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Posts posted by [Outcasts]Massacre

  1. 1 hour ago, emuthreat said:

    You might notice how I only said things about you that I had evidence to support; from your own words.  Where do you get your information regarding my living arrangements?  We are in entirely different leagues, my friend.  Maybe I was a bit severe in calling you a cheater.  You are just a garden-variety, exploiting, ignoramus; my mistake.  Feel better now?

    If you wish to exchange insults and baseless speculation as to the whisker coverage of my neck, or the elevation of my computer, relative to the ground, please use PMs so as not to further clutter this topic.

    Thanks, Your Future Stepdad.

    Explain to me how I am exploiting anything when I have 2 accounts on 2 different steam installs on 2 different computers? We are in entirely different leagues indeed, I don't run my mouth and acuse people of being cheaters/exploiters without having proof. As for your whiskers, I never said that you are a basement dwelling neckbeard, I said you were a basement dwelling virgin. But apperently I was wrong seeing how you want to be my stepdad and my mom died several years ago that really leaves one option now doesn't it. But hey thats okay I'm all for the gay rights thing even tho I don't swing that way myself.

  2. 23 hours ago, emuthreat said:

    Not good enough to play game.  Buys a second copy as an offline loot locker.  Comes onto forums acting like something he say carries any weight at all, after outing himself as a cheater.  Priceless.

    Hahaahahaha.. Right. How is having access to 2 DayZSA accounts cheating? One steam account is mine, one is my Gfs. Not my fault you life in your mommies basement without a significant other. Forever alone scrub detected.

  3. On 27-2-2016 at 4:11 AM, [DGN] Johnny said:

    "Live off your back" motto. It's definitely got a long history of success. Never went as far as multiple characters, but in our evolution we definitely passed that stage. I think the big issue comes when you just have too many assets to reasonably even consider that method aside from personal favorites. Some time ago [DGN] hit a stash of nearly 9 Military tents, 2 car tents, and on the upper end of 30 barrels. Full of quality military and helicopter loot. And it's moments like that, in which you really start to hit that glass ceiling with that method, IMO. 



    Correct its one of the reasons we only store ammo and scopes that way. Oh, and can openers ;-)

  4. On 27-2-2016 at 1:23 AM, Whyherro123 said:

    See? This is why we can't have nice things.

    You do realize that by holding gear on an offline character, you are basically subverting the "whole point" of the loot system?

    BY hiding it in a base, it still remains part of the "system", and can be stolen by anyone, giving people a fair chance to actually, you know, experience the game. By holding onto it in the nether of the internet, you are preventing that.

    Wrong. Now the loot we hold respawns hence nobody is influenced by it.

  5. The only reason we ( that is my clan ) build bases anywhere is for there strategic value. Towers for overwatch, a way to dominate trade or commonly traveled paths. A place to take shelter in and fall back upon while drawing the enemy in. The storage thing doesnt really come into it since most of our important gear is stored on a offline character on a second account.

  6. The decline is steady if it was due to other games you'd see a sudden sharp decline not this. DayZ is slowly dying plain and simple. To little change, to much bugs, not enough intrest. The only way for DayZ to get back on its feet is for the devs to put in some serious game mechanics such as vehicles and bases and to allow player made servers/modding.

    • Like 2

  7. Ugh.


    I hate all this sniper talk.


    "Oooh, look at me! I'm a


    <3 SNIPER <3


    What does sniping bring to this game? What positive aspect to the survival experience does sniping bring?


    None. Zero. Sniping (and I hate that word...just typing it makes me cringe) is nothing more than a way for people to kill other players at long distance to fulfill some sort of sniper fantasy they have in their heads that other games, for some reason, just don't satisfy. 


    There is no survival purpose in sniping other players at 500 meters. There is no reason to snipe other players at long distances other than to get personal jollies that you hit somebody who had no idea you were sitting there. THere doesn't need to be more of an emphasis on sniping or long range combat. There is no interaction in it, there is no survival quality in it, there is no positive aspect or purpose in the "sniper fantasy". 


    Hitting targets at long distances in video games is ridiculously easy as it is. The last thing that this game needs it to cater to the mentality of the "sniper fantasy", which is a KOS playstyle with no positive aspects.


    Actually being able to take out targets before they know you are there and before they can react is survival. As for interaction, maybe i'm interacting with my spoter and maybe I simply do not want to talk to you, or play with you, or interact in any other fashion with you. Maybe I just want to shoot you in the face for shits and giggles.

  8. Its the large gold statue of me in Elektro.


    It'll be anatomically correct down to the last detail.


    Look upon my works ye mighty and dispair!




    We'd need a microscope for that and they aren't in game yet..... 


    ps, And don't tell me you didn't see that cumming comming!

    • Like 2

  9. Yeah exploit. It's a design flaw shared by many games featuring third person view that does give people who are using the third person camera an unfair advanatge they should not have. It does not help that it warps gameplay away from an immersive, authentic and enjoyable way to "who exploits the asymmetrical vision the most".


    Sure the game is designed as a first/third person game but in reality enabling third person makes it a third person game as it just gives you more information. It is not a matter of preference anymore - to make it a true first/third person game you should not get that information regardless of your chosen perspective. In fact the sole reason why there are first person servers is them serving as a refuge for people who really care about gameplay that doesn't revolve around a periscope game. Fix the third person view and there is no reason to split the playerbase anymore.


    1, It's not a design flaw but a feature wheter you like it or not.

    2, An unfair advantage means that something gives a select few an advantage. However since everybody can use said feature it is not an unfair advantage but simply an advantage.

    3, For it to count as an exploit i'd have to use cheats/hacks to give myself 3th person view which curcumvent the restrictions set on it. This is not the case so it's not an exploit.

  10. It won't spoil it, thats pretty much impossible.  As previously stated I'll simply toss each one I see into the sea :).


    Yay for being a douche I guess? Just because you don't like it doesn't mean other people don't like it,.

  11. Smoked salmon with philadelphia spread and a boiled egg on toast and some freshly ground coffee and orange juice.


    Or Bacon n Eggs on white bread with coffee.... Can't do anything without coffee....





  12. They shouldn't be gone for good. They should all respawn on server resets. Have like 5,000 on a server. Even at full pop it would take more than a 4 hour restart to clear the map. Even have like 500 zeds in towns like Cherno and electro. That would be a blast


    MMmm sounds fun untill you run into cherno with a average comp and watch your FPS go.... pfffrtttttwarblegarblenonotdoingitanymore.

  13. The expansion of new buildings is beginning to drastically impair performance so I think the current amount of buildings is enough untill rendering improvements are made


    No it doesn't the server doesnt even notice it. The Server doesnt render a thing building wise it only keeps track of where loot is and where players are. Performance issues are most likely client side or connection wise. which isnt afected by the map/buildings.

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