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Everything posted by starvingart

  1. starvingart

    Exp Update 0.61.137116

    Hey, I gave you guys notice that I had to pack it up for the night so don't act like I didn't Mr. Everybreezeknocksoutmyinternet ;) Still not a surprise, we had way too much shit horded near a high traffic spot and this was bound to happen, I'm just glad we sent each of those guys back to the coast and got to keep the rare gear! Oh and nice shots @emuthreat
  2. starvingart

    Exp Update 0.61.136887

    Nope, it was just north of Novo where the valley is so deep that it cuts into debug for a bit, so I drive further north to avoid it and not long after I turn and start driving back did the earth swallow me up. I wasn't far in, at that point, since I could see the tops of evergreen trees in the near distance.
  3. starvingart

    Exp Update 0.61.136887

    FYI don't try driving in the debug region for too long, the ground is hungry today.
  4. starvingart

    Exp Update 0.61.136770

    It's not DayZ that takes the screen shot it's Steam and the default key for that is F12 but you can change it under "Settings" then "In-Game".
  5. starvingart

    Exp Update 0.61.136770

    Ahh so you are the gillie head that killed me trying avoid you in Myskino Tents. I knew I should have shot first while I still had surprise, my mistake.
  6. starvingart

    Exp Update 0.61.136737

    So even though the last wolf was outside and couldn't reach me because I took some damage from them and crashed my character was reset? Am I understanding that correctly?
  7. starvingart

    Exp Update 0.61.136737

    I'll be sure to post this on the feedback tracker but as many of you have noticed zombies and wolves seem to only sometimes do damage however, after melee killing a wolf and skinning it my game crashed and upon re-entering the server my character was reset. Not sure if he died from damage that wasn't registering or something else but here's the evidence of the crash and wolf battle.
  8. starvingart

    Exp Update 0.61.136468

    Who said that?! /s
  9. starvingart

    Exp Update 0.61.136468

    Just a friendly reminder guys you can block users posts, messages, and more from showing up in the feeds! Just click on the gear icon that's to the right of your avatar and select Ignored Users. Ignore Option
  10. starvingart

    Exp Update 0.61.136468

    I don't believe new weapons will be added until the Player Controller is fully implemented which, I'm guessing, won't be until early next year.
  11. starvingart

    Exp Update 0.61.136297

    Oh my bad, it sounded like your sacrificed yourself, AKM and all, to save emuthreat and pook!
  12. starvingart

    Exp Update 0.61.136297

    Sounds like I'm not getting that AKM back huh :) Not sure how to properly embed pics here BTW I thought the Defib experiment was a bad idea, I knew those things killed living players in the early iterations of standalone, still not sure if they can revive an unconscious one, but I figured we'd give it another try. You know, for science.
  13. starvingart

    Exp Update 0.61.135961

    My main goal was to encounter a wolf pack but despite having played on the last two 0.61 builds I've had no luck. I hope that's not true!
  14. starvingart

    Exp Update 0.61.135961

    Hahahaha you're probably right. Today was my first chance to try out a 0.61 built and try a find some wolves, but despite a SW spawn and a nearly straight run toward wolf spawns after just an hour of on and off playing I have yet to find any. I was really looking forward getting mauled too ;p
  15. starvingart

    Exp Update 0.61.135961

    Well, it looks like the servers were taken offline :/
  16. starvingart

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    Same here and after reading the Status Report about the network code changes possibly keeping vehicles out of .61 completely I doubt I'll see my old team for awhile :/
  17. starvingart

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    So I've been playing the various experimental 0.60 builds, seeing the new sites and redesigned towns but aside from when I was a new spawn on the coast I never ran into anyone, until today that is. I'm looting Krasnostav looking for a dual truck wheel for the V3s I found in Klen, the server had just restarted and I was back in only this time my hot keys were all reset! Undaunted I run out of the woods thinking the town was quiet before the restart, it still should be, and moments later as I turn the corner of the Police station do I see a heavily geared, gillie hooded, killer, with his rifles sights on me he fires his first burst of automatic hell-fire, missing! AK74 in hand I instinctively shoot from the hip and spray him with half my mag taking the bastard down as his second burst connects spraying my blood draining my color dry. http://imgur.com/aGbUCXP "Not Cool" I say as I cautiously approach his ragged corpse blood still gushing from my shoulder wound when "KAPOW, Zing!" A mosin shot and a miss, but from where! I book it a safe distance, hide and patch up but like hell am I running now. A quick retrace of my escape path and I'm back behind the Police station, crouched, walking very slowly so that I would not be heard when Footsteps! The bastard is close but where! I peak out at the hooded body and nothing but the other direction I can now see a coward running into the tree line wearing a green mountain backpack. I have him in my PS0-1 sights for a second and then lose him, "Damn" I mutter. http://imgur.com/2TVAHTp Back at the killers corpse all is ruined except for his well maintained M4. What luck, I think to myself as I claim my prize, count my blessings and start my jog toward the NE airfield still hoping to find a truck wheel and a barrel to store my new toy. But I didn't even had a chance to fire the new gun for minutes later I run into a fresh spawn who let me hold him up a moment to verify that he had nothing to do with my deadly encounter. Well I'm not sure what came over me, maybe I was feeling lucky to be alive so I decided to hand over that bloody M4, partial mag and all, to my new friend here and wish him on his way. http://imgur.com/fP2H30Y The gods must have smiled upon me twice that day for it wasn't long before I found the pristine double wheel that I needed. Too bad my truck driving skills had waned and I promptly hit a tree :) http://imgur.com/vriOk0R
  18. starvingart

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    They're at the new military base that's due west of the NW town of Tisy. I've got some not great video of that area, including the range, uploaded to Youtube. It's not great because Shadowplay seems to have some issues with 0.60 and as it started getting dark the captured video looked black even though it didn't look that way in game. So I ended up trying to bring the color back in via my video editing software which helped but the colors start getting weird as the sun set. Here's a Link for those who are curious, like I said it's not ready for prime-time but whatever.
  19. starvingart

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    A frame from the video that I captured at the new, half finished, Tisy base! Sorry about the aliasing, forgot to tweak some video settings before I started recording but I was too excited!
  20. starvingart

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    Same here. After getting kicked my total exp servers listed is 12, where as a few hours ago it was over 20.
  21. starvingart

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    Yep. I was withing sight of new Tisy base and the server went down. It looks like they all did.
  22. starvingart

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    The message on the server, that I was just kicked from, said 12 hour restarts and it restarted at 7pm CST. I was on that server for about 45 minutes, my character was stuck spinning to the left and my Shadowplay wouldn't record, otherwise I'd show you guys. Either way after dying a few times it stopped doing that and actually ran really great on my system. North of Novoselky up to Zub my frames never went below 60 and averaged around 75 I bet. This is a great start! Now if only they'd open up some more servers....
  23. starvingart

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Forgot to mention on the Northeast 0-1 server :rolleyes:
  24. starvingart

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Sadly I don't think that I'll have a chance to get it running before this hits stable, or it gets taken! (real life shit!) It's 1.2,k north of Grishino, off the main road, only needed a glow plug; have at it!
  25. starvingart

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    I've got a bus almost ready to ride just a about a 1.2km north of Grishino, just could use some help getting another tire and a spark plug. PM me or visit The Riddlers teamspeak to help out. http://imgur.com/4EkvNSS