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Everything posted by cruiseashimself

  1. cruiseashimself

    Someone can tell me why is that funny?

    why wouldn't we get that? that's pretty damn cool to track a player and get them. I don't personally think it's BF and COD fault people play run and gun. it's just hope people play. I think it's just dumb to just kill people. if you make a purpose for you kills.... awesome. tracking is one of them and that takes skill.
  2. cruiseashimself

    Is anyone else getting this?

    I log into any server to include 24/7 servers and all are night time? It's strange. Anyone else experiencing this?
  3. cruiseashimself

    Someone can tell me why is that funny?

    Good point @nettles he's exactly what I'm talking about. I guess people are lazy and like to gear up that way. I was with a group one time and a fully gear guy came up and they asked me to be the mediator. I went up to talk to him and they covered me. After a while of talking, he seemed ok. Then he was shot. The group covering me said they didn't like the way he was acting... Then told me to take his stuff that I needed it. I said I felt wrong for taking it cuz he seemed cool. So I took his stuff and went on my merry way. it was def way easier to do that. But I felt bad for the guy.. Haha
  4. cruiseashimself

    Is anyone else getting this?

    Thanks for the info guys!
  5. cruiseashimself


    Maybe... but walls mean nothing to them so why wouldn't he just ghost through the door to eat me? IDK
  6. cruiseashimself


    I am a victim of this... I logged out in the building with .35 and logged back in under .42 and I could hear a zomb but didn't know where he was. Opened a door and he smacked the shit out of me.
  7. cruiseashimself

    Someone can tell me why is that funny?

    @nettles No doubt. I've met a few good people in game who have helped me tremendously. I met with them when we online and exchange gear. I always try to help people and end up dead. I know how pissed I used to get when I would die, so I try the peaceful method. Not very successful. Just don't like KOS, I mean if you meet someone and talk and they act stupid and are threating, by all means protect the char you've been running for 20 hours. That's the nature of the beast.
  8. cruiseashimself

    Someone can tell me why is that funny?

    One thing I've learned playing this game is... everyone is bad. haha jk. There truly good players and bad players. Even the good ones will "accidentally" kill you in an accidental gun fight. Once open a time... recently. A guy killed another passerby in cold blood as I watched from a roof top. I wanted to loot the body that he left there by the rail road tracks, so I patiently until the coast was clear. Made my way down the ladder and tip toed around the building. Turned the corner and a guy dress in full yellow rain gear and a gas mask was there. by the time I could pull a weapon out, My screen read "YOU ARE DEAD". After screaming obscene gestures at the rain prepared man, he replied in his prepubescent voice "It's DayZ man, Just killing people". I proceed to convince in he preferred the warmth of a man. Moral of the story... none. This game is mindless and I love it!
  9. cruiseashimself

    Couple of questions

    Zoom is your best friend now!
  10. cruiseashimself

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    Anyone else notice the zeds can hit you from really far away and you have to be standing literally on top of them to hit them with anything?
  11. cruiseashimself

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    you are probably right.
  12. cruiseashimself

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    I read that in the update list. But it wasn't making a swinging/hit sound and not registering a hit. Idk. Maybe it was just a a glitch, wrong place wrong time. Lol
  13. cruiseashimself

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    I got this with a bat trying to fend off two zombies. Zombies - 1... Me - 0are the zombies more aggressive this go around??? Normally in close proximity I can pull out the pull out my axe and have a hacking fest. Logged out in a barracks in balota. Logged in with the patch next to a zombie.... In the dark. Zombies - 2... Me - 0.
  14. cruiseashimself

    Im so bad at this game I'm almost crying

    Wait there are no castles in this game @ninjaontour?
  15. cruiseashimself

    Im so bad at this game I'm almost crying

    Don't worry... I do the same thing. I was in Balota with like 3 Canadians trying to get a guy out of a tower... who had a gun. What do I do...? Attempt to storm the castle with a fire axe. Needless to say I ended up on the tower floor cussing at the man with the gun from a black screen stating " YOU ARE DEAD" I always try to do the "right thing" and start a convo and state my business. Normally resulting a 7.62 to the face. Apparently SOME people have forgotten their people skills in the wasteland.
  16. cruiseashimself

    Zelenogorsk - the forsaken city

    did you shoot a guy laying in a bush next to the hangar??? ...that happened to be hiding there so no one would see him while he was away from his comp cuz his girlfriend was bugging him to help her pick out a bikini??? Cuz that was me. I'm still mad at you.