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About kaidan

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  1. kaidan

    add vss to the game

    I think it should be every weapon in the Chernarus army or russian army. are more m16 magazines that Soviet weapons, that makes no sense.
  2. kaidan

    add vss to the game

    that's good to know that most would like to see this weapon in the mod
  3. kaidan


    is this possible? http://i.imgur.com/eTqxa.jpg http://i.imgur.com/AjktJ.jpg http://i.imgur.com/Zv1HL.jpg (radio!) I stole these pictures from another forum and this guy looks suspicious. can you have so many things in the backpack?
  4. kaidan

    Change the Camo-Skin Model

    I know that, but I hope it is not only business and add more skins for the sake of mod
  5. kaidan

    Change the Camo-Skin Model

    I agree with you, but the spetsnaz camo is better. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=9396
  6. kaidan

    add vss to the game

    I know, but not in the mod, that's my point. I want the weapon in the mod. that would be amazing
  7. kaidan

    add vss to the game

    http://img1.liveinternet.ru/images/attach/b/3/14/735/14735431_02_VSS_Vintorez.jpg very nice weapon for the game and chernarus map, do not agree?
  8. fix zombies, their range of vision is ridiculous
  9. kaidan

    Bandit Skin or something like that

    I believe that the return of bandit skin could solve this problem. PD: +1