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About Arseassin

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Arseassin

    The Good 'Ole DayZ

    I agree completely. It was quite a blast to spawn in Prigo, only to be greeted by dozens of Makarov bullets raining in all directions around you, resulting in what often times turned into an old school western style shootout where you could literally yell at each other from behind cover, knowing that neither of you were a threat to each other outside of 20 feet. God those days were fun, back when a Winchester was the great equalizer.
  2. Arseassin

    The Good 'Ole DayZ

    Durrrrrr.... What in the hell was that video even supposed to be? You ran around Elektro looting random shit....
  3. Arseassin

    The Good 'Ole DayZ

    Be careful guys.. This guy is a real internet badass. I bet hes 6'7 and his triceps have triceps.... Probably rides a Harley, blaring Metallica too. The moral of this guys argument is: Dont you DARE say anything about the problems in DayZ - If they start wiping equip, he might actually have to learn how to get to the NW airfield using only a compass :o Just like the good ole dayz
  4. Arseassin

    Rarity of Alice Backpack?

    Alice packs are fairly common. However with the current state of DayZ - its easy to believe that Ghillie suits, AS50's, and Coyote packs are more common than Makarov ammo, since every other player is geared like that. (scripters anyone?)
  5. Arseassin

    What is DayZ now?

    What is DayZ? A playground for hackers. More questions?
  6. Arseassin


    You know what, you're right. Let me go over here and test out some of these featur---- Oh shit, just got thunderdomed.
  7. Arseassin


    If we believe its such an issue? Excuse me sir, but do you even play dayz? The game has nearly become a terrible version of battlefield with zombies. Everyone spawns in Cherno/Elektro, and deathmatches it out. The food chain starts at the top with all of the AS50 wielding SUPER LEGIT kids (because the AS50, Ghillie, and ALL survival tools are sooooo god damned common that of course 9 people in the hills of Elektro have them), and whittles down to the chumps running around with hatchets providing some sort of enjoyment for the scripting fat kids in the hills. Whats the point of even trying to survive when you know you will either die to a teleporter, get thunderdomed, or godmode/invisied by a nerd with unlimited ammo and time on his hands? Even if you do manage to survive your first 2 hours - you find a tent, hell, maybe even a vehicle or two, set up camp in some uber secret place that no one would ever find.. Except that at some point between you logging off and back on, a hacker has - SHOCKINGLY ENOUGH - flattened your tents and destroyed your vehicles leaving you stranded miles in the wilderness, only to run hours to a city and probably die on the way or as soon as you get there by - you guessed it - another hacking piece of shit. This game is literally getting assraped by hackers right now, its like that episode of South-Park where the new Indiana Jones movie comes out and they keep seeing him getting raped by the producers.... The DayZ team, as well as the community, are getting raped by hackers... Dont play it off like its some uncommon thing. "Go bitch at BattlEye if you believe its such an issue." no issue here AMIRITE?
  8. Arseassin


    The more posts about it, the more oppressive the tone is for the developers. Hacking literally makes this game unplayable and unenjoyable. The dev's are losing players by the thousands every week. There is no single game period that has this large of a hacker:legit ratio, and in a game where some of the best satisfaction comes from surviving for days on end, hackers can pose a serious threat to literally the entire community, which in turn takes money out of the dev's pockets.
  9. YEAH!!! Theres some sound advice. Play in servers with 5 people and enjoy the EXTREME CHALLENGE of running through buildings... Or maybe the HARDCORE ADRENALINE RUSH obtained by shooting the super scary zombies in the face.... Yeah.. This game wouldnt even pass as a worthwhile 2.99 android game if it didnt have 20+ people in a server. Quit avoiding the problem, unless you're so terrible that you somehow get a challenge from the zombies...
  10. Someone is a liar. I cant play on a fucking server for more than 2 hours without dying to a hacker. Typical routine: Spawn in Elektro Run to mountain Loot dead hacker with AS50-TWS & all tools Run to Stary Either die OTW to Stary by a teleporting scrub, or, as was the case a few minutes ago, manage to hear him in time to kill him, only to die to him 1 minute later when he reloads in because I was so dumb I actually assumed the kid might have been good enough to tail me for over 3km (good show julia, teleport hacks and I still roflsauced you) Exit DayZ and remember why I cant play non-lingor anymore. At least on Lingor you can get well geared in about 20 mins no matter where you spawn, as well as the fact that they are all private hives which prevents people logging to move behind you, and they are usually owned by clans who - if they are not hacking themselves - are fairly good about stalwartly policing their servers, thanks to GLOBAL CHAT BEING ENABLED SO WE CAN CALL THE SHITTIES OUT So sick of you kids saying "durr i dont see hackers" because you suck so fucking bad that you dont know youre dying to a hacker every 5 minutes - and BTW, scripters are the same as hackers as far as the game is concerned. I can deal with some punk spawning himself shit in every time he dies, because thats a telltale sign that hes too godaweful to pose a threat without a giant handicap, but when the kids start spawning behind you etc, its just plain dumb, and makes the game completely unplayable. You cannot even play in fucking 2 man servers anymore, literally 1/3 people are hacking in dayz now.
  11. Arseassin

    Official US 1040 Colony Thread

    Heres the thing tho bud, the server is not theirs to do with what they want. They are given the privilege of being able to host a DayZ server, following Rockets guidelines. They are not allowed to kick/ban players at will, it is admin abuse and Rocket WILL blacklist them, removing their ability to host a DayZ server. This game is not designed to cater to crybabies who want everything to be a safe cocoon of their chosing, its a god damned zombie apocalypse. You think some guys broadcasting a position of a safe haven with plenty of food/water/weapons/vehicles wouldnt attract the attention of organized hostile forces who would rather live by THEIR rules? That IS roleplaying, and in playing the role of a survivor safe haven, you must prepare for these kinds of things. The hackers are a different story, as well as the dickheads logging in behind the guys. I would love to play with a group of organized bandits attacking the camp LEGITLY using NON SPAWNED gear, for an entertaining fight, and I'm sure all of the people inside the camp would enjoy it as well, seeing as how it is a game depicting a zombie survival scenario, and this would be a very real part of that scenario.
  12. Arseassin

    Official US 1040 Colony Thread

    I will probably get a DMR or AS50 from some random script kiddie i kill with my makarov and come kill off your entire security force. Just be happy knowing that I will not log in a diff server to get a better position. I will attack the old fashioned way and give you an entertaining fight.
  13. Arseassin

    Official US 1040 Colony Thread

    Damn canadians.
  14. Arseassin

    Hackers, and the state of the standalone game?

    LOL--- YES, you are the only dayz player in the world who has only managed to see a hacker one time, and even moreso havent died to any. How much fun is it playing in <5 man servers that are pitch black ALL THE TIME? Quit acting like hacking isnt an issue, it is literally impossible to play dayz more than 2 hours now on ANY server without getting squashed by script kiddies either thunderdoming everyone, or spamming AS50's non stop
  15. Arseassin

    TUTORIAL BY paulsoaresjr!!!
