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Everything posted by twobeer
Ok thanks. As for the low yield military camps and tents, there is a chance good stuff will spawn or is it a never? Need to know before i waste time camping there.
[Trade] Looking to trade a few things
twobeer replied to sostronk's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I had 8 water bottles. I want the NVG goggles. steam - alexUK1290 -
Well last night we were saved by a miracle. We were near a town (will not name location) somewhere north, the town was terrible for yields, nothing much was enter-able. As usual, we decided to just run in instead of stealth because there probably wasnt going to be anything useful, so we run in, get chased by tons of zeds, find nothing, run out, start turning shooting running and the usual across a field, slowly but surely the zeds got picked off. After 3 minutes of repeating it, we realised more and more zeds were just coming, all the way frmo the town too, and we were low on munitions, litterally, this tiny shite town had way too many zombies!? We thought fuck it lets run, so we run up the hill as fast as we can(it was just fields and fields no woods to lose the zeds in) i had about 4 shots in my Lee Enfield, my friend had about 2 in his CZ550, not much pistol ammo either. Still running, still 10+ zeds coming. 4 minutes later you should have lost them, but we hadant, they were still there??? all of them, just running, we could have logged off but thats shit and cheating. We kept running, getting really annoyed now as its been 10 minutes of this (being honest, no lies) when randomly my friend P-scout sees something in the field ahead behind a lonesome tree... we sprint to it, its a tractor!!! P-scout gets in and goes loose, running down all these zombies all 10+, no gun shots and no worries, nice and easy just mowing them down, it was a miracle. In the end we just ended up running over sheep for meat. We probably wouldnt have died if we kept running but it was just getting annoying haha.
Trusted Medics of the Wasteland - 100% Trustworthy Players List
twobeer replied to - Valkyrie -'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
You trade med supplies or you just be a medic or what, maybe both? Because my friend & I need a transfusion each and some morphine.. badly -
Looking to trade for two ghillie suits, not one i need two, tell me what you want for them and we'll talk.
We can help, but need to know your location, stay in wood'ed areas and keep moving till your log in area name changes.
Tents arent working right now? Still need?
Haha your cruel :P
Haha, yes, it was thrilling yet nerve racking, one of those random events in the game :P
Looking for two or three people to roll with.
twobeer replied to Kimberlah's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Hello, Im Alex UK 18, i play with one other guy, were looking for 1-2 other people to join us. We dont use skype sadly, teamspeak 3. Steam is AlexUK1290 -
What timezone are you in, central is american? Im not good with timezones
Lonely Survivor Lookin For Team Mate
twobeer replied to [email protected]'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Hi, mi 18 from UK and i roll with one other. we use Ts3 though, i hate skype :S steam AlexUK1290 -
Nice story, love it when that type of stuff goes down. One of my stories was pretty recent, myself and my friend were doing our usual scout through Elektro for supps, we were moving it slow to the building opposite the supermarket, the one with three floors, i forgot the name. We search the whole place, find good stuff, then we hear the usual 'arghh waaghh' from a zombie meaning he found a player, so we go up to the roof and go prone, one of us aiming at the door, the other looking down to find out where the fck this guy is. We then heard a couple of m16 shots, and saw that they came from the supermarket, one dude was holding it down with tons of zombies going to get him. Me and my friend both had a CZ 550 each, plenty of mags, thought fuck it, lets help him out. So we destroyed most of the zombies going into the supermarket, till there was one left, leaving that one for the poor guy inside, didnt want him to hear our shot and get our location since he might be an asshole and kill us, well try to. We lost sight of the guy inside the market, he obviously logged out or something. We start to crawl back to the door on the roof, when randomly this guy is just standing there in the entrance staring, even worse, he didnt have a weapon on him, this was obviously the dude from the market, same clothes and czech backpack. My friend shouts through his mic 'dont fucking move or ill split your head, dont fucking move' obviously it was the usual panic that fired up my friend haha, the guy then goes prone, doesnt say anything and moves out onto the roof with us. We decide to just move on slowly with me watching this random freaky dude. He follows us down all stairs to the bottom. Moving to the hospital now, just before we turn the corner to go into the street entrance the guy following us says 'give gun' i said 'what?' 'give gun new', obviously he's not English, and probably isnt playing with friends, felt sorry for him because he looked so helpless with his hands on his sides walking, we decide to give him a makarov, i had one in my backpack that i was saving for the tent, gave him 4 clips, also gave him 1 water bottle, a spare knife and two beans, i said, 'that should do you, please go now we are moving', he said 'thank' We were a little worried that he was going to kill us, we just had to be extra careful. We go into the hospital, get some bandages and the works, when the random dude comes into the hospital after us and aims his pistol at my friend, he said 'come' my friend again aims his CZ550 and shouts 'put the fucking gun down, gun down' i jump in and said 'holster, now' the guy doesnt holster, but says 'come many supplies' at this point, i could understand his accent, i think he was from china or something, again he said 'come please', so i said 'Gun down and we come' not sure why i decided to make us follow, probably the eagerness to see if this guy has supplies as he said, also i knew he wouldnt be able to kill us, well both of us. So we follow this dude away from elektro going toward the