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Everything posted by [Outcasts]Massacre

  1. [Outcasts]Massacre

    Can you shoot through staircases or was this a hack?

    He could also have a buddy watching out for him... Me and my Bro do that all the time.. one provides overwatch while the other loots.
  2. [Outcasts]Massacre

    Soooo about Hardcore

    TY and fixed. That was actually the dutch version of the word :/
  3. [Outcasts]Massacre

    Increase traffic inland by removing the tents at Balota

    Dudes all the action is at Svetlo now and the NEAF. It's the new cherno/elektro.
  4. [Outcasts]Massacre

    Military Tents Spawn To Much Loot?

    Uhmm wut? o.O OT: Try playing on a 40 man server or a 100 man server OP then you'll realise there isnt nearly that much loot afterall....
  5. [Outcasts]Massacre

    Anybody know what this is?

    So, me and my bro were killing people around the NEAF when we ran into a group of people, we spotted them because they were doing rather odd stuff.. Like shooting around at stuff we couldn't see, we figured ghosts or some form of psychosis, so naturally we decided to end their suffering... A few well placed sniper shots later they were down and we went to investigate, wondering what it was that had them so spooked, and that is when we found this Did we just accidentally a hacker? Ps, I'm refering to the vicinity tab, look next to the 60 round mag.
  6. [Outcasts]Massacre

    Anybody know what this is?

    And in this case the bully was shooting another bully with infinite ammo... But hey, maybe you should tell the nanny that theres people shooting other people in your imaginary zombie Apocalyps game...
  7. [Outcasts]Massacre

    Anybody know what this is?

    First.. I'm not your son. Second... I'll play how i want to, when i want to, and if that hurts you're carebear feelings then im sorry, oh wait, no i'm not. DayZ isn't hello kitty online. It's a sandbox deal with it.
  8. [Outcasts]Massacre

    Anybody know what this is?

    Oops, we just left it there, :( it was out in the field north of the NEAF so not to obvious. We figured a server restart would take care of it..
  9. [Outcasts]Massacre


  10. [Outcasts]Massacre

    Can Nothing be done about MetaGaming in Dayz?

    Actually dude, I am a pentester, I work for a world leading provider of customer comunication solutions, and own my own server hosting company. Before you start sprouting of maybe you should share your qualifications, Because I know better then most people what my computer is sending, what is being tracked and not tracked, and which processes are being scanned. As for the tools your talking about... let me take a wild guess here.. tcpdump, wireshark, procexplorer, IDA, anything I'm missing? If so please share because curious minds want to know and share your knowledge. And as for origin.. initially it did scan more then it should and it got exposed now when you install it, it asks if it can scan your system for marketing purposes and send that information back. however what you dont seem to realise is this... There is a differance between scanning for know signatures and just scanning a system. When your scanning for known signatures it DISREGARDS everything that is not known because it simply not told to look for it. It's the same with antivirus.... It can also scan for what it already knowns even it's heuristics are based on known viral behavior. Nobody is looking at those scan results and going "oh look he visited redtube last night " the scanner is going is that exploit/virus/cheatZ? > no > disregard file.
  11. [Outcasts]Massacre

    Can Nothing be done about MetaGaming in Dayz?

    they didn't get banned for drawing FPS on your screen they got banned for using low level DLL hooks.
  12. [Outcasts]Massacre

    Can Nothing be done about MetaGaming in Dayz?

    Hacks interface directly with the DayZ code through injection or modification of the memory. They can scan for changes to their own code and for known hack signatures in memory or on disk. That means they scan only known pieces of code and disregard anything els. This is Gabe Newell valve CEO on what VAC does http://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/1y70ej/valve_vac_and_trust/
  13. [Outcasts]Massacre

    Can Nothing be done about MetaGaming in Dayz?

