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Everything posted by [Outcasts]Massacre

  1. [Outcasts]Massacre

    In my opinion this game should focus on melee combat

    No. just no. This is DayZ not DayZ Knights.
  2. [Outcasts]Massacre

    Fire and smoke giving away your position?

    we actually had to idea to put a fire on up on the radio towers as beacons.... untill we noticed we could see them past 200m or so
  3. First of all awesome initative i was reading this at 3 in the morning my time and could barely keep myself from logging in to check things out. There is however one slight problem with your statement here. Most modern radios have a feature called CTCS which allows more operators on a single frequency without interrupting eachothers broadcast. You have to know or scan for those offsets otherwise you won't pick them up. This in effect means that you can keep people from picking up your signal unless they know what they are doing, people such as HAM radio operators know how to scan those freqencies. Also most modern VHF/UHF radios have a range upto 5 kilometers depending on antenna and wheter or not they are in a urban enviroment. Which can be extended by the use of radio repeaters which basically are local transmisters useually with a 70cm or a 2m antenna which boost your signal.
  4. [Outcasts]Massacre

    Anyone feel the .52 nerf to the V3S was too much?

    Those trucks are monsters in real life it should have no problem what so ever with that hill
  5. [Outcasts]Massacre

    Clarification on "Base Building"

    You sound a wee bit petulant there... If you don't get your way your out... oh no, now we must do it your way, can't loose you eh..
  6. [Outcasts]Massacre

    Clarification on "Base Building"

    Ghosting was looked into you cant spawn in a base if it isnt yours.
  7. [Outcasts]Massacre

    Famous Quotes That Apply To DayZ..Post Here

    Good quote indeed been my sig for months. If violence wasn’t your last resort, you failed to resort to enough of it. A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head. Do unto others. Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Take his fish away and tell him he's lucky just to be alive, and he'll figure out how to catch another one for you to take tomorrow. The enemy of my enemy is my enemy's enemy. No more. No less. A little trust goes a long way. The less you use, the further you'll go. That which does not kill you has made a tactical error.
  8. [Outcasts]Massacre

    64bit and multicore/threading

    I'll stand still for ya! ;) On a more serious note, you are correct intrestingly enough, how did you know i'm dutch and how do you know we're so close to the intercontinental pipe? Are you dutch to? And are you a network techie like me?
  9. [Outcasts]Massacre

    64bit and multicore/threading

    I got a ping of 17 to most NL servers about 25 to most UK servers... Fibre Optics FTW eh
  10. [Outcasts]Massacre

    Tired of spawning at the coast

    People spawn on the coast, make their way inlands to loot, then come back to die on the coast. Its the cycle of dayz life.
  11. [Outcasts]Massacre

    A "framerate killer" rain

    I beg to differ.... http://www.videocardbenchmark.net/gpu.php?gpu=GeForce+GTX+560+Ti Your card is on the bottom of the average cards. Where as non of my rigs has any issues rig 1 has a core i7 and a geforce GTX 780TI and the other has a core i5 and a geforce 770. Non of those cards seem to suffer frame rate drops when it rains.
  12. [Outcasts]Massacre

    Am I doing it right?

    Sniping is as much about patience and position as it is about shooting. Find a nice perch between two places with trafic and wait.
  13. [Outcasts]Massacre

    EU/UK - Private-Whitelist-RP server (TS and forums included)

    Cool i hit you up on skype and a PM
  14. [Outcasts]Massacre

    Worth making a private server with whitelist?

    I'd deffo be intrested in a whitelisted RP server and the community that probably will be created around it.
  15. [Outcasts]Massacre

    Lock picking from a lockpicking hobbyist

    Or you could use a bump key and a rock...
  16. [Outcasts]Massacre

    Char' restart & campers....

    Out of curiosity, what did you sign up for? I'm honestly curious what you expect from this game once it's finished.
  17. [Outcasts]Massacre

    Char' restart & campers....

    That is utter bollocks. There isnt a single PVP enabled game where the NPCS are a bigger threat then actual players and you know it. Zombies don't shoot back, don't hide, don't sneak up on you, don't snipe you, don't want your loot, don't use vehicles, don't team up, don't use tactics and the list goes on. Zombies are a annoyance and a possible threat when caught offguard nothing more, nothing less. The real danger is and will always be fellow survivors. You can argue all you want but it's a simple fact. Game AI will never be as resourcefull as a human nor does it have the ability to adapt. Current game mechanics simply do not provide for or allow an advanced enough AI to make zombies the threat you make them out to be.
  18. [Outcasts]Massacre

    Char' restart & campers....

    So your the one to tell us which mind set it suited for DayZ? Get the fuck over yourself DayZ allows KoS, in case you hadn't noticed its a valid playstyle and the Devs are doing shit to restrict it. People are the real threat in this game not the infected, people whom when given the opertunity will shoot you in the face without second thought. You beter learn to deal with it instead of whining about it on the forum every chance you get.
  19. [Outcasts]Massacre

    Why your character gets reset

    Servers don't reset you... They get their data from the DB... If they can't reach the DB you respawn empty because the client doesn't get a reply with your character data in it. Your character date contains your location, gear, last login, character state ect. What probably happend is that your friend wasnt able to reach the master db or it timed out for some reason. Its very likely that when he logs in again he will have his old character back. Mine vanished for 3 days in which i started a new character only to log in and suddenly have my old fully geared toon back.
  20. [Outcasts]Massacre

    Why your character gets reset

    Uhmmm no... Your character resets because the server you joined cant talk to the master db.
  21. [Outcasts]Massacre

    Ballistic Vest - What Should It Do?

    Actually plate carriers like these not only provide protection by insertable armor plates they are also highly modular. Mine has a 2l hydration pouch on the back, a coms pouch 3 dubble m4 mag pouches, a admin pouch, 2 pistol mag pouches and a holster strapped to it. Plus a dump pouch for empty mags, They kinda look like this then...
  22. [Outcasts]Massacre

    No Reload , Hacker Magazin

    Yep you caught him good. Nice work bro sadly can't give you more beans.
  23. [Outcasts]Massacre

    No Reload , Hacker Magazin

    Haaahaahahaahahaah owned... So much for OpSec huh...
  24. [Outcasts]Massacre

    Small Chernarus

    what does a other game have to do with dayz? Nothing. Stop telling people to play another game because you dont agree with them. The map _is_ small once they introduce things such as cars and choppers. Adding map space would be a good thing.
  25. [Outcasts]Massacre

    I'm sorry...

    cool story +beans