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Bubbles (DayZ)

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About Bubbles (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Bubbles (DayZ)

    Zombie Children YAY or NAY

    Any one who is against this idea for moral/ethical reasons, shouldn't play DayZ to begin with. You have the option to shoot human beings.... A child isn't any different.... Stop regurgitating your 19th century moral indoctrination and realize there is no difference between shooting a man, woman, or child... Is it ok to shoot midget zombies that are actually 27 and look like children? >Also inb4 you realize that the child isn't innocent and wants to kill you.... >Inb4 your realize if you adhere to abstract moral or ethical views , you don't have to shoot the child, and you can let it eat you....
  2. Bubbles (DayZ)

    Pretty convinced everyone is a bandit.

    It's more rational to be a "bandit" in most cases... Other players are armed with firearms and are capable of making the decision to kill me a in a split second. It makes more sense to seize the initiative, and kill the other player before he makes the calculation to kill me.. At longer ranges avoidance is an option, and I often take it. If I have nothing to gain. I've never shot an unarmed player, mainly because they don't have anything I would need/want. Killing people is a much more effective way of gaining supplies. Your basically converting all that characters time into your own. You kill 2 characters that have been alive 10 in game hours, and your going to end up with a lot of valuable supplies without having to deal with the zombie hordes.
  3. Bubbles (DayZ)

    Best way to find your friends?

    If you get enough electrical wire, and scrap metal, and are able to scavenge enough batteries you can build a teleporter that summons your friends. Google: Day Z Teleporter for the blueprints.
  4. Bubbles (DayZ)

    Survivers clan

    If you play on Northwest Servers I'm down. Send me a message on steam: Username: Swandazi Current Tag: Bubbles
  5. Kind of tired of grouping up with Random incompetents who get killed via falling off buildings, or running threw hordes of zombies firing a lee enfield despite being told otherwise... :angel: (god bless there souls) If any somewhat competent clans are recruiting drop me a message on steam. I think I could be an asset to most groups. Steamtag: Swandazi Cheers!