player....

    I completely agree, I think they are destroying the things that make DayZ, the special game us old timers have experienced and catering to the overly vocal newer DayZ gamers. Pretty much what most big games do, sell out to the new found success but they quickly forget that the core dynamics is what made the game so popular in the first place.
  14. Yup I am killing everyone now.
  15. nexventor

    Does DayZ need aeiral transport?

    Thank god mod tools is all I can say