    They scan for known hack signatures thats something els entirely from blocking legitimate aplications. As for you remark about ToS thats utter bollocks so far no judge has ruled in favor of a invasive ToS since you simply can't waive your basic privacy rights, Imagine this going to court. Judge: So i hear your blocking legitimate aplications from running? why? BiS: Because of the meta game? Errrr, hello? sanity check, you there? Anti cheats such as VAC and Battleye specifically scan for known signatures and nothing els. everything els would be deemed a breach of privacy. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valve_Anti-Cheat https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BattlEye
  14. [Outcasts]Massacre

    Can Nothing be done about MetaGaming in Dayz?

    Where do they say they are against the use of 3th party voice coms?? They don't say that anywhere. It's you whos making retarded posts about blocking legitimate aplications from running in the background.
  15. [Outcasts]Massacre

    Can Nothing be done about MetaGaming in Dayz?

    Are you retarded or something? Are you really sugesting that they start blocking people from playing who have skype, mumble, or TS on the background? They aren't even allowed to scan my computer for that, it would be way to invasive and cause a huge privacy uproar in the community. I can already think of the headlines now
  16. [Outcasts]Massacre

    What are the most popular VoIP programs for DayZ?

    I went back to my OP and noticed that I didnt mention the player cap there as such I must apoligise to you seeing how your right in the context of that post. What I ment to say in my OP was that if you have a large clan ( more then the 32 slots for a non lisenced version ) you need to pay. However I didn't so again my apoligies for being a stuborn twat :/
  17. [Outcasts]Massacre

    What are the most popular VoIP programs for DayZ?

    Only the DayZ server limit has nothing to do with it my TS server has channels for EVE-Online, DayZ standalone, Dayz Epoch ect. The simple fact is that if you want to run a TS server for more then 32 people you'll have to pay plain and simple. Thats the only thing I said. Now you can go on bitching about it but that doesnt change the fact that those are the stats taken from the TS site itself, as opposed to mumble which is opensource and compleetly free regardless of how many servers or people you have on it.
  18. [Outcasts]Massacre

    Can Nothing be done about MetaGaming in Dayz?

    People who use 3th party coms or 3th person view are just as legit as those that don't. Your trying to force your way of playing on other people based on realism?? It's a bloody zombie survival game theres nothing realistic about it. And that huge disadvantage is bullshit as well you can just as easily use skype/mumble/ts as anyone.
  19. [Outcasts]Massacre

    What are the most popular VoIP programs for DayZ?

    32 slots isn't a lot at all for most clans nor does it take a incredible amount of bandwidth and the player cap sits somewhere at 100 players per TS server not 32. The point remains that if you want to run a TS server for more then 32 people you need a license which costs money as opposed to mumble which is free and scales up a lot better. As for the rest of your remark. English isn't my first language thus commenting on my spelling just makes you look childish.
  20. [Outcasts]Massacre

    Can Nothing be done about MetaGaming in Dayz?

    So what if your significant other aks you something personal? locking direct to open is a stupid idea. Realism isn't a blanket reason to force people to stop using 3th party voice programs. Also using 3th party coms isn't a exploit as some people would have you belief.
  21. [Outcasts]Massacre

    Can Nothing be done about MetaGaming in Dayz?

    Yes. They cant do anything against legit programs.
  22. [Outcasts]Massacre

    What are the most popular VoIP programs for DayZ?

    Your wrong. Unlicensed use of TeamSpeak 2 is limited to ten virtual servers with up to 1000 combined slots, while unlicensed use of TeamSpeak 3 is limited to one virtual server with up to 32 slots. This means that as soon as you start needing more slots or more servers your going to have to pay.
  23. [Outcasts]Massacre

    What are the most popular VoIP programs for DayZ?

    Mumble and TS only TS you need to pay for a server lisence where mumble server is compleetly free so I run both.
  24. [Outcasts]Massacre

    Domination, Subjegation, Manipulation. a Noobs Guide

    And this is where i'd shoot you on principle.... Also maybe you should keep shit like this out of game.... because, you know, it's a game. It's not a place to fuck around with peoples mind.
  25. [Outcasts]Massacre

    Are you kidding me?!?!?!?!

    You rubber banded to your death...