small mountain called dobryy or something. We get near the forest edge, when randomly the guy we were following sprinted ahead, obviously my friend and I sprint after him to keep eye contact, we sprint into the tree'd area and the dude stops and turns, we're still sprinting to catch up, when out of fucking nowhere we saw a glimpse of a fire and its blaze ahead on a slightly raised hill spot, with an ATV behind a tree and 3-7 guys 3 in ghilli(cant spell) suits the rest in usual clothing, all aiming at us, me and my friend immediately go prone and shout 'FRIENDLY, DONT SHOOT FRIENDLIES' we didnt hear anything back, we could see them all, some behind trees, some in the open, us two just completed prone in the long grass awaiting what was coming next, the dude we followed still looking at us aswell, clearly he was a friend of these guys, my friend and I obviously start talking really fast about who we will target if a firefight opens, our plan was pretty shit, but our situation was shit, we decided we were going to chuck a smoke infront of us, sprint backwards by about 2 meters, go prone, move left and right (i move left friend moves right) to split up, then face the enemy guys, take shots with our CZ 550 and see what happens. Not a bad plan to be honest, had to go back slightly because we were far to close for our CZ 550 to be effective. We were both ready, i pressed F once to get my smoke ready. Everything tense as fuck, still waiting, didnt want to have to kill, but we might have to. Still lying there waiting, nobody moved, not even sure if they could see us in the grass. Randomly, we heard 'friendly' from the guys ahead, then we saw two guys with no gun out walking toward us, i said in TS3 to my friend 'stay prone, ill stand and see whats up'. So i did, the two guys walked close to me, about 4 meters from me, stopped, then said 'Hi, friendly?' due to his tone of the word friendly i knew it was a question, i replied with 'yes'. The guy said 'gun down, follow' my friend stood up, we both double tapped CTRL to lower our CZ 550s, followed these two guys, both ready to switch to our pistols again since we were much closer. Walking up the slight hill no toward that warm looking blaze, everyone one of the guys was now walking with us, not behind, not in front, just side by side. High chance its a trap, but whatever, we probably wouldnt have lived the firefight in the field anyway, might aswell see if these guys are legit. We stop at the camp fire, they all sit down around it, so we did too. Then an american voice spoke up and said 'do you need any supplies' i replied with 'yes, anything' he replies with 'take what you want from the tents over there by the tree edge' 'ok sure' i said, 'just dont take anything that has 3 or less' 'haha no problem we dont need much'. So i ended taking a spare box of matches, swapping my CZ550 for an M24 with 5 mags, my friend swapping his CZ550 for a AKS74-Kobra and chaning his makarov for a M9 silenced. I kept my makarov, took a ghilli(cant spell)suit then took 10 raw meet from one tent (they had loads between two tents), 5 cans of pepsi (well two coke 3 pepsi), then that was it, sat down again, cooked all that meat, then asked 'who is hungry'. Pretty much it, we ended up just talking for 20 minutes before we decided to head of and thank them for their hospitality. Long ass story haha, was an epic day though, thought id share everything :P
Hello I need to clarify the word of mouth about 'dont bother with tents, they dont save anything right now' Can anyone confirm this? I did use a tent 2 days ago and it saved my items for 30+ hours, logging on tonight the items were gone, not sure what or how. About to put loads of items into our tent, is it worth it or? Thanks
ok, restart on the servers? if yes is there a way to know when its going to reset or is it just dependant on said server
Hey So i broke my ankle... had to use my last bandage, i need some more of them. I cant go get them myself because i have way too much stuff to risk and also my character is in pain thus my arms shake when i aim, cant hit shit so no use. So i need some painkillers too. My location is near the middle of the south coast, ill give you a specific meeting point when we discuss it. I need: Painkillers Bandages Food, if you want, dont need much, beans running low. Matches. Matches and painkillers are a priority! Things im willing to trade: Compound Crossbow, 1 bolt. CZ 550 Sniper, no ammo. Winchester 1866, 3 mags. Double Barrel Shotgun, 2 rounds. Blood bag. Water Bottle. Watch. Depending on what you have for me is what im willing to give you. Matches & Painkillers priority, then bandages. When we meet, i will have one unmarked friend Or perhaps, if your a lonewolf, we might let you group up with us should you wish. Steam AlexUK1290 Help :o
Yeah i know its not that good, but for simple bandages and pain killers its fair :)
Hmm, i was thinking about dying, but would my tent stay put with my items? Also could i pack the tent and move it after death? Im not a trap lol, i live of the land, never go into towns anymore, sick of bandits... well, i need the matches first
Haha yes, thing is, my friend is very new to Arma itself, i got him to get the game this morning, he is really errm bad to say the least, no offence haha. He wouldnt be able to to it by himself xD So when i say i have an unmarked friend watching the meet, in reality i mean a guy is watching with no clue who is who xD
If i pitch my tent down, can i un-pitch it and move it?
Seems to be working for me
Looking To Form Small Tactical Group
twobeer replied to [email protected]'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Hi whats up Im interested in a tactical team too, i have my own ts3 server, im just not into using skype, ts3 is easy to download if your up for it? im 18 and from england, playing daily -
Hello I've been looking for a shitey tent for days on end, still cant get one, supermarkets hate me. So anyone who has a spare one is willing to trade something for it let me know. Steam me if you have, or reply here. AlexUK1290
Haha, yer i died to a bandit, sucks to be me. Started again, found 4 tents in one building, and err, died again when trying to get out of Cherno. I just want to set up a damn tent near my selected damn pond.
Hello, do you use TS3 and have a mic?